Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Rowley (Massachusetts) Master Plan and
www.Daylor.com - VERY
IMPORTANT INFORMATION for Resource Providers and
Property Rights!
Interesting facts about 'environmentalist'
billionaire Ted Turner
May 9, 2004
I think that three paragraphs in this report
(Rowley -- Massachusetts -- Master Plan) may be of
great importance to the following areas in which
we all work. Please read the below three
paragraphs and let us all know your thoughts on
what is revealed/stated.
Julie Smithson
introduced (non-native) plants/species
timber harvest
Their links pages has some interesting links:
From the Rowley Master Plan, Rowley,
Page 41 excerpt:
Table 3-6 lists bird species that have been
observed in Rowley. These species commonly are
associated with four plant communities found
throughout eastern Massachusetts:
Orchard, Field, Pasture, and Cultivated Land
White Pine - Hemlock - Northern Hardwood
Fresh and Salt Water Marshes
Yellow Pine - Hardwood Association
Among the habitats listed above,
the greatest
species diversity is encountered in the
agricultural areas, where as many as 60
types of birds may be present. This diversity is
largely attributable to the number and variety
of introduced plants that comprise the
Orchard-Field-Pasture-Cultivated Land habitat,
offering a wide range of food, nesting sites,
and protective cover. There is evidence that
the number of
birds in these areas is actually greater now,
despite man's presence, than when the European
settlers first arrived.
The second most important plant community in
Rowley is the White Pine-Hemlock-Northern
Hardwood forest, which supports over 40 bird
species. This
forest is mostly cut over and populated with
sprout or second growth trees and various ground
cover flora.
Such habitats
are highly productive of bird (and mammal) life,
more so than the undisturbed mature forests
which originally occupied the region."
Page 44 excerpt:
... In July 1996, the Massachusetts Division of
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Environmental Law
Enforcement (DFWELE) conducted field sampling
along the Mill River to identify fish species
present. Table 3-8 lists fish found in the Mill
River at that time. In addition, according to a
local naturalist, two anadromous species (blueback
herring and smelt) spawn in the river each
spring. DFWELE
stocks the river with
brook, brown,
and rainbow trout, some of which
anadromous and spend part of their
lives in the estuary and ocean."
anadromous -
to run upward; ascending rivers from the sea
for breeding. - Webster's Ninth New Collegiate
Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 1988, page 82.
Reference article:
Poisoning begins on
Cherry Creek
(Note: It seems to be all right for
billionaire Ted Turner to kill ALL the fish
in a stream that runs through one of his
properties, including
rainbow and
brook trout -- not to mention all
the wildlife that die on his high-powered
electric fences; or those, like elk, that
his 'specialized hunts,' for a hefty fee,
may be killed on his lands -- because he has
amassed the 'clout' to say what may and may
not live in streams and on land, but let a
less 'heeled' private property owner try
this, and see what would happen! Also,
notice that USFWS and the media carefully
neglect to mention that the bison that
Mister Turner tells folks he 'protects' are
the primary feature of his chain of 'Montana
Grill' restaurants! Doesn't this seem just a
tad contradictory, or perhaps even
hypocritical? See this article for how to
find elk to hunt -- if you pay Mister Turner
$10,500 -- after wolves have helped them all
'go missing' in Yellowstone:
August 5, 2003
By Scott McMillion, Chronicle Staff Writer
The Bozeman Daily Chronicle
P.O. Box 1188 Bozeman, MT 59771
Fax: 406-582-2656
To submit a Letter to the Editor:
[email protected]
Work was scheduled to
begin Monday on the controversial Cherry
Creek project south of Bozeman, a venture
meant to kill all the fish planted in that
stream system decades ago and replace them
with westslope cutthroat trout.
Meanwhile, a Helena lawyer said he was finishing up his paperwork Monday afternoon and planned to seek a federal court injunction today, hoping to halt the project in its tracks. "I'll probably file them this afternoon," attorney Alan Joscelyn said Monday of his legal documents. He said he hopes to get an injunction as quickly as possible. But until that order arrives, the work in Cherry Creek will continue. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks biologist Pat Clancy is the project leader. He said last week the plan was to do "bio assays" on Friday. Those are tests that will determine how many parts per billion of the chemical antimycin will be needed to kill the fish in Cherry Creek, Cherry Lake and tributaries. In all, the project calls for eliminating fish from 77 miles of stream, including some small tributaries. FWP spokesman Bernie Kuntz said Monday about 15 people from FWP, the Forest Service and Turner Enterprises will be camping in the remote area after hiking or riding horses there. The plan called for treating the lake Monday, then about 11 miles of stream and two tributaries this summer. The lake and some of the stream are on the Gallatin National Forest, partly in wilderness. The Forest Service gave permission to use a motorboat on Cherry Lake to churn the poison. The rest of the water is on the Flying D Ranch, owned by media baron Ted Turner, who is financing most of the $500,000 multi-year project. Kuntz said the crew was not reachable Monday and he didn't know if they had made any progress. None of the rainbow, brook and Yellowstone cutthroat trout in the lake and upper reaches of the stream are native, though they thrive there and provide an abundant fishery. The plan is to replace all of them with westslope cutthroat trout, in hopes of establishing a stable population of that increasingly rare fish and fending off its listing under the federal Endangered Species Act. Joscelyn maintains poisoning the fish is an illegal act of pollution under the federal Clean Water Act. FWP lawyers say the project is entirely legal as long as all precautions are followed. Joscelyn failed last year to halt the project in state court, though he forced a delay. The poisons will kill some insects and other life forms, but they will come back quickly, biologists say, adding that the specialized poisons pose no threat to mammals. "A horse would die from drinking too much water before it got any symptoms from the antimycin," Clancy said last week. The chemicals degrade quickly, Clancy has said, and will be undetectable in just a few stream miles. Cherry Creek Falls, in the middle of Turner's ranch, will keep the non-native fish from returning to the upper stream.
A little additional educational reading:
It seems like a lot of people think Ted
Turner is opposed to the slaughter of
bison. Why is that? I was just
I'd like to know why Ted Turner has this
'reputation' as a great animal lover and
'protectionist,' but he poisons ALL the
fish in Cherry Creek (Montana)
and he owns a chain of 23-and-growing
restaurants called "Ted's Montana Grill,"
Bison meat is darker than beef because it
contains more iron. Bison can be grilled,
baked, sauteed, stir fried or broiled. The
only cooking difference is that bison
cooks slightly faster due to its leaner
nature...making it a pleasure to grill.
"Ted Turner has been termed a visionary
for developing multiple businesses,
distribution channels and humanitarian
ventures. Now the philanthropist,
environmentalist, rancher and outdoorsman
is promoting his love of Big Sky Country
and its tradition of hearty food through a
restaurant chain called Ted's Montana
Grill. Through
Turner Enterprises http://www.TedTurner.com,
he is one of the largest ranchers in the
U.S., with 14 ranches in Kansas, Montana,
Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma and South
Dakota [they must have forgotten the
588,000-acre Vermejo Park Ranch in
northern New Mexico, among others that are
not listed]. The mission of Turner
Enterprises is to manage Turner lands in
an economically sustainable and
ecologically sensitive manner, while
conserving native species. A native of
Cincinnati, Ohio, Turner attended Brown
University where he held leadership roles
in the Yacht Club and the Debating
Union. In 1999, he was elected to the
University's Board of Trustees. He
started his business career as an account
executive for Atlanta-based Turner
Advertising Company (now Turner
Broadcasting System) and in 1963 became
president and COO, a position he held
until the company's merger with Time
Warner in 1996. In 1970 he purchased
Channel 17, an independent UHF station."
"We've been featured on TV, radio and in
newspapers across the country, including
CNN, The New York Times, The Wall
Street Journal, Bloomberg, Esquire,
Entertainment Weekly, The Los Angeles
Times, The New York Daily News, Rocky
Mountain News, Denver Post, The
Tennessean, Atlanta Business Chronicle,
The Associated Press and Reuters." -
and even a 'General Store' where people
can buy 'Montana Grill' gift and clothing
items -- and even a Bison Cookbook and
little stuffed bison toys, etc.
where the primary item on the menu is
Bison -- and why does he charge $10,500 to
New Jersey salesmen to come out to his
Flying D Ranch to kill captive elk?
The elk are almost all gone in the
Yellowstone, but Ted Turner has plenty
within his electrically-charged fence that
surrounds the Flying D.
How can he be on your side, when he is
killing bison and elk? A search at
http://www.Google.com for "Montana
Grill" got 3,290 results. That 'bison
protector sure has gotten popular, killing
and grilling bison...
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