Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Fighting for Our Right to Irrigate Our Farms and Caretake Our Natural Resources

See Page Two
Table of Contents

      Heres the Contest:  

The first person to get any one of the groups 
below to send a  letter supporting Irrigation in the Klamath Basin      --- Wins the Prize ---

Maybe the prize can just be some irrigation water for your farm !!

http://www.oneearth.org/fs_index.htm       ECO and IFAW are launching a new communications campaign on saving the world's biodiversity featuring narration by Pierce Brosnan, Morgan Freeman and Alfre Woodard. This is one cute website .. let me know if you can figue it out.....maybe they drive combines

http://www.lcv.org/  League of Conservation Voters      enough said, not really, when I was young conservation meant.. all that my Dad taught me about how impotant Nature's Resources are to all of us... that was 4 decades ago ... and he is still farming, in Tulelake

http://www.nrdc.org/  Natural Resources Defence Council    what a great name, and they all bucked a little hay when they were young young.

http://www.ema-online.org/  The Environmental Media Association (EMA) was created in 1989 "to mobilize the entertainment industry in a global effort to educate people about environmental problems and inspire them to act on those problems now,  nice intro by Al Gore ... hey you can even nominate your favorite entertainer.  To bad these people never had irrigate potatoes with syphon tubes... 

Environmental Production Guide (EPG)     if you work in the medium of film or video, all the information you need to produce feature films and television programs in the most environmental manner possible is now at your fingertips. The EPG will help you do things as elaborate as establishing an environmental program within your studio or production company, or as simple as finding the best recycled paper for scripts. There are supplier listings to help you find environmentally-preferable goods and services in your area, as well as tips on purchasing, using and disposing of the things we, as an industry, use the most.   One of the most important web sites I have ever seen.  At first I thought it was a joke... Wrong Again.


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Page Updated: Saturday February 25, 2012 05:33:36 AM

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