Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Klamath Conference potential
keynote speakers, donation request letter, and
subbasin contacts, posted to KBC 7/20/06 Potential Conference Keynote Speaker Bios Compiled July 13, 2006
Shepherd's Grain So when Fred Fleming and Karl Kupers founded Columbia Plateau Producers two years ago with the idea of growing wheat for local consumption, using environmentally friendly farming practices, they had to adapt to a system designed to efficiently ship wheat halfway around the world. "We had to figure out how to get our crop to market. We can't use the normal channels," Kupers said.
http://www.speaking.com/speakers/markhatfield.html 3. Quivera Coalition (Non-profit with board of directors) Courtney White, Executive Director
[email protected] http://quiviracoalition.org/About_Us/index.html The initial mission of The Quivira Coalition, which was founded by a rancher and two environmentalists in June 1997, was to offer "common sense solutions to the grazing debate," principally by broadcasting the principles of ecologically sensitive ranch management. The debate at the time was marked by extreme polarization on both sides, resulting in gridlock at a variety of levels. 4. Gary Nabhan (University Type) http://www.environment.nau.edu/aboutcse/Gary_Paul_Nabhan.htm Gary Nabhan builds teams which bring a wealth of experience, talent, energy, and passion to the projects of the Center for Sustainable Environments at Northern Arizona University. Among his many accomplishments during his years of studying and living in the Southwest, Nabhan co-founded the non-profit conservation group Native Seeds/SEARCH, spearheaded the Ironwood Alliance (responsible for research and public support that led to a 120,000 acre Ironwoods Forest National Monument), and initiated the Traditional Native American Farmers' Association. For such cross-cultural collaborations, he has been awarded a MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for Conservation Biology. Nabhan crosses disciplinary, linguistic and ethnic boundaries with apparent ease, an essential skill for someone who lives and works among many different communities in the Southwest.
Madrona Venture Group
1000 Second Avenue
Salmon Recovery Funding Board
Agriculture Research and Education Program Robert L. Bugg received a Ph.D. in entomology from the University of California, Davis. Since that time, he has conducted research on biological control of insect pests, cover crops, and restoration ecology. His work has been published in numerous scholarly journals, including Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment; American Journal of Alternative Agriculture; Biological Agriculture and Horticulture; Biological Control; Hilgardia; Environmental Entomology; HortScience; and Journal of Economic Entomology. He currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for the international journal Biological Agriculture and Horticulture. Along with Richard Reed of Community Alliance with Family Farmers Foundation, he was co-originator of Biologically Integrated Orchard Systems for almonds and for walnuts, and served on the respective management teams. He continues to play a supporting role for both projects. Bugg was point person in UC SAREP's implementation of Assembly Bill 3383, and provides technical support for the two Biologically Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS) projects. He has a special interest in helping growers develop biologically integrated farming systems and in assisting graduate students in conducting research on sustainable agriculture.
Box 274 - 200 W. North St., Enterprise, OR 97828 “Deputy Director, Nils Christoffersen who is an amazing speaker, has worked on community based natural resource conservation all over the world, and has been embraced wholeheartedly by the little communities of Wallowa Co.” –James Honey. Nils currently serves as Deputy Director and Program Manager for Wallowa Resources. He has a Bachelors in Economics from Williams College (honors in Environmental Economics), and a Masters in Forestry from Oxford University. His work experience includes 6 years in Eastern and Southern Africa on forestry and wildlife management issues, with an emphasis on community based natural resource management. Previously, Mr. Christoffersen has served as Executive Director for the US Office of Africa Resources Trust, Regional program Coordinator for the IUCN Regional Office in Southern Africa (Zimbabwe), Training Officer for Wildlife Division in Tanzania, and Field Supervisor for Forestry Department in Botswana. Other work includes policy work with the European Commission on matters related to CITES and natural resource management, and short term field work in Australia (livestock), UK (forestry), Norway (forestry and fishing), and Israel (agriculture). 8. Diane Snyder “Wallowa Resources ED - Diane Snyder who is a 4th gen. Wallowan, BD of Forestry member, etc. and who speaks well from a "grounded" perspective” – James Honey Diane Snyder is a fourth generation resident of Wallowa County, living on the ranch that was her grandfathers where she and her husband and their five children operate a small cow-calf operation. Diane has extensive experience in land use planning, community development, public mediation and state and local government. She has worked for the Oregon State House of Representatives, serving as Committee Administrator for the State and Federal Affairs Committee and worked as the director of the Wallowa County Land Use Planning and Building Department. Diane currently serves as Executive Director of Wallowa Resources, a community based non-profit organization that is working to blend the needs of the land and community in natural resource management. Ms. Snyder serves on numerous local, regional, state and national boards and commissions, including the Communities Committee of the Seventh American Forest Congress, the Oregon State Board of Forestry, the Oregon State Progress Board, Wallowa County Natural Resources Advisory Committee, Wallowa County Economic Development Council and Wallowa County Business Facilitation Board of Directors. She is a member of the Wallowa County Rotary Club, Wallowa County Chamber of Commerce, Liberty Grange and The Society of American Foresters. “Further paired up with Ben Boswell, the visionary Co. Commissioner who 10 yrs back saw where things were going with ESA and decided his Co. should form their own salmon plan, rather than fight - these would be interesting plenary speakers.” – James Honey 9. Ben Boswell Wallowa County Commissioners 10. Congressman Mike Thompson Liz Murgia (Field Represenative) 317 Third Street, #11, Eureka, CA 95501 707/269-9595
Program Specialist - Montana
National Center for
Appropriate Technology Jeff Schahczenski has expertise in organic and sustainable agriculture public policy, marketing and economics, transgenics in agriculture, organic horticulture, renewable ag energy, cooperative development, sustainable building, intercultural communications and beekeeping. He is also Executive Director of both the Big Hole River Foundation and Western Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (WSAWG). He has worked with the Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO) on regional sustainable agriculture projects, is an adjunct instructor for Western Montana College and Montana Tech, and serves on several non-profit boards and is building his own straw bale house and greenhouse. Before moving to Montana, Jeff worked for Rutgers University, started one of the first CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farms in New Jersey, received graduate degrees in agricultural economics and political science, served in the Peace Corps in Belize, Central America, and worked on his grandfather’s dairy farm in Wisconsin.
President and Co-Founder Pacific Institute
Pacific Institute
1-510-251-1600 Dr. Peter H. Gleick is co-founder and President of the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security in Oakland, California. His research and writing address the critical connections between water and human health, the hydrologic impacts of climate change, sustainable water use, privatization and globalization, and international conflicts over water resources. Dr. Gleick is an internationally recognized water expert and was named a MacArthur Fellow in October 2003 for his work. In 2001, Gleick was dubbed a "visionary on the environment" by the British Broadcasting Corporation. In 1999, Gleick was elected an Academician of the International Water Academy, in Oslo, Norway and in 2006, he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Gleick received a B.S. from Yale University and an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He serves on the boards of numerous journals and organizations, and is the author of many scientific papers and five books, including the biennial water report, The World's Water, published by Island Press (Washington, D.C.). 14. Dan Dooley, Esq.
Dooley, Herr &
Peltzer LLP Daniel Dooley currently chairs the University of California President‘s Advisory Commission on Agriculture and Natural Resources. He is a partner in the Visalia law firm of Dooley & Herr, partner in Dooley Farms, a diversified San Joaquin Valley farming operation specializing in the production of cotton, alfalfa, forage crops and walnuts, and city attorney for Visalia. In his legal practice, Dooley represents public irrigation and water districts, river associations, joint powers authorities, and farmers. He has served as vice chair of USDA’s National Agricultural Research, Education Economics Advisory Board, chair of the National Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (CARET), chair of the Farm Foundation Bennett Agricultural Roundtable, and as a member of the Special Trade Representatives’ Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Trade. He previously served as chief deputy director of the California Department of Food and Agriculture and chairman of the California Water Commission. Dooley received his bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics from UC Davis, his law degree from the University Of Pacific McGeorge School Of Law, and is a graduate of the California Agricultural Leadership Program. He received the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Award of Distinction in 2000. ------------------------------------------------------------ Donation Request Letter
Klamath Basin Watershed Conference November 7-9, 2006
Conference Coordinator 3328 Vandenberg Road Klamath Falls, OR 97603 541-883-7131 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 July 10, 2006 Dear ______; A network of diverse partners from Klamath Falls, Oregon to Arcata California that represent social, economic, educational, and governmental bodies has formed to coordinate the Klamath Basin Watershed Conference 2006: Sustainable Watersheds Bring Sustainable Communities to be held November 7-9, 2006 in Redding, California. We are requesting your assistance as a financial sponsor and your general participation in this comprehensive educational forum open to all stakeholders, basin-wide. Issues surrounding the use and/or conservation of the Klamath River’s resources are complex and sometimes conflicting. It is the hope of the planning committee that positive relationships will be formed and work groups forged that cross state, private interest, economic and cultural boundaries for the benefit of the entire watershed. The conference will consist of three themed sessions. These sessions will be: 1.) We Are One Basin, 2.) Progress in the Basin, and 3.) Moving Towards Sustainability. The anticipated 250 attendees will participate in group sessions, panel discussions and interactive activities led by a facilitator/moderator. Cultural and science displays with an integrated vision of sharing sub-basin level restoration with an outlook on the whole basin will be also exhibited. In addition, community meals and a social reception will give the Klamath River Watershed community a chance to communicate by sharing of restoration, assessment and evaluation lessons learned. By contributing to this effort, your generous support will be communicated to all participants through conference materials, announcements, and social events, enable planners to make this a great conference attracting quality speakers and presentations, and will help keep the conference affordable by defraying costs related to speaker expenses, promotional materials, handouts, and refreshments for breaks and social events. We hope___ will consider being a contributor to this important conference. Contribution information and directions are provided on the accompanying page. Thank you for your consideration of this request and please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Klamath Basin Watershed Conference 2006 Planning Committee ____________________________________________________ Subbasin Contacts
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