Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
To KBC News
February 9th KCC meeting regarding "IN GOD WE TRUST" sign from Tom Mallams, Klamath County Commissioner, posted 2/7/16 (* (Klamath) County to display 'In God we trust' motto, H&N, posted to KBC 2/7/16) KBC Note: you may email comments to
[email protected] also)
The Board of Commissioners meeting is scheduled to
start at 9:00 AM, Tuesday, Feb 9th, and we do have a
number of items on the agenda. The normal format is
having all agenda items presented and action taken
on all of them with “public comment” after last
agenda item is finished. After the general public
comments, the last item is Commissioner Reports,
where each Commissioner may answer questions that
were raised in public comments and also may make
general comments on any topic they choose.
I have requested that all specific public comments
on the National Motto agenda item be taken
immediately after the Resolution is read, but before
deliberation and the resulting vote. I have not
heard if this has been decided on yet. This would
be a “Chair” decision.
Normally, a draft agenda is posted on Thursday or
Seating may be an issue. We have an overflow room,
#214, next to the #219 Hearing Room. Room 214 has
audio but no video streamed.
I encourage any and all to be in attendance. Let
people know that if they can’t be there or they will
be there but do not intend on speaking, please send
or bring in written comments with written
request for their comments to be read into the
record. Make sure staff or I have copies
sent or hand delivered to me before the meeting
This is also a perfect opportunity to involve
younger citizens in this important issue we are
dealing with. The long term ramifications of this
issue are too huge to quantify, especially for the
I am making a suggestion that any of you that may be
involved in activities such as any age youth Sunday
school classes, youth groups, bible study groups of
any age, get them involved before Tuesday’s meeting.
There is a Sunday coming up that could reap many,
many letters short or long, written in pencil,
crayons, pen , computer or in
emails . I would love to see literally boxes
of letters come in with a written request on each
letter to be read into the record. What a life long
example this could be for young and old.
We have before us one of those special, rare
opportunities to make a long lasting, positive
difference in our community. If you do not
participate, I guarantee you will regret missing
this opportunity for the rest of your life!!
Thanks so much,
[email protected] "
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Page Updated: Sunday February 07, 2016 10:34 PM Pacific
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