Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Archive 65 - October 2007
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Around 1900, Link River, between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake Ewauna, occasionally went dry before the Klamath Project was built. There was no hydropower, no hatcheries, occasionally no fish (fish need water), no artificially-raised river flows or lake levels.  HERE for more

Congressman Walden Update - Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2007 (HR 2262), posted 10/30/07. "...it will result in a major threat to America’s long-term stability...HR 2262 totally fails to recognize that mineral availability is a cornerstone to robust economic activity because minerals support the broadest range of manufacturing and industrial businesses, including transportation, defense, aerospace, electronics, energy, agriculture, communication, construction, and health care. "

Dikes blasted to restore Oregon marshland for endangered fish, Oregonian 10/30/07, FOLLOWED BY: Levees breached to restore Klamath wetlands (KBC NOTE: this is the first we, the farm community at large, has heard that this is another project with TNC that will take 20,000 acres out of farmland. Multiply that by double the evaporation of ag land and worse water quality. The Oregonian says Cheney gave farmers water killing fish..go here for the facts clearing Cheney. One farmer on TNC board has before stated that every time land is taken out of ag land in the Upper Basin with the promise of storage, that has never panned out. In the Oregonian article his support of this project does not speak for all of his community, nor does the support of the other farmer who is mentioned speak for us.
Explosions Destroy Levee Near Klamath Lake, ktvl.com 10/30/07.

Major Explosions to Restore Wetlands in Oregon’s Klamath Basin, The Nature Conservancy 10/30/07. HERE for TNC Page.

Blasting levees part of effort to revive Oregon lake, USA Today, posted 10/29/07

Sucker fish are getting back their old home, Oregonian 10/29/07.

(KBC NOTE: this will add 7400 acres to more than 100,000 acres already taken out of private ag and flooded by the gov't and The Nature Conservancy, evaporating 2ce the water used for agriculture irrigation. The Upper Basin tax base and cattle industry are decimated. Dr. William Lewis of the National Academy of Science testified that breaching dikes and taking more land out of agriculture will not help suckers or water quality) It will add more shallow warm water to evaporate and warm the Klamath Lake and River.

NOAA Fisheries Service Announces Actions to Mitigate Effects of Hydropower System, Recover Salmon Stocks; product of two-year collaboration with states and tribes, 10/31/07

California commission recommends ripping out Klamath Dams, Washington Times 10/29/07, FOLLOWED BY comments on Free Republic forum, "Tear them down. California doesn’t need electricity."

Power rates to increase next year, H&N, posted to KBC 10/29/07

Adaptability a key word in agriculture, H&N, posted 10/29/07. Includes ag sales from '98 - '06.

Mount Ashland ski growth blocked, H&N, posted to KBC 10/29/07. "The ruling is another setback for efforts spanning 20 years by the Mt Ashland Ski Association."

Posted Oct. 29, 2007, The Miners Speak: files by miners thread regarding writer Dan Bacher's and Karuk spokesman Craig Tucker's anti-mining articles.The thread was censored by Bacher, but someone had saved it and sent it to KBC.
A letter by 'Jeff' to Dan Bacher regarding his anti-mining article.
Bacher's article:
Governor Vetoes Bill To Protect Klamath, Salmon Rivers from Suction Dredge Mining, DAN BACHER, posted to KBC 10/16/07. (KBC NOTE: Bacher's photo is a fraud. Go HERE for story about the false photo.)
HERE for Miner's page.

Measure 49: Make sure you read it carefully, George Warner, Klamath Fall for H&N, posted 10/29/07

Fishermen to meet with governor, ocean use debate, by Susan Chambers, The World Link, posted to KBC 10/28/07. "Verger said at a packed Aug. 22 OPAC meeting in Charleston that Coastal Caucus constituents have made it clear they’re unhappy with the marine reserves process and that OPAC and the governor’s office must work to gain back the trust of the public."..."Kulongoski forged ahead with his plans for protecting Oregon’s ocean in British Columbia on Tuesday."

Editorial: Fire is a part of California; state must prepare, SacBee 10/28/07. "bring environmental leaders and fire officials together on ways to manage brush and dead trees through thinning and prescribed burns."

Latest S. Cal fire comments from Palm Springs: "The democrats are blaming Bush for the fires and global warming. However the Sierra Club and other environmental groups caused many of the forests to go un-thinned for more than 60 years, fueling this firestorm and loss of life."

Biofuels in the Klamath Basin and how local ag can be involved, Pappe Ganders in Merrill 7:30 October 29, back room.

Golddredger.com forum discussing California Dept Fish and Game's continued agenda of exterminating suction dredge mining rights, 10/27/07

Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels, 10/27/07

NOAA Fisheries asks judge for more time on coho listing case, CB Bulletin, posted 10/27/07

OCTOBER 26, 2007 California Farm Bureau Friday Review "Today's Friday Review is the last issue of this legislative year. It is an update on the Governor's actions on many bills that CFBF has been tracking. We'll resume reporting in 2008 when the Legislature reconvenes." HERE for more bills, laws and court events.

Comments posted on Sacramento Bee website regarding Hillary for President, 10/27/07.

Family Farm Alliance on Colorado water storage projects, 10/27/07

East, West clash over wilderness, Capital Press 10/26/07

KBC READERS: In the following articles we may glean a little information about the settlement talks discussing dam removal, water rights, flows, and now ocean wildlands:
Ocean council hears Klamath, fishing issues, The Times-Standard 10/26/2007
Ocean Protection Council talks dams, project funding, The Eureka Reporter 10/27/07
Calif. Ocean Protection Council to hear Klamath settlement talks, Daily Triplicate, posted 10/26/07

Comments on Oregon Measures 37 and 49, Capital Press 10/26/07

Our new Biological Assessment is out,  10/24/07  Page 29, Element Four, Water User Mitigation Plan: "Work with the KWUA to establish a Water User Drought Mitigation Plan which could be implemented to lessen the impact to water users when the Project experiences a water shortage. The Plan initially will be managed by Reclamation for a four-year transition period, after which it will be the sole responsibility of the KWUA under a Joint Powers Agreement..." Please, will someone explain the meaning of this to the KBC readers?? We at KBC weeded through several pages of this BA. Dikes to Klamath Lake will be breached, thousands more acres of farmland will be converted to swamps further evaporating water and raising the PH as proven before; these are the things that the National Academy of Science told us NOT to do to improve water quantity and quality. 
PRESS RELEASE: Biological Assessment, Bureau of Reclamation posted to KBC 10/24/07

Measure 49 would take away rights, 10/24/07 Statesman Journal Opinion

Bureau of Reclamation weekly water report, Herald and News 10/24/07.

When Man Is Endangered, Investor's Business Daily 10/23/2007. "That would be the 1973 Endangered Species Act. It's the same law that cut off an irrigation project earlier this decade along the California-Oregon border that 1,400 farmers were counting on."

"Klamath — Upper end below Iron Gate is plugged with king salmon, 8 to 20 pounds, the standard size for this river..." Record Net 10/24/07

"The (following) worksheets contain the latest Chinook salmon run update for the Bogus Creek and Shasta River Fish Counting Facilities.  The run estimate for this year is preliminary at this time.  On October 19th we experienced abnormally high flows for this day.   As a result the run size estimates for October 19 are incomplete because of turbid water and periodic power shortages..." Mark Hampton, CDFG Yreka, biologist Klamath River Project.
Cal. Dept Fish and Game adult Chinook video count Shasta River, Sept-Oct 2007.
CDFG adult Chinook video count Bogus Creek, Sept-Oct 2007

Beware the Watershed Group, William Jud, posted to KBC 10/24/07

Need funds for Carnegie legal defense fund, Agencies deny he was killed by a wolf:  by 10/24/07

Lt. Gov. John Garamendi has canceled his trip to the North Coast, being pulled instead to visit fire ravaged areas of Southern California. See article below:
State officials touring North Coast, Times Standard 10/23/07. "...and others who sit on the California Ocean Protection Council will be briefed on the status of settlement talks regarding the Klamath, after touring the lower river Wednesday...A large group of varied interests -- including fishermen, tribes, irrigators and others -- have been meeting over the past year to come to terms over a number of difficult problems facing the Klamath River basin." (KBC NOTE: Yes it is a large group of environmental groups, tribes, no miners, no loggers, no Oregon coastal commercial fishermen, no people living on the dam reservoirs, and a very small group of farmers who cannot talk to their constituency about what rights and water they are negotiating in exchange for removal of 4 Klamath River dams. Our community is not allowed to know the details. Troy Fletcher of the Yurok Tribe said they have held several meetings to tell their people. We farmers are not at the table)

The woman is Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from Los Angeles on Al Jazeera television. We suggest watching it ASAP because we don't know how long the link will be active.

Potato Festival, Merrill Saturday Oct 20.

What Measure 49 Does to the Small Measure 37 Claimant, from Dave Hunnicutt, President Oregonians In Action 10/19/07

The Problems of Measure 49, Democrat Herald 10/19/07, "...the measure reaffirms the principle that the government is in complete charge of our land and its putative private owners may be allowed to do something only at the sufferance of lawmakers and officials in Salem."

KLAMATH Basin: Beyond National Security; Inside the Wire & Operating from Within, Pioneer Press 10/19/07. "dirty cops working hand in hand with radical Native separatists and leftwing ideologues seeking to upset local and regional economic health and balance. In this formula, the dirty cops get hand outs, the anti-western Native revolutionaries destroy economic infrastructure, and the socialists running the dope trade strengthen their grip over policy makers. It's a win win all around except for pro-western farmers, ranchers, and common folk unaffiliated with the drug trade - that's you, your family and friends." For more drug cartel info, scroll down on our Crops Page. And on destroying our infrastructure, go to our Dam Page.  

Wilderness bill debate boils down to East versus West, Missoulian 10/19/07

***Solution to global warming, go to Global Warming page.

PRESS RELEASE: Groups Seek Remedy for Wolves Impacted by Cows, Wolf Crossing, 10/19/07: “This is a backdoor attempt to permanently force out of business people who have created endangered species habitat.  These are the very allotments where habitat has been created by the rancher’s excellent livestock grazing management. The irony is wolves would not be on those ranches harming people, if the habitat were not spectacular they would still be in the wilderness where habitat is obviously lacking.”

President Bush Press Conference, 10/18/07

***Kill giant new wilderness bill before Oct. 18!!

Bonanza FFA tops in soil judging, H&N 10/18/07

Shasta River Fish Counting, by California Fish and Game, 10/18/07
Bogus Creek fish count 10/18/07
Shasta River fish count summary, 10/18/07

KBC reader responds to Dr. Gierak's comments on mining bill 1032, 10/18/07.

Oregonians In Action: Small Business Organizations Unite Against Measure 49, 10/18/07

Whitsett candidate for re-election, 10/18/07. “ I will continue to battle for the best business environment possible for our small businesses, farmers, fishermen, ranchers, and other natural resource users.”


10/18/07: We received this message from a coastal commercial fisherman: "Now is the time! It's estimated that more than 400,000 king salmon have invaded the Klamath-Trinity River system since heavy rains blew open the mouth of the river last week. Indian gill netters already have filled their quota of 21,000 fish, so there are no impediments to the spawning run. Driftboats are claiming limits of salmon, 8 to 14 pounds, with top fish going to 20 pounds. Fresh roe is the ticket. Good stretch is from Iron Gate Dam down to Interstate 5. Wild trout and steelhead to 16 inches are in the mix, as well. Stockton guide Dave Mierkey will be fishing daily through the end of October. Information:(209)475-0403 (Stockton); (530)842-2229 (Yreka)." (KBC Note: does this mean we can keep the dams in and let the farmers have irrigation water? Klamath Lake is at a 10-yr low.)

A salmon run for the ages, Record Net 10/17/07. "This year's spawning salmon run is one for the ages. Forecasters believe at least 400,000 adult kings - 8 to 20 pounds - will return to the Klamath....The great salmon run harkens to years ago when the Klamath River was a prime destination in the West for sport fishers. This year's steelhead migration will follow the spawning kings to snap up errant eggs, and likely place the Klamath back at the top of the state's anadromous streams. (KBC Note: evidently the glowing green algae is luring the salmon this season)

Dr. Richard A. Gierak, chemist, biologist, chiropractor, comments on mining Bill AB1032, which Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed. More on Mining Page.10/18/07. KBC reader responds to Dr. Gierak's comments on mining bill 1032,

(KBC Note: An example of Green Tactics used to destroy communities): Governor Vetoes Bill To Protect Klamath, Salmon Rivers from Suction Dredge Mining, DAN BACHER, posted to KBC 10/16/07. (KBC NOTE: Bacher's photo is a fraud. Go HERE for story about the false photo.)
Go to Mining Page to see what grief the Karuk Tribal lawsuit and California Dept of Fish and Game put the California Dredge miners through

Weekly water report by Herald and News, data from Bureau of Reclamation, 10/16/07 - REVISED by Bureau.

Report: Wis. loses 30,000 acres of farmland per year, but diversity insulating fallout, Capital Press, posted to KBC 10/16/07. (KBC Note: will America wake up in time?? California lost a million acres farmland is a 10-yr period. See Ag Page.

Measure 49, the dark politics of deception, Dennis Richardson, Oregon State Representative, posted 10/15/07. (KBC Note: this is an excellent breakdown of what's very wrong with Measure 49.)

Battle Over New Dams Sinks California Water Bond Plan. How The ‘Clean Water Restoration Act’ Would Expand, Not Restore Federal Powers. October 2007 Family Farm Alliance weekly update. 10/15/07

Congress Should Oppose Expansion of the Definition of Waters of the United States, WAC 10/07. "It expands the regulatory authority of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to include all “intrastate waters” – essentially all wet areas within a state including impoundments, groundwater, ditches, pipes, streets, gutters, and desert features."
Please contact your Congressmen to oppose H.R. 2421/ S. 1870. HERE for information.

Low lake levels won't affect fish, farmers, H&N 10/15/07

To KBC. "Please Help Kill the Giant Wilderness Bill by going to the Save the West web site and e-mailing members of the sub-committee which will be hearing HR 1975 on October 18. The five states (including Oregon) targeted have a very small representation in Congress.  We have a better chance to kill it in Committee--it is up to us to act NOW! Thanks, Aubyn Curtiss," Montana Senator.Help kill wilderness bill 1975  (KBC NOTE: At stake are 23 million total acres of new wilderness in five states) 10/13/17

Dear KBC,You have been very helpful to our family regarding our son Kenton's death (by a wolf). We are now asking if you would consider distribute the letter below to assist us with our legal defense fund. Kim Carnegie. 10/13/07

To the Members of the California State Assembly: I am returning Assembly Bill 1032 without my signature...Governor Schwarzenegger 10/13/07. "The benefit or protection from such a minor closure is negligible and supports the notion that scientific environmental review should precede such decisions." (KBC NOTE: The Karuk Tribe, California Dept of Fish and Game, and Democrat Assemblymember Lois Wolk failed to shut down suction dredge mining in the rivers and streams of California, including Klamath River and its tributaries. Congratulations miners - freedom wins again!)

Oregon Senator Whitsett honored by state natural resource group, 10/13/07. “Serving as a voice for farmers, foresters and other family agricultural businesses is a great privilege.”

Panel studies options for lethal take of California sea lions 10/13/07 CB Bulletin

Federal judge orders reassessment of coastal coho ESA status, October 12, 2007 Columbia Basin Bulletin

Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger from retired EPA Joseph Green Research Biologist/Ecotoxicologist regarding anti-mining bill AB1032, 10/13/07. This bill is the result of lawsuits by the Karuk Tribe.

Write letter To Governor Schwarzenegger to veto Assembly Bill 1032 to save CA gold dredge mining by 10/13/07. TODAY! This travesty is compliments of the Karuk Tribe lawsuit against resource users on the Klamath River.
       See Miners Page for background. To make certain your message actually makes it to the Governor's desk, our lobbyists are asking that you Fax your message to: (916) 492-8957
Or email your message to: [email protected]
        Our lobbyists will make certain that your message is hand delivered to the Governor's office!
        Important: Even though you send your message to our lobbyists, the heading of the message should be addressed to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as shown in our sample message.
        This is our last chance; please help us kill this bill right now!
        Very important: You must include your own return postal address on whatever letter, fax or email that you send to the Governor. That is the only way that he can recognize and weigh the importance of your communication!

Fisheries must take new look at coho, Oregonian, posted to KBC 10/13/07

WSWC Conference Oct 10-12

PRESS RELEASE: Fish and Wildlife Service October 9, 2007. Petition Seeking Endangered Species Act Protection for the Giant Palouse Earthworm Does Not Establish Need for Listing. (KBC NOTE: Oh No! If the worm is not to be listed as endangered, roads will stay open, water will continue to go to farmers, dams won't come out, economies won't be destroyed, property can not be confiscated, mining and logging banned, fishing won't be curtailed, more millions of dollars will not go to studies.)

8/15/06: Senator Doug Whitsett, Oregon District 28, asked these questions to the Bureau of Reclamation and the US Fish and Wildlife regarding Barnes Ranch acquisition.  
10/9/07: Upon request of the "final" answers, today Cecil Leslie from the Bureau of Reclamation sent these to KBC stating, "Attached are our responses to Senator Whitsett's questions; the Draft answers are our final answers."   HERE for more on Barnes Ranch and other "irrigation storage" letters, scams, science.

To the people of Klamath Basin, Klamath River and interested parties, by Karuk Tribal member James A. Waddell, posted to KBC 10/10/07 (regarding dam removal, algae, historical facts, and Karuk lawsuits)

Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels, 10/9/07

Weekly water report by Bureau of Reclamation, Herald and News, posted 10/9/07

Letter from Karuk Tribal member James A. Waddell to Senator Dave Cox, 10/8/07. "... not even 10% of the Karuk Tribal members are involved in, or even informed of, Karuk Tribe Law Suits...There are Tribal members that have been threatened and faced threats to their families '…if they opened their mouths…' by these money-greedy enemies of working people calling themselves the Karuk Tribe of California...Most of us Karuk members had to leave our old homeland because political activists, pocket-money Karuk members of Political Influence, and the subsequent shut-down of the local sawmill, loggers and related businesses.  That caused a population drop of 72%!  " Here for more tribal letters

Reality of farm subsidies: they're still needed, Carl Sampson, Capital Press, posted to KBC 10/8/07. "Blumenauer criticizes subsidies when it comes to farming, but encourages subsidies for enterprises like the Portland mass transit system, which has received more than $1.5 billion from the federal government."

Mining correction and information from a KBC reader regarding Craig Tucker's misinformation in the previous article, 10/7/07

Fish Groups and Indian Tribes Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to Sign Bill to Empower California Department of Fish and Game on Dredge Gold Mining, California Progress Report by Dan Bacher, posted to KBC 10/6/07.

Kla-Mo-Ya casino to expand, Klamath Tribes plan hotel and larger casino, H&N 10/6/07

The 'Old' Consensus? [Excerpts] (NASA scientist James Hansen on global warming, or...cooling?) The Berean Call, 10/5/07

Please help: On November 8, 2005, our son, Kenton Joel Carnegie was attacked and killed by wolves, Oct 5, 2007

Robert F Kennedy Jr takes helm of Waterkeeper Alliance as Chairman; Board of Directors Announces New President, Executive Director posted 10/5/07. (KBC NOTE: For a little explanation on Whose Who: Waterkeeper is affiliated with international groups of dam-removal advocates. Anti-hog farms, dredge mining, coal burning power, dams--Klamath Dams. Local activists of this agenda-driven group are called "riverkeepers" as in "Klamath Riverkeeper."  "Bobby Kennedy joins Klamath Tribes, fishermen and Riverkeeper in PacifiCorp toxin suit." Bobby is senior attorney. Craig Tucker, coordinator and spokesman for the Karuk Tribe, previously worked with the environmental group Friends of the River, a California group advocating dam removal. He presently is on the board of Klamath Riverkeeper. Tucker is a lead in settlement negotiations between Klamath Water Users Association, environmentalists, agencies and Klamath River Tribes. Recent articles have said that Klamath irrigators are in these negotiations; please let us correct that misconception. We irrigators are not privy to these secret negotiations, bartering hydropower dams with water rights and power rates...secrecy was mandatory. The tribes have told their constituencies, but Klamath Basin irrigators to date have not been allowed to learn what these groups of 'brothers' are negotiating in detail. We have been assured that we will have a public comment period before it's a done deal.) HERE for more on Klamath Dam removal.

Video of Tulelake potato harvest, Herald and News 10/4/07, YouTube

Harvest under way; Frost helps effort to get Basin potatoes picked, Herald & News 10/4/07

Rebate can help harness sun’s power; Tax credits offered for solar energy systems, by Lee Juillerat, Herald and News 10/4/07

Spotted Owl Comments due 10/04/07

National Animal ID System subject of legal action, Capital Press, posted to KBC 10/3/07

PRESS RELEASE: Oregon Senator Smith Fights to Protect Klamath Farmers’ Water 10/2/07

Affected parcels in Copco and Iron Gate if Klamath River Dams are removed. We ran this earlier but we somehow messed it up. 10/1/07. "

Secret lives of fish, Eureka Reporter, posted to KBC 10/1/07"A federal fisheries biologist has recently wrapped up a study hunting juvenile salmon fitted with sophisticated electronic tracking devices that promises to significantly boost scientists’ knowledge of an important, federally protected fish."

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