Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Date: Tuesday August 16
2005 at 4:00 AM Down at the mouth on the Klamath some big fish are starting to show. On Monday a 37 pounder was caught and Sunday a 35 pounder. Up river the fly bite was a little tough for steelhead fishing with only a few fish being caught. It seems like more fish are now starting to stage down at the mouth and a few are starting to run up river. We should start to see the first big push of fish sometime soon. Thanks Tim King Date: Sunday August 14
2005 at 9:00 PM The last few days we have had some good days and tougher fishing days but we have caught fish every day. Yesterday the steelhead fishing was pretty good in the morning we had a couple of 8 year olds and there dads out and everybody landed some nice steelies . We then headed down to the mouth for some salmon fishing but we were a little late getting down there and most of the fish had already been caught earlier in the morning. There are a few salmon starting to head up river and quite a few steelhead too. We will be switching over from targeting the kings down at the mouth to drift fishing for them up river soon. The fly fishing is still good and the best time is during the week when there is less pressure we did see a few caught on flies over the weekend. Thanks Tim King Date: Tuesday August 8
2005 at 8:00 PM Down at the mouth this morning the bite was a little slow we picked up a couple of kings before we quit around noon. There are a few fish starting to move up river the orchard starwein and blue creek have a few salmon moving through them now and things will really pick up in a couple of weeks up there. Thanks Tim King |
Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM Pacific
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