Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

To the attention of Mr. Craig Tucker, fellow campaigners and Klamath Water Users,
  (followed by Tucker's response)
Dear Craig, and fellow friends of the ENVIRONMENT, 7/4/07
I have been following your cause over the internet and thought it time to talk to you guys. Our ancient land down-under (Australia) is like the rest of the world suffering once again from mans interference with nature. The influence on our aquatic environments from our fellow man spreading the land with super - phosphates to enhance crop yields replenish nutrients grow more, better, quicker etc has finally up with us.
The point source discharge of waste product from waste water treatment plants, septic systems leaching into the soil and eventually our environment are further examples of continued eutrophication of our water bodies. Furthermore the eutrophied water bodies in the Power Industry experience increased and continual algal blooms. The nutrients are continually cycled up, all a part of the dams use for the cooling process.
Craig, in the USA I believe aluminium sulphate (''ALUM'') is applied to some eutrophied water bodies, I find this quite amazing. The use of alum is ok in a controlled water authority reservoir, but no, please not in the natural environment such as the very dams and waters you are trying to protect, besides alum does not totally bind up phosphorus and it is eventually re-released to once again fuel the cyanophyta. 
Craig, Phoslock Water Solutions www.phoslock.com.au  are an organisation with the ability to offer the holistic solution. We look at the whole system from the limnological aspects to nutrient capacity (water and sediment sampling) of the lake or dam and combine a total water/nutrient management solution using our product Phoslock, a natural modified bentonite. We would encourage you to view our website as well as our licensees Cetco under www.phoslock.com to gain a better understanding.
We are currently undertaking negotiations in Europe to remediate a 1200 hectare lake, we have completed several other projects globally and of course within Australia.Craig, by co-incidence I am flying to Queensland in Northern Australia next week to meet with two major Australian Power Generation companies to discuss Phoslock treatments for their lakes/dams because of toxic blue green algae blooms.
I hope we are able to be of service, there is nothing else like Phoslock in the world that we are aware of and I believe Phoslock is a better solution than getting rid of the dams, the clock can be re-set with Phoslock and perhaps this is something that can be put forward to Warren Buffet. If you would like send me some data and I will compile a rough estimate of the cost, I believe Mr. Buffet would be quite surprised if it were presented to him, there are in fact added benefits for the power stations that can be elaborated on which would see some costs infact reduced and efficiencies increased.
Data required for rough estimate;
Size of reservoir/lake in hectares;
Total phosphorus levels;
filtrable reactive phosphorus levels;  
When do the blooms occur, species of cyanophyta, any limnological data, anoxic zones etc etc
Craig, I have attached (Attachment #1, #2,) some recent data that shows after the treatment of the reservoir with Phoslock the shift in toxic blue green algal species to ''healthy greens'' a natural part of any good eco system. 

 The environment does not understand cost and can not be continually meddled with hence when we work with such systems we do it right the first time from the start. We can do this for the Karuk people and Warren Buffet's PacifiCorp.

Craig, I would ask you to share this information with the BGA Working Group and others. We have an extremely competent technical team which also includes Dr. David Garman, the current chairman of the International Water Association and leading authority in this area.
I have copied in our licensee manager responsible for Phoslock in the USA, Mr. Jim MilIler.
In anticipation
Sean McKinney
Australian Sales Manager
Phoslock Water Solutions
235 Sutherlands Road
Riddells Creek
Victoria 3431
03 54 286588
0433 989123
[email protected]

From Craig Tucker to KBC: "Thanks for forwarding this along. It would be worth better understanding what they could to address the algae problem. But note that our push for dam removal comes with or without the algae as the dams remain a barrier to the recovery of salmon even if the human health threat of the toxic algae blooms were addressed." S. Craig Tucker, Ph.D., Klamath Campaign Coordinator, Karuk Tribe of California
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