Proposed research project could change coast
fisheries management
By Joel Gallob Of the
News-Times 6/30/06
One of the projects being
funded in the state's effort to aid displaced
commercial salmon fishers holds the potential to not
only help becalmed salmon trollers but also do a
whole lot more. A research project that will create
a database detailing which parts of the ocean are
used by different salmon from different rivers,
streams and hatcheries could become the basis for "a
new era in fisheries management and fish marketing,"
says Gil Sylvia, Superintendent of the Coastal
Oregon Marine Experiments Station (COMES) in
That is not the present goal of the pilot project
funded last week by the legislative Emergency Board,
Sylvia notes, and COMES made it clear to the E-board
it understands this funding reality. For the
present, Sylvia and others with the research project
aim to aid displaced salmon fishers and utilize
their skills and knowledge of the ocean to benefit
science and fisheries management while doing so.
But over the long haul,
the research project - which involves scientists and
fishermen in cutting-edge genetics research,
bar-coding of salmon, and the potential for
"near-real-time management of fisheries" -
represents a potential revolution in how coastal
fisheries are managed and their fish marketed.
And that applies off the entire West Coast, from
Alaska through British Columbia, down to southern
Currently, scientists seek to track salmon by
clipping the fins of hatchery-born fish and/or
inserting a thin data-bearing wire into the lip of
the fish. Once caught, those devices can provide
scientists with data about fish migrations. But that
works only for hatchery fish, and the amount of data
produced is limited.
By using DNA sampling, genetic testing and the study
of salmon otoliths (ear bones), Sylvia and his crew
of scientists, graduate students and fishermen hope
to take fisheries management into a new, more
flexible era.
The project began, Sylvia said, when Senator Ron
Wyden (D-OR) asked scientists at Oregon State
University last year if there was a way researchers
could help with the problems of the Klamath River
Chinook. Low abundances among those salmon prompted
this year's virtual commercial salmon season closure
on 700 miles of Oregon and California coast. COMES,
Sylvia said, quickly got back to Wyden with the idea
of genetic sampling and tracking salmon for
scientific, management and marketing purposes.
Various research involved
Several kinds of research are involved, with several
potential benefits.
The central concept was to find a way to track
salmon over time as they make their way through the
ocean. Two kinds of data are needed for this: one
set that tells where the fish came from, the other
that tells where they were caught and the ocean
conditions at that time and place.
With 10,000 fish likely to be caught and tagged in
the pilot project, and 2,000 of them analyzed, the
scientists at COMES hope to gain insights into where
fish from different streams travel and feed, and
whether they mix or stay with others from their
parent stream.
That, in turn, might let future regulators close
fishing only along a certain path or location in the
COMES is working with fishermen who will be going
out in the current limited season. On-board data
loggers, or log books, will be used to record the
depth at which a given fish was caught and the
temperature at that depth, the ocean salinity and
ocean conditions.
But that's only the beginning of the data base to be
Samples from fish scales, and/or from their otoliths,
can tell a lot about the fish, specifically, what
genetic subdivision an individual comes from. With
several years of DNA data now accumulated from the
sampling of fish in streams and hatcheries,
scientists can fingerprint which stream a fish
caught at sea came from.
Also, there are oxygen isotopes - atomically
different forms of a given element - that show up in
different quantities in the otolith of fish from
different streams.
Further, the otoliths grow like tree rings. The
oldest, smallest rings, can tell scientists what
stream a fish came from by their oxygen isotope
levels; and later, younger rings can provide data on
where the fish have been between their home stream
and the site they were caught. All this requires a
solid background database, but that database exists.
With it, the scientists should be able to tell with
a high level of certainty just what stream a given
salmon calls home.
With enough salmon caught, patterns are likely to
emerge, and this information could change fisheries
But questions remain. For one thing, it will take a
lot of data and much study before researchers can
reach high levels of certainty - not for individual
fish but for whole runs and whole rivers. Initially,
there will be questions of whether apparent patterns
are true patterns or false signals that will wash
away with new data.
Then there is the problem of changing ocean
conditions. First, there is the several-years-long
El Niño and La Nina cycles, and the longer-term
pulse called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. On top
of that there is the marine side to global climate
Yet one must start somewhere, and with the pilot
program now funded, Sylvia hopes to get nine or ten
months of fishing, working closely with coastal
commercial fishermen, that will begin the process of
building the ocean-side data sets needed.
Doing so will take more than one year, though. COMES
continues to work with Wyden and the entire Oregon
congressional delegation to seek federal funds for a
three-year program, during which the data could
really be built up.
Ultimately, Sylvia says, the information could lead
not only to improved fisheries management, but to
greatly increased added value in the fishing
A fish could be shown to have come from one or
another wild Oregon stream, and marketed as such.
The fisherman who catches it would not only log data
about the fish, but add a bar code on a wire tag.
With that, the fish could be tracked and its origin
and place of catch made known, from ship to seafood
buyer to retail outlet to the dinner table. High-end
buyers (for restaurants or for families at home)
could buy the fish with a history of where it came
from and where and when it was caught
A project like this - termed CROOS, for Cooperative
Research on Oregon Ocean Salmon - is not
accomplished by scientists only. The group working
on this effort, he reports, includes several
institutions - Oregon State University, the Oregon
Salmon Commission, and Sea Grant - and several
fishermen, including Scott Boley, Jeff Feldner, Mark
Newell, Paul Heikkila, Blob Kemp, Palk Merz, as well
as former fisherman and Lincoln County Commissioner
Terry Thompson.
Heikkila, Feldner, Boley, Kemp and Merz, he adds,
began work on the project as volunteers, well before
the E-board learned of it, helping bring the effort
to the point where the E-board would consider
funding it. Graduate student Renee Bellinger
"juggled several balls," Sylvia said, and Michael
Thompson at Sea Grant and Jessica Miller at COMES
both began designing protocols and analyzing samples
for the project even before there really was a
Although cutting-edge, the effort is not unique.
"British Columbia is doing this now," Sylvia
reports, "though they're not using fishing boats.
But they are doing daily genetic sampling." There,
too, a key purpose is to enable more precise fish
management. California is collecting similar data,
but only on the sport fishing side.
Over the longer term, all their data bases may be
linked, enabling a regional management regime
attuned to localities and local needs.
"It's very exciting; it's a new era for fisheries
science, fisheries management, and fish marketing,"
Sylvia says.
Joel Gallob is a reporter for the News-Times. He can
be reached at 265-8571, ext. 223 or
[email protected] |