Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Besides web costs, we must buy still and video camera equipment, computer equipment, transcriber fees, gas, office supplies, travel expenses. Approximately 30 hours per week are devoted to work for this website. Colleges and Universities, high schools and elementary schools, government agencies, power companies, international and national media, representatives, state government offices visit KBC. Go HERE to see the domains of our visitors the week of 12/9/04 to 12/15/04. Currently all costs and labor are borne by our webmasters and managers, with the help of supporters. We are not on the government payroll, or anyone's payroll. Please become a partner in this massive endeavor. Buy an ad, a video, or make donations. We need you to continue this current level of services.
Page Updated: Saturday August 17, 2024 02:38 AM Pacific
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