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Pacific Coast – Recovery Plan for Klamath River Coho Salmon Available Online

7/19/07 NOAA Fisheries Fish News

NOAA Fisheries has announced the completion of the Klamath River Coho Salmon Recovery Plan. This document fulfills a requirement in the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act that a recovery plan for Klamath River coho salmon be completed and made available to the public by the Secretary of Commerce within 6 months of the enactment of the Act (on January 12, 2007). This recovery plan was developed to satisfy that legal obligation and should not be confused with the recovery plan that NOAA Fisheries is currently developing for the federally-listed Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast coho evolutionary significant unit under the Endangered Species Act.

NOAA Fisheries has compiled and synthesized the best available information on coho salmon in the Klamath River in a cohesive framework to develop the Magnuson-Stevens recovery plan. This plan draws heavily on existing recovery and restoration plans developed with substantial stakeholder participation. The Magnuson-Stevens recovery plan presents long-range guidance for various agencies, organizations and individuals to use as they consider taking actions or pursuing projects that may affect Klamath River coho salmon.

For more information, contact [email protected].

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