Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Fighting for Our Right to Irrigate Our Farms and Caretake Our Natural Resources

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           California Legislature Committee Assignments


State Assembly Committees

 (15 members)-Matthews (Chair), Maldonado (Vice Chair), Aanestad, Canciamilla, Cardoza, Florez, Hollingsworth, Kelley, Leslie, Oropeza, Reyes, Salinas, Strickland, Thomson, and Wiggins. Chief Consultant: Jim Collin. Consultant: Dawn M. Clover. Secretary: Mona Wood. 
1020 N Street, Room 362. Phone: 319-2084

 (11 members)-Wayne (Chair), Hollingsworth  (Vice Chair), 
Dickerson, Harman, Jackson, Keeley, Lowenthal, Negrete McLeod, Migden, Pavley, and Wyman. Chief Consultant: Scott H. Valor. Senior Consultants: Kyra Ross, Aristotle Evia. Secretary: Aurora Wallin.  
1020 N Street, Room 164. Phone: 319-2092

 (15 members)-Florez (Chair), Dickerson (Vice Chair), 
Aanestad, Aroner, Calderon, Frommer, Goldberg, 
Hollingsworth, Kehoe, Kelley, Leslie, Pavley, Thomson, Wayne, and Wy man. Principal Consultants: Jeff Volberg and Kathy Mannion.  Secretary: Deborah Lott. 
  Room 2141. Phone: 319-2096.

State Senate Committees

Agriculture and Water Resources
(11)-Costa (Chair), Poochigian (Vice Chair), 
Alpert, Battin, Bowen, Johannessen, Kuehl, Machado, 
Monteith, Perata and Torlakson. Principal Consultant: Brent Walthall.  Consultant: Dennis Albiani. Assistant: Jane Leonard Brown. 
Phone:  (916) 445-2206, FAX: (916) 327-8290. Room 406.

Natural Resources and Wildlife
(9 members )  Kuehl (Chair), Oller (Vice Chair), Alpert, Bowen, 
Johannessen, Monteith, Ortiz, Sher and Torlakson. 
Principal Consultants: Bill Craven and Syrus Devers. Assistant: 
Patty Hanson. (916) 445-5441, FAX: (916) 323-2232, Room  407. 

Environmental Quality
(7 members )-Sher (Chair), McPherson (Vice Chair), 
Chesbro, Figueroa, Kuehl, McClintock and O'Connell. Staff Di rector: Kip Lipper. Consultants: Arnie Peters and Randy Pestor. Assis tant: Ann Boone.
Phone: (916) 324-0894, Room 2203.


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Page Updated: Saturday February 25, 2012 05:23 AM  Pacific

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