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John Coleman's Forecast & Take On Global Warming

John Coleman's Forecast & Take On Global Warming

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Comments about Global Warming

By John Coleman, [email protected]  November 8, 2007 KUSI News
John Coleman, Founder of The Weather Channel, TV Meteorologist KUSI-TV, San Diego

It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming... It is a SCAM.

Some scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long-term scientific data back in the late 1990's to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental wacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the "research" to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus.

Environmental extremists, notable politicians among them, then teamed up with movie, media and other liberal, environmentalist journalists to create this wild "scientific" scenario of the civilization threatening environmental consequences from Global Warming unless we adhere to their radical agenda.

Now their ridiculous manipulated science has been accepted as fact and become a cornerstone issue for CNN, CBS, NBC, the Democratic Political Party, the Governor of California, school teachers and, in many cases, well informed but very gullible environmental conscientious citizens. Only one reporter at ABC has been allowed to counter the Global Warming frenzy with one 15-minute documentary segment.

I do not oppose environmentalism. I do not oppose the political positions of either party.

However, Global Warming, i.e. Climate Change, is not about environmentalism or politics. It is not a religion. It is not something you "believe in." It is science, the science of meteorology. This is my field of life-long expertise. And I am telling you Global Warming is a nonevent, a manufactured crisis and a total scam. I say this knowing you probably won't believe me, a mere TV weatherman, challenging a Nobel Prize, Academy Award and Emmy Award winning former Vice President of United States. So be it.

I have read dozens of scientific papers. I have talked with numerous scientists. I have studied. I have thought about it. I know I am correct. There is no run away climate change. The impact of humans on climate is not catastrophic. Our planet is not in peril.

I am incensed by the incredible media glamour, the politically correct silliness and rude dismissal of counter arguments by the high priest of Global Warming.

In time, a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious. As temperatures rise, polar ice cap melting, coastal flooding and super storm pattern will all fail to occur as predicted, and everyone will come to realize we have been duped.

The sky is not falling. And, natural cycles and drifts in climate are as much if not more responsible for any climate changes underway.

I strongly believe that the next twenty years are equally as likely to see a cooling trend as they are to see a warming trend.


The Canadian Broadcasting Company's Cable News Network produced an excellent documentary on Global Warming. It is titled " Doomsday Called Off ". Here are the YouTube URLs to watch it in five parts:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Professor Bob Carter delivered a 35 minute lecture on global warming. If you are in an academic mood, it is excellent. It was recorded and posted in four parts on Youtube. Here are the links:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

I am a member of ICECAP.US, a website dedicated to refuting global warming.

Some people may want to see the research behind my dismissive attitude about Global Warming. If you want to wade through scientific jargon, here are some relevant websites:










John Coleman, Founder of The Weather Channel, TV Meteorologist KUSI-TV, San Diego

John Coleman has been a TV weatherman since he was a freshman in college in 1953 and TV was brand new. He still loves predicting the weather and relating to the television viewers. “I also love working at KUSI NEWS”, he adds. “It is a rare thing; a locally owned and managed TV station. And, there are dozens of wonderful people who work here.” John has predicted and shoveled his share of snow. He has been a TV weatherman in Champaign, Peoria and Chicago, Illinois; Omaha, Nebraska, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and New York City. For seven years he was the weatherman on “Good Morning, America” on the ABC Network.

John also cooked up the idea of a cable channel devoted to nothing but weather and spent six years developing “The Weather Channel” on cable. “That’s my baby”, he says. “The bad guys took it away from me, but they can’t steal the fact that it was my idea and I started it and ran it for the first year. I put everything I had into making TWC the success it is.” “As for my “retirement job” at KUSI, it’s the most fun I ever had. And the people of San Diego County have been wonderful to me for well over a decade. That’s very, very nice. And, that’s all I have to say.” With that Coleman gets down to work predicting the weather one more time.
See John’s blogsite



Within the spirit of the first amendment, the following broadcast and private meteorologists support an objective consideration and an earnest and open discussion of all aspects of climate change.

Michael E. Adams, Ph.D, Senior Principal Scientist, General Dynamics Information Technology
David Aldrich, Meteorologist, Fox 29 WTXF Philadelphia
Randy Baker, Aviation Meteorologist, KY
William Bauman, Ph.D. Program Manager/Meteorologist ENSCO
Justin Berk, Meteorologist, ABC2 (WMAR), Baltimore
Andre Bernier, Meteorologist, WJW-TV, Cleveland, OH
Sally Bernier, Meteorologist, WJW-TV, Cleveland, OH
Karl Bohnak, Chief On-Camera Meteorologist and author, WLUC-TV, Marquette, MI
Bob Breck, Chief Meteorologist FOX 8, New Orleans
Mark Breen, Senior Meteorologist, Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium, St. Johnsbury, VT
Tom Chisholm, Chief Meteorologist, WMTW ABC Channel 8 Portland, ME
Anthony J. Colby, Meteorologist, WKYC-TV 3
John Coleman, Chief Meteorologist, KUSI-TV-9. San Diego and founder of The Weather Channel
Paul Cousins, Managing Director, AtmosForecast, Portland, ME
Bob Durrenberger, Past President, American Association of State Climatologists
Terry Eliasen, Meteorologist/Executive Weather Producer, WBZ-TV, Boston, MA
Gordon J. Fulks, Ph.D., Physicist, Gordon Fulks and Asssociates. La Center, WA
Arlo Gambell, CCM, Aviation Meteorologist, Nashua, NH
Mel Goldstein, Ph.D., Chief Meteorologist News Channel 8, Hartford, CT
Eugenio Hackbart, Chief Meteorologist, MetSul Meteorologia Weather Center, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil
Jeff Halblaub, Meteorologist, Byron Center, MI
Ross Hayes, former CNN Weather Producer, NASA Balloon Facility
Art Horn, Meteorologist, The “Art” of Weather. Manchester CT
Craig James, WOOD-TV, Grand Rapid, MI
Tim Kelley, Meteorologist, NECN, Boston, MA
Kevin Lemanowicz, Chief Meteorologist, Fox 25, Boston, MA
Jerry Lettre, Senior Meteorologist, WSI, Andover, MA
Peter McGurk, Senior Meteorologist, WSI, Andover, MA
Bill Meck, Chief Meteorologist, WLEX-TV, Lexington, KY
Dennis Miller, Former Senior Meteorologist/Programmer, WSI
Nick Morganelli, Free-Lance Meteorologist NECN, WFSB
Steven Nogueira, NWS Senior Meteorologist
Paul Nuttall, Political Adviser to the IND/DEM Group in the European Parliament, UKIP Party, UK
Ben Papandreau, Senior Meteorologist, Andover, MA
Christopher Plonka, Major, Meteorologist, USAF
Jason Russell, Freelance TV Meteorologist, Albany NY, City Councilor, Westfield, MA
Terry Safford, Private Meteorologist. Lt. Col. USAF
Bruce Schwoegler, Meteorologist,Chief Technology Officer, MySky.com
James R. Stalker, Ph.D., President, RESPR, Inc., Las Cruces, NM
Bill Steffen, Meteorologist, WOOD-TV, Grand Rapids, MI
Herb Stevens, The Skiing Weatherman, Grass Roots Weather, North Kingston, RI
Dennis Stewart, Meteorologist, Account Executive, AWS
Brad Sussman, Meteorologist, FOX 8 Cleveland
Bill Wadford, Member
Chuck F. Wiese, President, Weatherwise, Inc., Portland, OR
Kevin Williams, Chief Meteorologist, WHEC Rochester, NY


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