by Jim Beers 4/6/07
Back when I lived in North Dakota and then in
Nebraska I took for granted the big sky that, due
to the rolling plains and paucity of trees,
allowed you to see, seemingly forever, to the
faraway horizon. So when, in that land of severe
winds, tornadoes, and hail a dark cloud peeked up
over the Northern, Southern, or Western horizons;
either you took notice or placed yourself in
potentially severe jeopardy by ignoring this sign.
Today our national political condition is placing
a long line of ominous clouds on the world
The last two Presidential elections displayed a
deep and bitter division in the country. While it
is characterized as a "Party" split, I have (ever
since that first, revealing red/blue voting map)
seen this as an urban/rural split. It is true
however that in every state with a large urban
enclave, the urban enclaves are almost always
administered by a Democratic Party "machine" and
the rural areas are most often administered by
Republican politicians.
Although I write about environmental and animal
rights issues and tend to view the politics of
this divide through this prism, this urban/rural
divide accounts for far more than the seemingly
narrow issues of my concern. Gun control, racial
classifications, union agendas, abortion,
same-sex, education, defense, and foreign policy
issues (to name a few) have increasingly reflected
a level of animosity and disagreement that appears
intractable to these groups of American citizens.
Perhaps the largest of these clouds on the horizon
at the moment is the foreign policy/national
defense situation.
There is no debate about the fact that there are
thousands of Moslems (call them "fundamentalists",
"extremists", "suicide bombers", "Taliban", "Al
Qaeda", "Iranians", "Syrians", "Hezbollah",
"Brotherhood", "unemployed Europeans", or what you
will) who want to kill Americans and destroy
America as we know it. The question before us is
do we "defeat" them, or do we "contain" them, or
do we "appease" them by seeking to identify and
assuage any "root cause" of their dislike for us.
This debate has taken some very ominous turns of
When the Speaker of the House blunders around in
foreign pandering as has just occurred, the result
is not (as the pundits would have it) "the message
that the government does not speak with a single
voice in foreign affairs". The message is the same
one that the initial US response to the Iranian
hostage crisis was 30 years ago - "the 'West' and
the US are 'weak' and can be conquered". That may
not be what we thought but one need look no
farther that the advent of all manner of "radical"
Moslem reactions from Al Qaeda to Libya to Iraq
and its giant cannon escapade to understand what
many Middle East radical factions came to believe.
Coinciding with this signal of wishful appeasement
is the reinforcement of this "the West (or
non-Moslem) is a civilization decaying from within
and therefore ripe for the picking" radical
perception engendered by the recent seizure of
British sailors and marines by Iran. The entire
scenario from the dressing of the female sailor
and the instant public statements of guilt while
eating and enjoying themselves as "guests" of
magnanimous Iranian captors to the happy return in
Iranian clothes and gifts of candy et al from the
kindly Iranian government (the one building a
nuclear bomb capacity and stating publicly that it
will destroy Israel) has only one effect worth
noting. Regardless of what our ally does or says
about their fighting "persons" behavior, or what
the explanation of why the nearby British vessel
failed to stop the "seizure", or how much
Europeans and many Americans hail such "peaceful
negotiation": the radicals that would kill us and
destroy this great nation are all smiling as they
imagine this to be the "Western" fighting person
between them and ultimate victory.
Why do I mention this? It is not to vilify
politicians or to castigate an ally; it is not
even to mention the degeneration of European
resolve in the face of this threat aimed at
destroying "Western" civilization. I mention this
because the situation is only going to get worse.
Our enemies are emboldened beyond belief by these
developments. Where it is leading is certainly an
intensification of the confrontation with an
increase in the severity and number of attacks.
Where that leads is unclear today.
So what does the opinion of some old, retired
wildlife biologist mean in an area so far from his
field? Consider the following observations.
When we similarly confronted communism in Vietnam
and then "disengaged", the social eruptions were
notable and the resulting implications are with us
today. The deep divisions attending the
disengagement were "papered over" in large measure
by a national political conversion to
environmental and animal rights "theology". The
Endangered Species Act (ESA), The Animal Welfare
Act, The Marine Mammal Protection Act, The
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), The
Wilderness Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, Clean
Air Act, Clean Water Restoration Act, Federal
Noxious Weed Act, Fishery Conservation and
Management Act, and the notorious UN Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora that formed the anti-US
Constitutional bedrock of the ESA were all passed
or signed off on by the US government during the
period of social unrest and turbulence that
accompanied the Vietnam period of the late 1960's
to mid
Why is this relevant? Because we are entering and
evidently bound to repeat a period of internal
conflict that will (if our opponents aren't
successful) lead us into another period where
and will once again be looking for a WAY TO HANG
or Democrat, urban or rural makes no difference.
Like those politicians of 35 years ago, what
better way of building support and staying in
power than "protecting Flipper"; or "saving
species"; or "setting aside Wilderness (or
Roadless or "Critical" or "Corridor" or "Native")
Areas; or purifying "Ecosystems" (i.e. "Invasive"
jihads, Non-Native purges"); or eliminating
logging, or ranching, or hunting, or trapping, or
cockfighting, or animal ownership; etc.? The only
difference is that they now have all these bad
laws and treaties in place. Look at the way they
have grown government power and budgets and
bureaucracies. Look at how they have perverted
Universities and "science" and state agencies like
fish and wildlife agencies. Look at how they have
reduced the area and traditions of rural life.
Look at how they have perverted the Constitution
("taking" WITHOUT compensation, states' rights,
public land management, etc.). Look at how they
have spawned a powerful Federal bureaucracy that
would be the envy of Cardinal Richeliu and King
Louis of France.
Because we were too lazy and self-centered ("I
don't hunt"; "I think 'they' should outlaw cock
fights"; "I don't think 'they' should be 'allowed'
to - hunt, trap, wear fur, log, graze, fish,
manage wildlife, mine, drill, explore, etc., etc.
- either on their own property or 'public' land";
"I don't own a gun nor should anyone else"; "We
should get rid of the Electoral College and
states' rights so that the Federal government can
fulfill all our own fantasies of the way others
should live"; "Private property is an outmoded
concept"; etc.
Those laws and those harmful precedents are just
laying there for the next generation of "do-good"
Federal politicians and their allies. That is not
to say that they won't pass new ones ("Puppy
Protection"?, "Heritage Ecosystems"?, "Animal
Parliament Act"?, "Sacred Native Plant Act", etc)
but continually expanding the ones in existence
("Listing the Northern Jumping Mouse Wind River
Hairy Flea Distinct Population Segment in NE
Sublette County" or getting a Supreme Court
"penumbra" or "emanation" that "mammals are
eligible for US citizenship", etc.) may prove to
be sufficient. So prepare to get all gushy when
your politician (like Nixon before them, or
Congressman Moran today) tells you that they just
"sponsored" some absurd bill that harms others but
makes you feel good.
We have let these laws increase in scope and stink
for 35 years now and soon enough they will be
called upon again to serve their purpose. That
purpose never was what they were purported to do.
All of those ecological and animal Armageddons
could have been handled better with strong state
governments and citizen involvement. Instead they
have been mere steroids for Federal and state
bureaucrats and politicians. What should have been
amended or repealed based on the facts have been
allowed to ferment and smolder like a putrid
concoction. We will have no one to blame but
ourselves when these discredited concepts and
mandates arise Phoenix-like to greater heights as
this national duel plays itself out and they once
again are used to convince us of our politicians'
"sensitivity" and our bureaucrats' "concern".
When asked today, "Did you notice those clouds
over there on the horizon" it may already be too
late. The duration and severity of a storm is more
often than not a speculative guess. Hail? Tornado?
Wind? Heavy Rain? Temperature Drop? All of the
above? Who knows? But given what we know about
conditions existing at this time; this may be a
pretty bad storm coming.
Jim Beers
Good Friday
6 April 2007
- If you found this worthwhile, please share it
with others. Thanks.
- This article and other recent articles by Jim
Beers can be found at
(Jim Beers Common Sense)
- Jim Beers is available for consulting or to
speak. Contact: [email protected]
- Jim Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife
Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge
Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional
Fellow. He was stationed in North Dakota,
Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington
DC. He also served as a US Navy Line Officer in
the western Pacific and on Adak, Alaska in the
Aleutian Islands. He has worked for the Utah Fish
& Game, Minneapolis Police Department, and as a
Security Supervisor in Washington, DC. He
testified three times before Congress; twice
regarding the theft by the US Fish & Wildlife
Service of $45 to 60 Million from State fish and
wildlife funds and once in opposition to expanding
Federal Invasive Species authority. He resides in
Centreville, Virginia with his wife of many