Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Fighting for Our Right to Irrigate Our Farms and Caretake Our Natural Resources

Table of Contents

           Media Contacts

Magazines   Newspapers

Radio Talk Shows 

Brian Wilson    [email protected]  Website:  www.brianwilson.net 
Brian is a big supporter and friend to the basin
KSF0 560 AM San Francisco  M-F 7PM-9PM   call in number: 415,510,408 or 707- 808-5600

Bill Wattenburg   [email protected]  web: http://www.pushback.com/Wattenburg/ 
and: http://www.kgoam810.com/djadditionalinformation.asp?djid=3552 
KGO 810 AM  Saturday - Sunday: 10:00 PM - 1:00 AM   call: 415, 510,408, or 707-808-0810

Geoff Metcalf  [email protected] 
 Website: http://www.geoffmetcalf.com 

Rush Limbaugh   [email protected] 
The Rush Limbaugh Show, #2 Penn Plaza, NY NY 10121

Mike Reagan 1-800-468-MIKE  www.reagan.com  

Barry Farber, 1-800-449-8255   www.talkradionetwork.com 

Ron Trumbo    [email protected] 
Michael Savage [email protected] 
Larry Yelder   [email protected] 

Radio Station: KKFJ 570 AM / KCNO FM Alturas  [email protected] 

Matt Drudge (Drudge Report) - [email protected] 

Joseph Farah (World Net Daily)- [email protected] 

John Stossel's "Give me a break" email page - http://abcnews.go.com/onair/2020/stossel_suggestions__mailform.html 

Bill Oreilly, (The O'Reilly Factor @ fox news)  [email protected] 

abc news (20/20, Ed Bradley, etc) - http://abcnews.go.com/service/Help/abcmail_news.html 

AgDay Television  ( Farm Journal Corporation ) 
Mail: P.O. Box 1062, South Bend, IN 46624
ph: 800-79-AGDAY  ph: 219-631-1313 (news desk)
Brian Conrady: Executive Producer, 219-631-1302, [email protected] 

Here's a Nice Media List .. from OWRC  

It has been suggested: Contact them, perhaps they will write an article

Western Water
Produced by the Water Education Foundation  web site link
Sue McClurg is chief writer  Email: [email protected] 
717 K Street Suite 517
Sacramento CA 95814
 Successful Farming  web site link
Gene Johnston: Managing Editor, email: [email protected] 
Cheryl Tevis:" Farm Issues Editor, email: [email protected] 
Cheryl Rainford: @griculture Online News Editor, [email protected] 
 1716 Locust Street/LN420
 Des Moines IA 50309-3023
Farm Journal Corporation
1818 market St
 Philadelphia PA 19103
Farm Journal Online  web site link

 California Farmer
 1355 Willow Way Suite 260
 Concord CA 94520
 CA Grower
 Rincon Publishing  web site link
 PO Box 370
 Carpinteria CA 93014

Newspapers and Other Media ( thank you Rose ) 

Wall Street Journal Editor, [email protected] 
USAT: Letters to the editor, [email protected] 
The Oregonian, [email protected] 
Sac Bee ltr ed, [email protected] 
Sac Bee Edit Howard Weaver, [email protected] 
Rush Limbaugh, [email protected] 
Ron Trumbo, [email protected]
Seattle Times, [email protected] 
NY Times, [email protected] 
Neil Ward [email protected], [email protected] 
Loggers World, [email protected] 
Alliance For America John Fulton Lewis, [email protected] 
Sac Bee reporter Jane Braxton Little, [email protected] 
LA Times Eric Bailey, [email protected] 
Feather River Bulletin Debra Coates, [email protected] 
Dan Adams KXTV Ch10, [email protected] 
Chico News & Review, [email protected] 
American Land Rights, [email protected] 
Blue Ribbon Coalition-sharetrails, [email protected] 
Bill Wattenburg-2, [email protected] 
Barbara Simpson-Worldnet, [email protected] 
American Logger's Council Scott Fish, [email protected] 
Micael Milstein Oregonian, [email protected] 
Diane Alden-NewsMax.com,  [email protected] 

Please send more links for the media,  
to be added here [email protected]

There may be duplicate entries, that's because several people contributed here.. thanks to you all .........



Table of Contents Homesteaders Contact


Page Updated: Saturday February 25, 2012 05:33 AM  Pacific

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