March 23, 2007 CB Bulletin
The Northwest Power and Conservation Council has
asked for input on how it might update the
guidance document it has used since 1997 in
considering ocean conditions when making fish and
wildlife project funding recommendations.
"It needs to be updated, clearly," Peter Paquet,
acting director for the NPCC's Fish and Wildlife
For more information and the 1997 ocean conditions
issue paper go to
A wide variety of research has been carried out in
recent years in an attempt to better understand
the ocean's effects on fish and wildlife, and
particularly Columbia River basin salmon and
steelhead that spend their early months in
freshwater but mature in the ocean before
returning to spawn.
That new scientific knowledge should be tapped to
update the Council's 1997 issue paper,
Consideration of Ocean Conditions in the Columbia
River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program, Paquet
The Council is asking for comments on how the
paper should be revised to reflect new
information. The updated paper would be used as
the Council amends the program, a yearlong
Northwest Power Act process that will likely be
launched in October or November, and also in
considering the design of future project funding
In particular, the Council seeks comment on:
-- How any revision of this policy paper should
incorporate the current state of scientific
information about the influence of ocean
conditions on fish and wildlife populations.
-- How the Council should incorporate ocean
conditions in reviewing management actions funded
through the program.
-- The emphasis the Council should place on
proposals to improve estuary and near ocean
conditions for fish and wildlife.
-- The emphasis the Council should place on
research proposals for ocean, near ocean and
estuary conditions.
-- How the Council should take into account and
coordinate with other ocean and climatic programs
addressing Columbia River salmon populations.
Comments should be sent by April 30 to:
Peter Paquet, acting Fish and Wildlfie Division
Northwest Power and Conservation Council
851 SW Sixth Ave., Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204-1348
Fax 503-820-2370
Or e-mail: [email protected]
A 1996 amendment to 1980 Northwest Power Act says
that "in making its recommendations" to the
Bonneville Power Administration, the Council is to
"consider the impact of ocean conditions on fish
and wildlife populations."
Based on that limited congressional guidance, the
Council developed an issue paper and has used it
in subsequent project funding reviews and
The Council was created at the power act's
directive and it was charged with developing a
fish and wildlife program to protect, mitigate and
enhance fish and wildlife affected by the
construction and operation of the federal Columbia
basin hydrosystem. BPA, which markets the power
generated in the system, was charged with
providing funding in a manner consistent with the
Council program, which itself is updated through
that public amendment process.
The 1997 paper surmised that, "because the two
primary ways fish and wildlife managers can
influence salmon survival in the ocean are through
preserving life-history diversity in salmon and
improving estuarine and near-shore conditions,
staff proposes to 'consider the impact of ocean
conditions on fish and wildlife populations' by:
--Evaluating the impact of projects, strategies
and the fish and wildlife program on salmon
productivity and diversity; and
-- Evaluating the impact of projects, strategies
and the fish and wildlife program on the
conditions of estuarine and near-shore ocean
The NPCC staff-generated paper said that "there
are three general ways in which oceans have been
viewed over time."
"One view is that the production of adult salmon
can be determined and manipulated in direct
proportion to number of juvenile fish supplied to
the ocean," according to the paper.
"Realization, over the last decade, of the
variability in ocean survival of salmon has led to
an alternative perspective that views the ocean as
the ultimate governor of fish populations," the
paper says.
"The first two ocean perspectives discussed above
view the freshwater and marine environments as
distinct and separable habitats. The perspectives
differ in regard to the relative importance placed
on either area. More recent thinking about
ecosystems and their importance to species of
interest, such as salmon, as well as a greater
understanding of the ocean have led to a third
view in which the ocean is seen as an integral
ecosystem component.
"This third view of the ecosystem can be
summarized in the following points:
-- The ocean cannot be viewed as being unlimited.
Ocean conditions and capacity do vary and can be
-- Freshwater and marine environments are not
independent. There is evidence that variation in
the two environments are linked and that both are
integral parts of the salmonid ecosystem.
-- The estuary is an important bridge between
these two portions of the ecosystem. Conditions in
the estuary can be an important determinant of
early ocean survival of salmon.
-- Environmental variability is an inherent
feature of the ecosystem of salmon. As a species,
salmon accommodate this variability through a
similar variety in physical and behavioral
"These three different perspectives affect how
management actions are shaped in freshwater, the
estuary and the ocean," the 1997 paper says. "The
shift of management focus toward the entire salmon
ecosystem recognizes that even though the ocean is
variable, management actions -- particularly those
in freshwater systems -- are still relevant. Staff
sees four major ways to reflect the impact of
ocean conditions in salmon recovery actions:
-- Take no new actions
-- Modify actions in freshwater
-- Take direct steps to enhance the marine
-- Improve forecast and management ability.