5/20/07 by Jim Beers, retired
US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist,
Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist,
and Congressional Fellow.
The following important question from a reader
deserves a response.
"Is there any accountability expectation regards
people like Rachael Carson, the spotted owl et al
eco gangsters who've brought such massive damage
to our land, water and human lives?"
Rachel Carson was a wildlife research biologist
for the old Bureau of Sport Fisheries and
Wildlife, today's US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Her personal interests and professional specialty
was birds. As far as I know she was always
stationed in and around d the Washington, DC area.
Her book, Silent Spring, was published in 1962 and
has recently been published again as the 40th
Anniversary Edition. It is described by
booksellers as a "book focused on the poisons from
insecticides, weed killers, and other common
products as well as the use of sprays in
agriculture, a practice that led to dangerous
chemicals to the food source. Carson argued that
those chemicals were more dangerous than radiation
and that for the first time in history, humans
were exposed to chemicals that stayed in their
systems from birth to death."
The book is an icon and early "revelation" to
environmentalists and animal rights radicals and
it is revered by practically all of those who
"toil" in the conservation/preservation fields. I
can feel the steamy wrath of a million "believers"
as I write this.
Her theses were mostly overblown hyperboles. While
reduction of compounds like DDT as alternatives
became available was certainly desirable, the
hysterical bans and alarmism regarding every
useful new chemical were early signs of the
extremism and incremental expansion of legitimate
concerns as tools of radical agendas. Very
important and legitimate uses of chemicals like
DDT were outlawed. A Cuban doctor once told me
that the lice my kids picked up in school could be
better and more quickly cured by rinsing in a weak
DDT shampoo. Then there are the MILLIONS of NATIVE
People (aren't they as "important" as the "NATIVE"
plants, wildlife, fish, and ecosystems we are told
take "precedence?) in warm climates like Africa
and Asia and South America who were denied by
international and US (shamefully) restrictions the
use of DDT to disinfect their homes by killing the
mosquitoes in and around their homes. Those
mosquitoes carry deadly diseases and DDT was and
remains the most effective and benign treatment to
save human lives from everything from malaria to
sleeping sickness. But not to worry, these are the
very same NATIVES that we believe are expendable
to overpopulated elephants and crocodiles and
large predators that we (through the UN) force
them to endure for our imagined "pleasure" and
"ecological good". While she (Carson) speculated
about all manner of "eventual" harms to humans,
here we all sit. While she and all of her
followers and those who utilized her for their own
purposes prattled on endlessly about eagles and
falcons and songbirds, the truth is that sensible
investigations and careful use of many new
compounds were foregone for things that were doing
OK and would have done better eventually anyway.
So manipulation of her work by zealous bird
enthusiasts and government bureaucrats (lots of
Federal budgets were increased and even a new
Agency was formed), and environmental radicals
both gave her the revered status we see today and
the constant notion that the path we have pursued
since then (Federal power and government controls
designed by radical power-brokers) IS THE ONLY
PATH to reconciling man and his environment.
So in spite of being very responsible for the
deaths of Millions and helping to place animals on
par with and actually above mankind (well at least
"some" of mankind) we see continuing book sales,
stamps, education packets, and teachers all
extolling Rachel Carson and her work.
The spotted owl was an example of an animal being
declared "Endangered" by the "new age" Federal
bureaucrats and their "partners" in the
environmental radical movements. Clearly the
"Listing" was simply overblown hyperbole about a
little noticed (and therefore easy to lie about)
For 20 years the Federal government claimed that
the owl "must have" "old growth" (more recently
the radicals have begun using the term "ancient
forests" but you get my drift) and therefore ALL
LOGGING MUST BE STOPPED. Since then the Lynx and
Grizzly Bear have been "Listed" with similar lies
(that lynx are "Vulnerable to road traffic" and
Grizzlies "need" habitat unscarred by roads,
trails, mankind, etc) IN ORDER TO CLOSE MORE
Recently, the venerable US Fish and Wildlife
Service was forced by political appointees, thank
you very much, to finally publish a Recovery Plan
after the coastal communities of Oregon have been
changed from logging and hunting communities to
art boutiques run by rich California refugees and
new age "artists".
Lo and behold, now the "reason" that there aren't
"enough" spotted owls (think about that for a
moment) is NOT LOGGING (now that the loggers and
their experience and the mills are gone) but
me up." But the news release mentions that in the
meantime (the last 20 years) $200 Million has been
"lost". Too bad no one can "find" it. Now that
$200 Million figure is way low, any fair and
educated estimate would exceed Billions and the
losses to families and American community
structure in inestimable.
So is anyone "responsible"? Of course not. Like
Rachel Carson they are fondly remembered as
"eco-warriors". Bonuses, promotions, and
retirements were all greatly enhanced for
destroying communities (like the infamous
observation about having to "break eggs" to make
an omelet) to stop logging and diminish hunting
opportunities and grazing and ranches. It has
generated millions for the Universities to
eliminate any environmental management coursework
remnants and shift over to "satellite telemetry"
and "global weather monitoring". Speaking of
"Global Warming" could it be that this sudden
change of heart by the UN and the US about
allowing NATIVES in far off jungles to begin using
DDT has anything to do with the worries about
these diseases (malaria and West Nile, etc.) being
transmitted by mosquitoes HERE as we get "warmer"?
If so, even an imagined dark cloud like "global
warming" can have a silver lining if it
reinstitutes the recognition of all human life,
even those far-off and poor, as being worthy of
more than ANY plant or animal.
Responsibility? What about the Federal bureaucrats
that "planted" lynx hair on census posts to "get
the lynx listed"? What about the Federal
bureaucrats introducing and protecting grizzly
bears that then kill people? What about the
National Park Service personnel that lied to the
state fish and wildlife agencies of New Jersey and
Pennsylvania about allowing trapping if they "got"
a National Park on the Delaware Water Gap? What
about all the folks involved in the Ivory-billed
Woodpecker scam in four (or is it six) states?
What about the US Fish and Wildlife Service
personnel that "promised" they would allow hunting
on the Panther Refuge if they got it? What about
the bureaucrats that have purposely buried any
mention of the diseases wolves carry and transmit?
Or the same ilk in the agencies and Universities
that "Disneyfie" grizzlies and sharks and wolves
and mountain lions? What of the state bureaucrats
that make a show of managing hunting and fishing
opportunities while selling them out for future
funding from the US Congress? What about the state
fish and wildlife agencies THAT NEVER EVEN ASKED
TAXES TO BE REPAID? What about the US Fish and
Wildlife Service theft of $60 Million from funds
destined for state hunting and fishing programs TO
the National Park Service, and the National Marine
Fisheries Service, and DC Government, and EPA, and
the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and State of
Maryland, and the US Army Corps of Engineers who
knew about and ignored the 20 plus years of
nighttime dumping of tons of very toxic wastes
OF THE RIVER? The waste was from the residue from
DC soils (where toxic chemical weapons were
developed and tested during WWI) and the effluent
from the DC Water Treatment Facilities. What about
the top USFWS managers who fished there and still
remained silent as rocks were etched and
cormorants fled the toxic plumes in the River? I
could go on but you get the picture.
Finally, lest you think there is no responsibility
involved in all this eco-mania, rest assured that
there is LOTS of RESPONSIBILITY involved. There is
the rancher shooting the grizzly in his yard.
There is the hiker who "failed to puff up" or who
"ran" from an introduced and/or protected predator
"in their (i.e. the critter's) habitat". There is
the poor boob that picked up an ivory accessory or
a jungle fowl feather on a trip outside the
country. There are the two Michiganders that shot
wolves and were sentenced to jail. There is the
private property owner told that his property is
"Critical Habitat" for some slug or mouse. There
is the coyote hunter unaware that a wolf has just
headed toward him. There is the logger asking why
there is no longer any logging on the Millions of
acres in National Forests and is told if he can
"get" millions of dollars to conduct the necessary
"biological assessments" (as Florida hunters were
also told about why there was no hunting on a new
refuge) it "might" be considered. There are the
ranchers and farmers being forced to lose stock
and dogs to wolves. There are the grandparents
babysitting their grandkids where wolves have been
seen or grizzly bears have been reported. There
are hunters who "selfishly" want to preserve game
herds of hunt birds with dogs where government
introduced and government protected predators run
rampant. There are all the hunters and fishermen
who "just don't give the state fish and wildlife
agencies 'enough' money so that they don't 'have'
to shift to Federal funding and Federal
objectives." They are ALL RESPONSIBLE and all
suffering consequences from fines and even jail
time to loss of property and elimination of their
freedoms, traditions, and heritage.
The fault for all this lies with each of us.
Unless we can elect politicians to bring the
bureaucracies under control and reorient
Universities, and stop the political pandering to
these radical groups and agendas, things will only
get worse and effective remedies will necessarily
become more extreme. Otherwise expect to see more
refuges named after politicians, more tax bills to
man the bureaucracies that no longer generate
anything on government lands except enormous and
unmanageable fires, and the continued reduction of
natural resource-oriented pursuits. But not to
worry, there will no doubt be a "Fiftieth
Anniversary" Stamp for Silent Spring and the
bureaucrats will continue to capitalize on
whatever it takes to feather their own nest: and
you, well you are RESPONSIBLE and rest assured we
are all very proud of you.
Jim Beers 19 May 2007
- If you found this worthwhile, please share it
with others. Thanks.
- This article and other recent articles by Jim
Beers can be found at (Jim Beers
Common Sense)
- Jim Beers is available for consulting or to
speak. Contact:
[email protected]
- Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife
Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge
Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional
Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota,
Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington
DC. He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in
the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the
Aleutian Islands. He has worked for the Utah Fish
& Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a
Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He
testified three times before Congress; twice
regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife
Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and
wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding
Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides in
Centreville, Virginia with his wife of many