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Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
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January 25, 2017

Jim Beers needs letters of recommendation for US Fish & Wildlife Service now

Information below includes his resume and contact information.

Since I announced my intent to compete for the Director of the US Fish & Wildlife Service I have received a swell of support and numerous requests for a resume to share and inquiries about what can be done.

As to what can be done, since the Transition Teams are dealing with only applications, I would suggest any political connections you have like US Senator or Congressman or any state pol or Party official.  Other than that a letter to a newspaper or an appeal to colleagues to do the same might be helpful.

Please send your endorsement of Jim Beers for Director of the US Fish & Wildlife Service  to The Honorable Tom Reed. Vice Chairman, DJT's Transition Team, [email protected]and another to [email protected]


As to a resume, here is a SHORT Version:

Jim Beers
522 Brooklyn Court
Eagan, MN 55123

(H) 651-797-3570
(C) 703-585-0211

 e-mail: [email protected]  

Jim Beers retired from the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 2000 where he served as a career wildlife biologist, US Special Agent, Chief of National Wildlife Refuge Operations, wetland biologist, program analyst, and Congressional Fellow.  He was stationed in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York City, and Washington DC.  He uncovered and readied for prosecution two of the largest wildlife violations in USFWS history; the Vesely-Forte international fur smuggling case and the Cartier Jewelers’ importation and sale of Hawksbill Turtle jewelry.  He has a Bachelors’ degree in Wildlife Resources from Utah State and a Masters’ degree in Public Administration from the University of Northern Colorado.  He served as a US Navy Line Officer onboard ship in the western Pacific and as a US Navy Courier Officer in the Aleutian Islands.  He also worked for the Utah Game and Fish Department, the Minneapolis Police Department, and as a Security Supervisor and private security guard at several sites in the Washington, DC area.

Since retirement Jim Beers has written over 1700 articles and papers and spoken to various organizations throughout the country concerning environmental and animal rights excesses, Constitutional solutions to the controversies surrounding private ownership of domestic animals, the management and use of wild animals, and environmental harmony between man and our natural world.  Although he has had one webpage and 2 blogs over the years, due to the technical difficulties in maintaining them, today he writes for a list of folks that have asked to receive what he writes.  He relies on their judgment as to the worth of what he writes as he asks them to consider sharing them freely with others.  His writings have appeared in a variety of publications and have made him many acquaintances worldwide. 

He has testified three times before US Congressional Committees, twice regarding the theft of $45 to 60 Million by the US Fish & Wildlife Service from hunting and fishing excise taxes intended for state fish and wildlife programs and once in opposition to proposed federal Invasive Species Authority. 

He resides in Eagan, Minnesota with his wife of many decades.


Here is a LONG Version:



            A.  Author/Environmental Consultant                  July 1999 to Present

Published scientific study

Wrote articles and issue analyses

Delivered speeches and seminars to ranchers, farmers, dog owners, taxidermists, etc.


            B. Grants Administrator/Wildlife Biologist                            January 1990 to June 1999

            Division of Federal Aid

            US Fish and Wildlife Service

            Washington, D.C.


            1.  Draft and administer $M+ national grants

            2.  International negotiator for US/ECU. Fur Trade Agreement (2 years)

3.  Work to resolve National/State Fish and Wildlife issues

4.  Project Officer $1M + Project for Biological Control of Purple Loosestrife


            C. Chief, Office of Administration (FWE)                       October 1987 to January 1990

            Fish and Wildlife Enhancement

            US Fish and Wildlife Service

            Washington, D.C.


            1.  Supervised 12 people

            2.  Provided budget and administrative support to 4 Divisions


            D. Chief, Branch of Refuge Operations                   October 1979 to October 1987

            Division of Refuge Management

            US Fish and Wildlife Service

            Washington, D.C.


            1.  Supervised 20 people

            2.  Provided budget, administrative, enforcement, and technical support

                 for largest Agency Division

            3.  Temporary Instructor at FLETC (GA)


            E. Congressional Fellow                                       April 1979 to October 1979

            Office of US Representative Bill Frenzel (3rd District, MN)

            US Congress, Washington, D.C.


             F. Congressional Fellow                                   December 1978 to April 1979

            Office of US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (NY)

            US Congress, Washington, D.C.


            G. Program Analyst                                          January 1976 to November 1979

            US Fish and Wildlife Service

            Washington, D.C.

            1.  June 1978 - Acting Deputy Director, Alaska Area Office, Anchorage, Alaska (USFWS)

            2.  January to May 1978 - President’s Reorganization Project for Law Enforcement

3.   October 1977 - Area Office Evaluation Team member for Assist. Secretary of Interior

H.  Wildlife Biologist                                        October 1974 to January 1976

            US Fish and Wildlife Service

            Washington, D.C.

            I.  Special Agent, International Investigations      January 1972 to October 1974

            (Canada, Germany)

New York, NY/ Washington, D.C.                                  

            J.  US Game Management Agent                                                                     

            US Fish and Wildlife Service               

            Grand Island, NE                                                                     April 1970 to January 1972                               

            Minneapolis, MN                                                                 April 1969 to April 1970

            (September 1969 to January 1970 - Recruit Training

            Minneapolis Police Department)

            K.  Wildlife Biologist (Wetlands Office)                         December 1967 to April 1969

            US Fish and Wildlife Service

            Devils Lake, North Dakota

            L.  Self-Employed Tree-Trimmer and Landscaper      February 1967 to December 1967

            St. Charles, Illinois

            M.  Line Officer, US Navy                           September 1963 to February 1967

            1963 and 1964 - Deck Officer, USS Seminole (AKA-104)

            1965 and 1966 - USN Communication Station, Adak, Alaska

            N.  Intermittent Assistant Refuge Manager and Conservation Officer    1962 and 1963

            Utah Fish and Game

            Hooper, Utah, and Cache County, Utah



A.  Evolution of the Acid Rain Act of 1979                   

                  Adelphi University

                 June 1979

             B.  US Fish and Wildlife Service

     1. Federal Enforcement Needs on Alaskan National Parks and Refuges

     2. Federal Enforcement Options on All Federal Lands

     3. Environmental Education Options for the Fish and Wildlife Service

     4. Program Management Document for a Major Wildlife Program

C. Articles published in the following magazines:

The American Trapper, Carolina Adventure, Nevada Outdoorsman, Oregon Outdoor

And on web sites such as:  National Animal Interest Alliance, American Fur Council, International Wildlife Management Coalition, Paragon Foundation, and Sierra Times.

D.  The Effects of Four Federally Supported Projects on Selected Flora and Fauna in the               

Washington, DC Area.  Co-Authored with Richard Mitchell and James Tate.  Published in Technology, Volume 7, Number 6, 2000, pages 609 – 632. ISSN 1072-9240.



A.  M.A. Public Administration – 1977

    University of Northern Colorado

B. Minneapolis Police Academy - 1969

C. US Navy Officer Candidate School - 1964 

D. B.S. Wildlife Resources – 1963

    Utah State University


A.  Wrote a novel concerning environmental changes in the Federal Government.  Published 98-page scientific paper used as a basis for a multi-million dollar lawsuit regarding Federal projects on the Potomac River.

B. Active member of US Negotiating Team concerning the maintenance of the US/European Union threatened fur ban and international trapping standards.

C. Facilitated and helped to integrate State Fish and Wildlife Agency participation on the US/EU Fur Trade Negotiations.

D. Helped State Fish and Wildlife agencies to begin a trap testing program to meet humane trapping standards and to establish Best Management Practices for trapping throughout the US.

E. Advised and assisted State Fish and Wildlife Agencies to apply for and obtain two essential grants to breed and distribute (nationally) five species of insects that are now decreasing large stands of Purple Loosestrife plants throughout US wetlands.

F. Helped to develop State Fish and Wildlife Agencies transition to the latest technology in licensing systems known as Automated Sportsman’s Database Systems.  These systems not only facilitate improved administration but also are causing an explosion in data collection about purchasers and fish and wildlife populations.

G. As the Special Agent in New York, NY, unearthed, investigated, and helped US Attorneys conclude two large environmental cases; 1) the Vesely-Forte fur smuggling case involving South American and African cats and giant otters, and 2) Hawksbill Turtle product smuggling to New York’s largest jewelry stores.

H. Designed and conducted the first waterfowl production survey of an arbitrary, large segment of a vast habitat -- the STARKWEATHER/EDMORE WATERFOWL PRODUCTION SURVEY in North Dakota.


1998 National Trappers Association
Trapper Conservationist of the Year Award

2000 Foundation for North American Wild Sheep Federal Statesman Award

2004 Coalition of Arizona & New Mexico Counties
Integrity in Government Award

2005 American Agri-Women
Veritas Award

2016 Citizen’s Alliance for Property Rights Lifetime Achievement Award


Since retirement in 2000, Jim has spoken to approximately 100 groups all over the country about wildlife, federal and state law, property rights, environmentalism, animal “rights”, and Rural American issues from traditions and culture to federal attempts to drastically alter Rural American life.  Additionally I have written over 1600 articles that go worldwide to a select readership as well as appear in numerous publications on these matters and I have served as a consultant to groups as diverse as public land users to animal owners being harmed by government actions.




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