Friday, June 26, 2009
Contact: Matt Dempsey
[email protected] 202-224-9797
Razor-Thin House Vote Spells Doom
for Cap-and-Tax in the Senate
Inhofe Vows to Expose Bill in
the Senate as All Cost, No Climate Gain
Link to Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. -U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.),
Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee, commented today on the House passage of the
"America's Clean Energy and Security Act," (Waxman-Markey
bill) by a vote of 219 to 212. The bill now moves to the
Senate where Senator Inhofe vowed to lead the opposition to
what he called the "largest tax increase in American history."
"Today's razor thin vote in the House spells doom
in the Senate," Senator Inhofe said. "Despite
a large Democratic majority in the House, and the fact that
this is one of the President's top priorities, the Democratic
leadership was forced to do everything possible to get a bill
passed. Their slim victory could come at a high price - this
is the BTU tax all over again.
"I am pleased to see the entire Oklahoma House
delegation stand united in their opposition to the bill.
Oklahomans understand the devastating impacts this bill would
have on our energy and agricultural industries. In particular,
I want to thank Rep. Lucas for his hard work in exposing these
costly impacts on the agricultural community.
"The Waxman-Markey bill is just the latest
incarnation of cap-and-trade legislation that will destroy
American jobs by pushing them overseas, force consumers to
shoulder the burden of higher gasoline and electricity prices,
and drastically increase the size and scope of the federal
government. In the Senate, I have worked with my colleagues to
successfully defeat cap-and-trade legislation in 2003, 2005,
and most recently in 2008. Now, just a year later, and with
the economy in a deep recession, it is hard to believe that
many more senators would support legislation that would
strangle any hope of economic recovery and impose the largest
tax increase in American history."
Related Links:
Oklahoman Editorial: For what? Cap and trade bad deal for U.S.
STRASSEL: The Climate Change Climate Change |