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Bob Kaster: Another dam mystery
Bob Kaster is a long-time Yreka resident and retired Siskiyou County Superior Court judge Copy of article appears in Siskiyou Daily News 12/11/22 "...the removal of the (Klamath) dams and the resulting sediment release (20 million cubic yards) will have an adverse effect on the 'Wild and Scenic River values,' and that FERC’s own Environment Impact Statement expressly acknowledges 763 times that it will do so. He asks the court to declare, among other things, that the proposed expenditure of $250 million of taxpayer funds toward dam destruction violates the provisions of the Bond Act itself and is therefore illegal..."
Observations From the
Today I want to write about some real-life mysteries, very
important to us in Siskiyou County. These have to do with
the proposed demolition of four dams along the Klamath
River, which now appears to be a fait
accompli , although to me every bit as mindless
as my mindless thrillers. Legitimate and important questions
have been raised that haven’t been answered or adequately
addressed by PacifiCorp, the Klamath River Renewal
Corporation, the governors of the states of Oregon and
California, or the Secretary of the US Department of the
Interior. And they are not adequately addressed in the Environmental
Impact Statement recently approved by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). All appear to be
hell-bent to get this done, regardless of the potentially
disastrous consequences. A political bulldozer.
There is comfort in knowing I’m not the only one who has
unanswered questions. U.S. Representatives Cliff Bentz and
Doug LaMalfa, the duly elected members of Congress
representing the districts in Oregon and California where
the dams are situated have formally raised these issues as a
part of FERC’s official proceedings.
Back on June 16, 2022, Bentz and LaMalfa, responding to
FERC’s public input process, submitted a letter raising many
important issues which had not been adequately addressed in
the then draft Environmental
Impact Statement or other analyses presented by
dam removal advocates. The letter pointed to undisclosed and
unknown federal, state and local costs and other liabilities
associated with dam removal. (Here is the link to that
letter: 20220616 Bentz LaMalfa Klamath Dams.pdf - Google
Drive.) They raised many issues, including these two: (1)
Whether the Oregon and California governors’ commitments for
the states to cover cost overruns and other damage caused by
dam deconstruction have any legal validity. (They were
executive orders without the backing of either state’s
legislative branch.) and (2) Who will fund PacifiCorp’s
share of cost overruns and damages, ratepayers or
Their letter was essentially ignored by everyone to whom it
was addressed. It would seem that the political steamroller
was far enough along that the dam-removal advocates didn’t
feel it necessary to respond in any significant manner to
the inquiries of two members of Congress. Bentz and LaMalfa
followed up their initial submittal with a follow-up request
four months later, on Oct. 21, 2022, and there still has
been no meaningful response.
One of the biggest mysteries to me in this whodunnit is how
it can be that the ultimate decision now rests with five
unelected members of the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, instead of the United States Congress. I’ve
written articles in the past about the fraudulent and
expensive survey promulgated by the U.S. Department of the
Interior in 2011 to try to persuade Congress to take action
authorizing dam removal. But, oops, Congress declined, so
the dam removal advocates decided well maybe it wasn’t
Congress’ job after all, let’s find someone who will do it,
someone more manageable, like maybe five unelected
The question this raises has nagged at me for years. How can
you just do an end-run around Congress? Who’s actually in
charge here? And if you don’t get the answer you want from
the first place you go, then find someone who will go along.
The ultimate decision should be up to Congress, not FERC,
but so far various legal theories in support of this idea
have fallen on deaf ears. One such theory has recently been
advanced in a new lawsuit, filed in the Siskiyou County
Superior Court: Anthony Intiso v. The State of California
Natural Resources Agency and Wade Crawfoot, its secretary.
So far, there is no lawyer involved in this case.
Plaintiff Anthony Intiso is a local Yreka resident who is on
the governing board of the Siskiyou County Water Users
Association and has been active in politics for many years.
He’s had some legal education but is not a lawyer. There is
no doubt, however, that once service of process is complete,
the State of California will lawyer-up and an army of
attorneys from the State Attorney General’s office will
flood the court with an array of motions, including one to
move the case to a different court.
I won’t try to predict the outcome of Mr. Intiso’s venture
but have to give him credit for his effort to get a court
determination of a narrow, specific, and important issue;
one that, to my knowledge has not been judicially
determined. A brief and oversimplistic summary of Mr.
Intiso’s position is this: The Klamath River is designated
as a 'Wild and Scenic River' under both state and federal
law. The voter-approved California Bond Act that purportedly
authorizes the state to spend $250 million of California
taxpayer money for dam deconstruction was the 'Water
Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act Of 2014'
('the Bond Act'). By its own terms, the Bond Act says it is
not intended to affect California’s Wild and Scenic Rivers.
The specific language of the Bond Act is this: 'Nothing in
this division shall be construed to affect the California
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act … or the federal Wild and Scenic
Rivers Act … and funds authorized pursuant to this division
shall not be available for any project that could have an
adverse effect on the values upon which a wild and scenic
river or any other river is afforded protections pursuant to
the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act or the federal
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.'
Mr. Intiso quite reasonably argues that the removal of the
dams and the resulting sediment release will have an adverse
effect on the 'Wild and Scenic River values,' and that
FERC’s own Environment
Impact Statement expressly acknowledges 763 times
that it will do so. He asks the court to declare, among
other things, that the proposed expenditure of $250 million
of taxpayer funds toward dam destruction violates the
provisions of the Bond Act itself and is therefore illegal.
As I said above, I’m not going to try to predict the final
outcome of this one. I will predict, however, that the
state’s lawyers will file every conceivable motion on
procedural grounds to avoid a judicial determination on the
merits of this important and specific legal issue. How can
you seriously argue that taking down dams and allowing
decades worth of accumulated sediment to run down the
Klamath River doesn’t 'have an adverse effect on the Wild
and Scenic River values?'
FERC treats the issue as 'moot.' Really? If Mr. Intiso’s
theory is correct, then it puts the dam-removal decision
back in the hands of Congress, where it should have been all
along. Unfortunately, I fear that the State Attorney
General’s Office will be successful in deflecting, on
procedural grounds, a court determination of this specific
and important issue.
Bob Kaster is a
long-time Yreka resident and retired Siskiyou County
Superior Court judge. In retirement, he has taken up
creative and journalistic writing, including novels, short
stories and essays. For six years, he has written local
newspaper columns under the byline, The Septuagenarian
Speaks. Having turned 80, that doesn’t seem applicable
anymore, so hereafter (for at least ten years or until he
can come up with something better) it will be Observations
From the Octogenarian.
If you have any suggestions, or simply want to comment,
email Bob at [email protected].
To see some of his other writings, check out his website https://bobkaster.com
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