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Klamath County Debate: Conservative vs. Progressive   

December 14th, 2011 - 6:00 p.m.

Conservative vs. Progressive Debate 12-14-2011

Charter Channel 14


Klamath County Government Center, 305 Main Street. (seating is limited)

(This debate will re-air online at a link that does not exist yet. We
will promote the link afterwards.)

The proposed topics from This Week in Klamath County moderator, Joe
Spendolini are:

* Big Government. What is the definition? Is it good, or bad?

* Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Healthcare Reform
Law) Good/bad and why

* Communism/Socialism vs. Capitalism

* Private sector and public employee unions. Good/bad and why

The panelists representing Conservatives are:

* Dennis Linthicum
* Ed Tuhy
* Randy Shaw
* Jeff Woodwick

The panelists representing Progressives are:

* Ed Silling
* Jennifer Turner
* Ken Volante
* Kirk Oakes

The KlamathOnline.com story link is here:

Conservative vs. Progressive Debate 12-14-2011



Jeff Woodwick

Klamath County Republican Central Committee
http://www.klamathrepublican.org <http://www.klamathrepublican.org/>
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              Page Updated: Wednesday December 14, 2011 03:33 AM  Pacific

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