Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.


Oregonians for Food and Shelter  4/4/07

HB 3000 banning agriculture burning will have a hearing in House Health Care Committee on Friday, April 6th at 3:00 PM in Hearing Room E. 

While this bill is being brought forward by the anti-field burning zealots, it does more than attack field burning.  It also bans burning of Christmas trees, burning of grain crops, and propane flaming of mint stubble, along with, the burning of grass seed fields. 

Other segments of agriculture are not left out of the bill.  It requires the Environmental Quality Commission to issue permits for open burning of agricultural waste (any organic waste material generated or used by an agricultural operation).  This permit requirement includes your use of a burn barrel.

The hearing will focus on health effects.  We need farmers to come to the Capitol on Friday and testify that their farm practices have not impacted their health.  If the proponents’ claims were correct then farmers would be at the most risk.  According to Department of Environmental Quality field burning accounts for 2% of the emissions in the Willamette Valley during the field burning season. 

Please come on Friday.  Your support is needed!

For more information, contact Katie Fast – 503-510-5293 or [email protected]

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