Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
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Organization Team

TO:            State Farm Bureau FBACT Coordinators

CC:            Linda Johnson, Director of Policy Implementation

                  Don Parrish, Director, Congressional Relations

FROM:        Cody Lyon, Director of Grassroots and Policy Advocacy

DATE:        April 21, 2009

RE:            FBACT Alert on “Navigable” Clean Water Bill added to AFBF FBACT Site.

The Senate is expected to take action on S. 787, the Clean Water Restoration Act – legislation that would expand the regulatory scope of the Clean Water Act.  Attached is a copy of the CWA Alert that has been added to the FBACT website.

As of today, the bill has 23 co-sponsors (listed below).  These Senators need to be of particular focus to educate and have FBACT members contact on this issue.  Last Congress, Farm Bureau was very successful in stopping this bill in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.  If we engage in a similar focus, we can have success again this time.

Engage your FBACT members on this bill, especially if you have Senators of your delegation on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.  They need to hear from farmers and ranchers about the negative impacts this bill will have on farms and ranches.

In addition to sending messages to your Senators, please consider having influential members with personal connections to Senators make a personal call. 

If you allow AFBF to go directly to your FBACT members, please let me know and I will send them this Action Alert message.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.  For questions on the issue, please contact Don Parrish at 202-406-3667 / [email protected].

Co-sponsors to S. 787:

Sen Boxer, Barbara  (D-CA)
Sen Brown, Sherrod  (D-OH)
Sen Cantwell, Maria  (D-WA) 
Sen Cardin, Benjamin L.  (D-MD) 
Sen Carper, Thomas R.  (D-DE) 
Sen Dodd, Christopher J.  (D-CT) 
Sen Durbin, Richard  (D-IL) 
Sen Gillibrand, Kirsten E.  (D-NY) 
Sen Kerry, John F.  (D-MA) 
Sen Kohl, Herb  (D-WI) 
Sen Lautenberg, Frank R.  (D-NJ) 

Sen Leahy, Patrick J.  (D-VT) 
Sen Levin, Carl  (D-MI)
Sen Lieberman, Joseph I.  (I-CT)
Sen Menendez, Robert  (D-NJ)
Sen Merkley, Jeff  (D-OR)
Sen Reed, Jack  (D-RI)
Sen Sanders, Bernard  (I-VT)
Sen Schumer, Charles E.  (D-NY)
Sen Shaheen, Jeanne  (D-NH)
Sen Stabenow, Debbie  (D-MI)
Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon  (D-RI)
Sen Wyden, Ron  (D-OR)

Cody W. Lyon

American Farm Bureau Federation

600 Maryland Avenue, SW, Suite 1000-W

Washington, DC  20024

Office: 202-406-3736

Cell: 202-460-8029

Joel A. Alderete
Regional Director
NM Farm & Livestock Bureau
1903 Peyton Rd.
Los Lunas, NM 87031

[email protected]

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Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense?
Patrick Henry
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