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EPA proposes soil fumigant risk mitigation options Plus May 22 public meeting in Richland, WA. Written comments are due by July 2, 2007. from Oregonians for Food and Shelter 5/9/07 On May 2, 2007 US EPA announced the beginning of a pubic comment period for draft risk mitigation options being considered for six soil fumigants including: methyl bromide, metam sodium/potassium, dazomet, chloropicrin, 1,3-dichloropropene, and iodomethane. Stakeholders are being asked to provide useful information on these options which can be viewed at the following web link: http://www.epa.gov/oppsrrd1/reregistration/soil_fumigants/risk_mitigation.htm In particular, EPA has posed specific questions on a series of potential risk mitigation measures. These questions are posted on the website. Written comments are due by July 2, 2007. EPA will host stakeholder meetings in the States of Washington and Florida, and will participate in a meeting in California. Through these meetings, the Agency will also obtain first-hand comments on possible human health risk mitigation options from stakeholders who are most affected by soil fumigant use. This information will help inform EPA's decisions on the soil fumigant pesticides later this year. Washington Meeting -- May 22, 2007, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific) at the Federal Building, 825 Jadwin Avenue, Richland, WA 99352. The format of the meeting will include an overview by OPP of the fumigant risk concerns and potential mitigation options followed by opportunity for stakeholders to provide input on the material presented. Written comments will be accepted during the meeting or can be sent to EPA by the July 2, 2007 deadline. Spanish translation will be provided at the stakeholder meeting. Please help distribute this announcement to others who may have interest in this topic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sandy Halstead [email protected] EPA Region 10 @ WSU- IAREC 24106 N. Bunn Road, Prosser, WA 99350 509-786-9225 voice 509-786-9370 fax 206-321-6055 cell |
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