Fisheries has proposed to designate critical
habitat for 13 Evolutionarily Significant Units
(ESUs) of Pacific salmon (Chinook, chum, coho,
sockeye) and O. mykiss (inclusive of anadromous
steelhead and resident rainbow trout) listed
under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The
specific areas proposed for designation include
approximately 27,553 miles of lake, riverine,
and estuarine habitat in Washington, Oregon, and
Idaho, as well as approximately 2,121 miles of
marine nearshore habitat in Puget Sound,
Washington. The proposed rule, maps, and other
materials relating to this proposal can be found
on our website at:
However, NOAA Fisheries is considering
excluding many of these areas from the final
designation based on existing land management
plans and policies, voluntary conservation
efforts and other factors that could
substantially reduce the scope of the final
designations. The public is invited to submit
additional information and comments on all
aspects of the proposed designation. A schedule
of public hearings is posted on the Northwest
Region’s website (see above).
Comments on this proposed rule will be
accepted for 60 days. Requests for public
hearings must be made in writing within 45 days.
Detailed instructions for submitting comments
are provided in the proposed rule.
For further information, contact
[email protected]
[email protected].