Endangered Species Act
THE 22ND OF AUGUST. For those of you
attending, please let us know. Hopefully,
this e-mail communication will provide you with
the information to assist in formulating your
written/verbal comments you want to bring to the
hearing. It is imperative that our farmers and
foresters show up enmasse
to say "Thank You for coming to listen to us"
because we have plenty to say about the
ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT and its inefficiencies. Paulette
Pyle -
[email protected]
Katie Fast/Gail Greenman of Oregon Farm Bureau -
[email protected] or
[email protected].
Chris West
[email protected] |
The Endangered Species Act
(ESA) was enacted in 1973 to provide a means whereby
threatened and endangered species could be
conserved. A species of plant or animal is
considered endangered if it is in danger of
extinction throughout all or a significant portion
of its range. A species is considered threatened if
it is likely to become an endangered species within
the foreseeable future.
When the law was enacted, there were 109 species
listed for protection. Today, there are roughly
1,000 U.S. species listed as threatened or
endangered, nearly 300 species considered as
“candidates” for listing, and nearly 4,000 “species
of concern.” The authorization for federal funding
of ESA activities expired on October 1, 1992, though
the U.S. Congress has appropriated funds in each
succeeding year to keep the program active.
The Counterpart Regulation became effective in
September 2004 and governs how the U.S,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determines the
effects of pesticides on endangered species,
including consultation with the Fish and Wildlife
Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service
(the Services) as required by ESA §7. EPA’s
Endangered Species Protection Program (ESPP) for
pesticides was proposed in 1988, but not finalized
until the fall of 2005. The ESPP outlines how
endangered species are protected when potential
adverse effects are determined for pesticide use,
and includes a system of county bulletins to
communicate necessary pesticide use restrictions to
farmers. These two regulatory programs were preceded
by a flurry of citizen lawsuits under ESA filed
against the EPA for alleged procedural failures to
properly implement ESA procedures. The Counterpart
Regulation has since been challenged legally.
ESA has not been updated or improved during its
30-year history despite significant concerns about
its lack of flexibility and its low success rate
species recovery (less than one percent over the
last three decades). The regulations described above
provide guidance only on procedural aspects of the
statute and not on the more substantive pieces of
the Act that require improvement.
The crop protection industry joins a growing
consensus of impacted local communities,
agricultural organizations, industries and other
stakeholders that believe this well- intentioned law
is not working as it should.
Pesticides offer significant benefits to endangered
or threatened species. They reduce the amount of
land needed to produce crops, thus preserving
critical wildlife habitat. Equally important,
pesticides increase the diversity and quality of
natural habitat through the effective control of
nonnative or harmful species that seriously threaten
endangered species, as well as damage our waters,
farms and natural areas.
Even with the Counterpart Regulation and ESPP in
place, American agriculture could be subject to
additional lawsuits that could impose tighter
restrictions on the use of crop protection products
and delay or prevent new crop protection
technologies, while doing little to enhance the
recovery of listed species or improve their critical
Because the goal of Congress in enacting the ESA was
“to provide a means whereby the ecosystems upon
which endangered species and threatened species
depend may be conserved, to provide a program for
the conservation of such endangered species and
threatened species, and to take such steps as may be
appropriate to achieve the purposes of the treaties
and conventions” (16 U.S.C. Section 1531(b)), it is
necessary to update the statute to achieve the
spirit of the law.
Endangered Species Act Modernization
CropLife America (CLA) supports legislative efforts
in the Congress to modernize the ESA. CLA and its
members support practical, balanced and
scientifically-sound amendments to the ESA to make
it effective in recovering and saving species at
risk. We believe Congress needs to amend the ESA to
improve the availability of new technology and crop
protection products for species habitat recovery.
Strengthening the legislative base for the ESA
Counterpart Regulation is a significant priority for
the crop protection industry and others involved
with producing our nation’s food and fiber. CLA
believes that the Counterpart Regulation for the
registration of pesticides should be given a chance
to work to better coordinate determinations and
consultations under the ESA . ESA reform will
achieve this result. The Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) governs the
rigorous testing and approval of pesticide products
to ensure that they are safe, effective and
available to protect crops and public health, as
well as aid in wildlife habitat recovery and control
of invasive species. CLA strongly believes that any
ESA reform effort needs to recognize this principle.
Throughout the FIFRA registration process, the
potential impact of a pesticide on fish and wildlife
is taken into consideration. The Counterpart
Regulation and the consultation process determine if
there are impacts on threatened or endangered
species. Under the ESPP, if adverse impacts are
identified, conditions of pesticide use are adjusted
and appropriate precautions are added to the product
labels and relevant county bulletins.
The crop protection industry is not seeking an
exemption from ESA requirements to protect and
preserve species. Rather, we want a fair and open
regulatory process based on good science that
preserves agriculture’s ability to produce the
nation’s food and fiber.
Communicating to growers the appropriate precautions
for pesticide use to protect listed species requires
a sophisticated system of county bulletins produced
by EPA in cooperation with state agencies, the
Services, and industry. Full and effective
implementation of this system needs adequate
resources and phase-in periods, unencumbered by
The standards for designating critical habitat and
how it is protected must be revised to make them
practically achievable without seriously harming
agriculture or incurring exorbitant legal fees.
CLA believes that a sensible and equitable ESA
program is essential. We need effective public
policy to address this complex issue, not the courts
micromanaging uses of products essential for farmers
to grow crops, or hampering the ability of public
health officials to guard against infestation and
disease vectors.
. Pesticides and technologies to control harmful
species can contribute substantially to protection
and recovery of endangered species and their
habitats. CLA advocates the development of
incentives in the ESA and in habitat conservation
plans for the appropriate use of pesticides.
The crop protection industry is committed to working
with federal agencies, state agencies, and the
Congress to provide accurate pesticide use data and
other information important to preserving and
protecting endangered and threatened species.
February 2006
.. Representing the Plant Science Industry z
1156 15th St. N.W. .. Washington, D.C. 20005 ..
202.296.1585 .. 202.463.0474 fax ..