Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

 Archive 56 - January 2007
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Around 1900, Link River, between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake Ewauna, occasionally went dry before the Klamath Project was built. There was no hydropower, no hatcheries, occasionally no fish (fish need water), no artificially-raised river flows or lake levels.  HERE for more

DFG Director Broddrick Statement on PacifiCorp, By: Department of Fish and Game 1/31/07
Fate of Klamath River dams in play, LA Times 1/31/07
U.S. Orders Modification of Klamath River Dams Removal May Prove More Cost-Effective, Washington Post 1/31/07
Environmentalists, Post Embrace Some Dam Destruction Article downplays lost of power for 70,000 people as the result of green mandate, Business and Media Institute 1/31/07. "Ironically, the Post took an entirely different position just five days earlier on January 26. In an editorial, the paper criticized the president’s energy plan because he “missed opportunities to improve energy security and to combat climate change.” Presumably, hydroelectric power would meet both of those goals."

Momentum builds toward dam removal, American Rivers, preceded by commentary by Property Rights Advocate Jim Foley, 1/31/07

2007 Bush Administration Farm Bill proposal, memorandum to Family Farm Alliance by Dan Keppen, FFA Executive Director 1/31/07

Two-day Klamath River Basin Fish Health Conference begins today by Nathan Rushton, posted 1/31/2007 (KBC NOTE: NOAA Fisheries, USFWS & USGS sponsor this 'objective' event. Consulting Fisheries Biologist Pat "Higgins helped create the Klamath Basin Tribal Water Quality Work Group web site at www.klamathwaterquality.com, which is aimed at educating the community about water quality problems in the Klamath River and offering solutions to solve them." Two photos they offer...one of dead fish and one of the Klamath Project saying it is polluted. Objective gov't sponsored conference?? These tribes and agencies are our FRIENDS now)

OSU study questions biofuel cost-effectiveness, Register Guard 1/31/07

Petition for review of an EPA decision regarding field burning, 1/31/07

New wolf website, Wolf Crossing. For Oregonians with a plan to introduce wolves into your neighborhood, this site will give you a hint of what's to come.  HERE for KBC wolf page. HERE for new Wolf BLOG, with a story by the father of a young man who was killed by a wolf, and the National Geographic video is attached.

Klamath River water flows, researched by Lewie Baker 1/30/07

Land sale fuels fear of higher dam at Shasta, San Francisco Chronicle, posted 1/30/07

National Marine Fishery Service Modified Prescriptions for Fishways and Alternatives Analysis for the Klamath Hydroelectric Project (FERC project #2082) from the Dept of Commerce and NMFS, posted 1/30/07.

Federal agencies issue final mandates for Klamath Dams, Karuk, 1/30/07

5 dozen killer whales believed to be hunting salmon off S.F. coast, SF Chronicle 1/30/07

http://www.legacy-tlc.org/  and http://www.legacy-tlc.org:80/  "U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and U.S. Representative Mike Thompson are considering forty-six potential wilderness areas (PWAs) in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of northwestern California for wilderness designation...The information will be used to assist the CWHC, conservation groups, and legislators in documenting the importance of PWAs in the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion and ensuring their inclusion in the proposed wilderness legislation."  KBC NOTE: This website describes the Klamath Basin, explains the evils (like farming, ranching and timber harvest), details potential endangered species, and assists in teaching the methods to create wildlands and corridors in the Klamath Basin.

Jan 29 - NAS Public Meeting in Klamath Falls

Collier Project Table of Contents - The Headgates Game. Tribes and government agencies have made an educational roadside stop south of Hilt, and we scanned the plans for you. With their info. you can play a headgates game or decide the optimum water temperature, quality and flows for the Klamath River. You can read about the damage they believe to be caused by farmers, loggers and miners.  1/28/07
If you have input, please send it to [email protected]  and we will post your comments.

Letter to KBC asking about the advantages to wildlife and farmers by taking out all the dams and reflooding Tule Lake. KBC response follows. 1/28/07. "

Glenn Howard, Chairman KBA
Basin Alliance Dinner by KBC editor 1/28/07. Klamath Basin Alliance formed in 2003 when the Federal Government was negotiating a deal with the Klamath Tribes, Klamath Water Users, and Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust to give 730,000 acres of the Winema and Fremont National Forests to the Tribes again in exchange for water rights.

Hoopa Tribe wants government to help spawning salmon, Indy Media, followed by commentary by Jim Foley, property rights advocate, posted 1/28/07. "There is virtually no difference between trucking the fish or barging the fish. ...This is from a US Corps of Engineers research review. "Other new research that may shed light on the vagaries of barging fish reported that overall, barged fish were in better shape than their inriver brethren, based on lab tests that assessed their ability to ward off marine bacteria."

Senate Democrats balk at governor's plan for dams, by Judy Lin, Sacramento Bee, followed by commentary of Mike Wade, Executive Director California Farm Water Coalition posted 1/28/07

The Forgotten Mammal; "Mine Your Own Business" tells story of the one animal environmentalists forget by Mary Katharine Ham  January 26, 2007, Townhall.com

Letter to KBC from Jim and Pat Ottoman regarding Senator Whitsett's article on tribal land return, 1/27/07. "The list of tribal members voting to remain or to sell shows the name of Alan Lee Foreman, juvenile, voting to sell.  Is this the same Alan Foreman who now as tribal Chairman wants the land returned?  Will he/they return the money gotten from the sale?...I always thought that by voting to dissolve the reservation , these voters expressed a wish to be full members of the USA."

Landowners Learning New Strategies to Protect Their Private Property  1/27/07. "A regional training seminar will be held in Yreka, CA, February 16-17, to teach landowners new strategies that will help them protect their property from restrictive land use policies."

Government Wolves
Terrorize NM Family

1/27/07 Liberty Matters

Do you want wolves in your neighborhood? They are coming soon to Oregon; please check out the photos in the following article: A cattleman's perspective on wolf depredation, 1/27/07

FWS action regarding NM Horse kill

Winter '06---2 day old colt killed by wolves

Policy Experts Reject Proposal to List Polar Bears as Threatened, Environmental News, posted 1/27/07. "According to the World Wildlife Fund, about 22,000 polar bears exist worldwide in 20 distinct populations. The group acknowledges on its Web site that "the species is not currently endangered," but it expresses concern that the bears' "future is far from certain" because the bears are not protected "against the biggest man-made threat to their survival: global warming."

KLAMATH FALLS: Local products, including sugar beets, would be considered for ethanol, H&N, posted 1/27/07

Briefings debate how hatchery salmon fit with ESA listings, CB Bulletin, posted 1/27/07

Senate Democrats balk at governor's plan for dams, Bee Capitol Bureau, posted to KBC 1/27/07

NOAA seeks comment on ocean fisheries research plan, CB Bulletin, posted 1/27/07

Legislator Photo Senator Doug Whitsett statements on Klamath Basin Alliance petitions, KBA, posted 1/27/07

"I’m disappointed that an organization called the Basin Alliance," Letter to the editor sent to Herald and News by Becky Hyde, posted 1/27/07.

Jan 25-26 potato conference

Klamath Basin Solutions, a non-profit organization who will inform our students and communities about Klamath water crisis. Please take the time to read their 'solutions' and send them input; these groups will be 'educating' your kids. Some of the solutions are: downsizing agriculture, selling farm water, more water for fish and less for ag, attract industry and ecotourism, educate students about climate change, World Bank, population growth, form Klamath Basin Congress, have fishermen-led (could that be PCFFA?) stakeholder alliance, integrate TMDL's (more water quality regulations of irrigation water) throughout the basin, etc. On their website is info on understanding Israeli/Palistinians, ordering dvd's of the Karuks and KWUA, Farms and Fish, regarding dam removal, ...
They also list solutions of water storage, fish passage, revise ESA, financial incentives, etc. www.educationalsolutions.org 1/26/07

Federal Court Rules Against EPA, SFGate 1/26/07

California Bans Dirty (coal) Power Sources, Jan 25 2007 Breitbart

Watershed council to meet this Friday.  Yreka's Sisikyou Daily News, posted 1/25/07

Feds won't kill excess wolves, Casper Star Tribune 1/22/07. "Wyoming is currently home to about 23 wolf packs outside Yellowstone National Park, 16 more than required under federal wolf recovery guidelines...State officials estimate it will cost about $2.4 million to manage the state’s wolf and grizzly programs during the year after delisting, and $2 million for each year after that." (KBC NOTE: OREGON! Plans are to introduce wolves in Oregon...have you the resources to manage them?)
Dogs killed by wolves hits record in northern Wisconsin, Business North, posted 1/22/07

Klamath ethanol plant would benefit local ag.  Capital Press, posted 1/21/07

Group identifies benefits of grazing for grasslands, Ungrazed areas lose species diversity, research finds, Capital Press, posted 1/21/07. "2006 marked the highest number Wisconsin has had in the number of dogs killed by wolves."

Study aims to shed more light on delayed mortality thesis, Columbia Basin Bulletin, posted to KBC 1/21/07. "An Idaho water users group this week cited results from a 2006 study as proof that migrating juvenile salmon do not suffer ill effects from passing down through four lower Snake River federal hydroprojects, and nor does barging the young fish through the hydrosystem hinder their chances of surviving to adulthood."

Commentary: Wolves are not an economic or ecologic advantage for the region, by Jean Mallory, president of Wallowa County Stockgrowers, posted 1/21/07. "In Wallowa County alone, that would equal a $1,012,500 per year loss, just due to calf ADG reduction. This does not include unbred cows due to lack of bull coverage, reduced cow condition, death loss, or injured animals." See WOLF page for more.

Senate passes Democrats' ethics, lobbying bill, CNN, posted 1/19/07, "The Senate, on a 55-43 vote, approved an amendment pushed by Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah, to strip a provision requiring reporting of "grass-roots" lobbying."
Bloggers Who Criticize Government May Face Prison; Bill would allow rounding up and imprisoning of non-registered political writers, Liberty Post posted 1/19/07. (KBC NOTE: Yipes, that's all of us websites who claim the right to free speech. We would be silenced by the Democrat's proposed legislation. Good bye freedom)

Utility defends Klamath River hatchery, H&N 1/19/07

A time to deliver water solutions, Sacramento Bee opinion, posted 1/19/07.  "The dams currently have more than 20 million cubic yards of sediment behind them," said Dave Kvamme, a spokesman for PacifiCorp. "I don't know how you get a permit to remove that kind of stuff." (KBC Note: the author obviously is not aware of Klamath Project logistics in his statement that there are large agricultural diversions. Water from the Klamath Basin lakes was historically in a closed basin, where normally water had no way to escape into Klamath River except for high water years. The river used to go dry in the fall, but thanks to the Klamath Project and dams, water is regulated and available all year for power and fish.)

Bush signs country's leading fishery management law, CBBulletin 1/19/07. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006 (HR 5946

Ethanol plant is a move toward secure, reliable, affordable power, H&N Letter by WD Kennedy 1/18/07. "...ethanol production in Klamath can utilize our rail infrastructure, and most importantly, the crops grown in the Klamath Basin. This is part of a new direction for our irrigated agriculture."

Hay shortage in Oregon, Mail Tribune 1/18/07

NEWS RELEASE: Acoustic Tag Salmon Study Refutes Environmentalists’ Breaching Benefits Claims, Coalition for Idaho Water, posted 1/18/07 "This crucial new data puts a bullet in the heart of arguments that tearing out the dams will somehow become a silver bullet remedy in salmon recovery efforts,...” “ 'This new science refutes claims by environmentalists that the four lower Snake River dams need to be removed. It also makes it crystal clear that additional water from southern Idaho is not needed to produce high survival rates among the juvenile fish,' ” Semanko added."
Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking Project (POST): Results from the Acoustic Tracking Study on Survival of Columbia River Salmon, 96-page report, pdf.

Klamath dams targeted, H&N, 1/18/07

Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels, 1/18/07

Forest hearing scheduled, Herald and News 1/17/07. "The Klamath Board of County Commissioners scheduled a public hearing Feb. 6 to discuss whether ownership of the Fremont-Winema National Forests should be transferred to the Klamath Tribes." HERE for past negotiations with feds, KWUA and tribes.

Klamath River Flows 1/17/07, researched by Lewie Baker. HERE for lake level and river flow archives.

A Bold and Necessary Move by “The Governator” by Dan Keppen, Executive Director Family Farm Alliance, Klamath Falls, Siskiyou Daily News 1/16/07  "California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger last week triggered an outcry from West Coast environmental activists when he included provisions to build two new surface water storage facilities in his 2007-08 state budget."

Reclamation Proposes New Grounds to Fire E-Mailing Biologist, posted 1/16/07. (KBC Note: here is an interesting scenario that has nothing to do with Klamath.  Rex Wahl was executive director of Forest Guardians, a radical environmentalist group in NM that has unconditionally opposed logging. Then the Bureau of Reclamation made him a GS-12 Environmental Specialist earning between $55,000 and &72,000 pay plus benefits.)

Association plans potato conference, H&N, Jan 25-26.
Bull and horse sale Feb. 1-3

(Klamath) water summit a high priority, H&N 1/15/07. " 'Weigler said negotiations for a settlement to water issues in the Basin need to be completed before the summit takes place. “We want to have a settlement to highlight the summit,' he said. Greg Addington, executive director of the Klamath Water Users Association, said discussions are progressing, but a settlement is yet to be reached. Once that is secured, a date will be set for the summit, tentatively in February."

Ca. Assemblyman (LaMalfa) glad governor discusses water, H&N, posted 1/15/07

Whitsett Drafts Bill With Dedicated Funding for State Police, No New Taxes, Public Safety within Our Means, 1/15/07

CALIFORNIA Seals, sea lions may endanger state's fisheries, San Francisco Chronicle 1/15/07, "About 240,000 California sea lions and 60,000 Pacific harbor seals live off the U. S. West Coast. It's not simply that they eat thousands of salmon that might otherwise be caught by people, say fishermen -- the critters may also negatively affect federal fishing regulations." (KBC editor note: (The environmental editor throws in habitat destruction, while nothing is mentioned about the State failing to run the hatcheries properly.  In fact that is why they attack hatcheries, to remove them from the solution equation.  The reason the hatcheries were built was to supplement lost spawning territory)

Letter to from Montanans for multiple use: Fellow grassroots organizers: If you are already aware and involved in the battle against Sec 220 of S.1, then you should know that Montanans For Multiple Use has joined you in that effort. If you have not yet heard about Sec 220 and the onerous requirements it will place on grassroots organizations like us who use the internet to stimulate grassroots responses to legislation through emails, faxes and phone calls, then please go to our website at www.mtmultipleuse.org/political/2007legislature.htm and scroll to the bottom of the page. There you will find links and info about this bill. Please take a look and take whatever action you think appropriate. Gary Hall Webmaster, Montanans For Multiple Use

Wolf Crossings, by Gila Livestock Growers Association. This is a website dealing with ranchers and wolves (which are coming soon to Oregon). Posted 1/15/07

Increase in fees will hurt park, H&N, posted to KBC 1/15/07. (Comments due re: Lave Beds and Crater Lake fee hike March 31.)

Ridin' Point by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County District 5,  UCE Farm & Ranch Advisor, 4-H,  posted to KBC 1/15/07: "According to the 2005 Siskiyou County Crop and Livestock Report, annual agricultural production values in the county top $147,638,371 ($195,205,386 with timber.) UCE provides scientific and technological support to this important local industry.

Environmentalists plan new push in Legislature, H&N, posted 1/15/07. "an extension of Oregon’s pesticide use reporting program; and maybe even a ban on field burning by grass seed farmers"

Here is a website with graphic information regarding livestock kills from 'reintroduced' wolves in New Mexico. Oregon plans to introduce wolves---coming soon to a pasture near you:  www.gilalivestockgrowers.org

Doug of our Discussion Forum recommends these videos regarding earth worship, enviros, PETA, UN, Sustainable Development, etc.

Letter to KBC from Santa  Clara Valley Water District regarding Schwarzenegger's proposed billions to be spent on storage and water conveyance, followed by KBC response, posted 1/13/07.

Judge restores salamander to threatened species list, Mercury News, posted 1/13/07. "A San Francisco Superior Court judge on Friday put a salamander that lives in old growth forests along the Klamath River back on California's threatened species list until the state Fish and Game Commission takes action."

Two views of new farm bill: House ag chairman: Keep it the same. Ag secretary: Change subsidies, Capital Press, posted 1/13/07 FOLLOWED BY: Ag leaders differ on farm bill needs

Ranch property condemned via Internet, Public meeting on eminent domain posted only on state agency’s website, Capital Press, posted 1/13/07. "...you're told, 'We're going to take your property and there's nothing you can do about it.'

FWS: Endangered Species money to be spent for picture-winged FLIES in Hawaii, posted 1/13/07  "We estimate costs using a seven percent discount rate to range from $597,940 to $3,794,230 over 20 years"

Bush signs fishing reform legislation, Sacramento Bee 1/12/07. "...the bill includes language to speed recovery of Klamath River salmon stocks in California and Oregon. For fishermen adversely affected by recent closures aimed at protecting threatened fish, there would be disaster relief programs."

USGS PRESS RELEASE: First Annual Streamflow Summary Available, 1/12/07. "This first-ever USGS summary of seasonal, regional, and national streamflow conditions for water year 2006 can be accessed at http://water.usgs.gov/waterwatch/2006summary/"

IRS threatening easement deals, Rocky Mt. News, posted 1/12/07

Environmental Groups will Not Seek Injunctive Relief (Spill and Flow) for 2007 Idaho Water Users,  1/12/07. 

Idaho gov calls for wolf kill, Houston Chronicle, posted 1/12/07. (KBC Note: perhaps after wolfs are introduced in Oregon we will have the same scenario to look forward to.)

* TMDL workshops Jan 11&12

Annual meeting for Family Farm Alliance members and interested parties. Also, Executive Director Dan Keppen updates on Bureau of Reclamation doings.1/11/07

Governor wants trooper funding , H&N, posted 1/11/06 "...giving Oregon the lowest number of officers on the road, per capita, in the country." HERE for Oregon Page (Oregon is among the highest in unemployment.)

Lawmakers oppose fee hike, H&N, posted 1/11/07  "...I get very concerned about pricing people off of and out of our public lands.”  "DeFazio, a Springfield Democrat, last week sent a letter to Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne saying he opposes the proposal, which would double the Crater Lake fee for motor vehicles from $10 to $20 and fees at Lava Beds from $10 to $15."  Comments due by March 31. COMMENT!
Congressman Walden

Power Point Presentation: Nutrient loading in the Klamath Basin: Agriculture and Natural Sources, Special Report 1023, , by K.A. Rykbost and B.A. Charlton, Oregon State University/Klamath Experiment Station. Posted 1/10/07
Report: Nutrient loading of surface waters in the Upper Klamath Basin: agricultural and natural sources, Rykbost and Charlton.
HERE for Water Quality page.

President's Address to the Nation "THE PRESIDENT:  Good evening. Tonight in Iraq, the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged in a struggle that will determine the direction of the global war on terror -- and our safety here at home. The new strategy I outline tonight will change America's course in Iraq, and help us succeed in the fight against terror..." video screen capture

House ag leader sees few changes in 2007 Farm Bill, Capital Press, posted 1/10/07
Sens. Feinstein and Craig re-introduce Ag Jobs, Capital Press 1/10/07

Governor's $6 billion water plan is welcomed by farmers, water officials, Capital Press 1/10/07

Thank you for your support of funds in 2006, Oregon Women for Agriculture (their website includes KBC articles regarding the Klamath Water Crisis), and Ganger Insurance. We also thank all of our supporters; go HERE for KBC letter. 1/9/07

Klamath may get ethanol plant, Herald and News 1/9/07. "...the plan would create between 45 to 50 “well paid” full-time jobs. The plant would produce 100 million gallons of ethanol per year." "Greg Addington, executive director for the Klamath Water Users Association, raised several questions when asked about the impact of the proposed plant."

An unfortunate family, John and Carmen Wilson, would like to build a home on their property which has been designated POSSIBLE scrub jay habitat. Here is their application and mitigation--$12,190 extortion to build on .23 acres of their own land.
Jennifer and Doug Ross applied for a permit to build on 16.5 acres of their 99-acre property. They must: "Establish (with a conservation easement) and monitor a 38.8-acre preserve for the benefit of the Santa Cruz long-toed salamander and California red-legged frog; hire a Service- approved monitor and biologist; implement a construction worker education program; ensure monitoring of all grading, clearing, and other ground disturbing activities; mark construction area boundaries; construct drift fencing around construction area; control trash accumulation and install covered trash receptacles; install screens on irrigation, electrical, and other equipment to exclude Santa Cruz long- toed salamanders; surround the swimming pool with curbs to exclude Santa Cruz long-toed salamanders; remove nonnative plants; control bullfrogs; construct signs; use best management practices; and implement other minimization measures. The conservation easement would be held by the Center for Natural Lands Management, a non-profit conservation organization located in Fallbrook, California."

1/9/07 Klamath River Flows, researched by Lewie Baker. Thank you Lewie.


Governor to push for new dams despite long-standing resistance, Signonsandiego.com,  posted 1/8/07

Two new bills could provide federal relief to California, Ukiah Daily Journal 01/08/2007. (KBC Note: While Klamath Irrigators support federal funding for fishermen, Boxer and Thompson continue to blame water management/irrigators for the problems despite 'best available science' to the contrary.)

Half a million chinook salmon fry die, Herald and News, posted 1/8/08. "About 600,000 of the 750,000 fry being raised at the Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery for release in spring 2008 died after workers left Tuesday." (KBC note: here is an example of how hatchery fish were, and could continue to be, used to enhance the Klamath River stocks if it weren't prohibited by NOAA Fisheries. The feds have chosen to shut down coastal commercial fishing and decimate the fishing industry)

Lawmakers, local leaders discuss priorities, H&N, posted 1/8/07

Jan 29 - NAS Klamath Committee Public Meeting and Tour, Klamath Falls

Choices, Farewell from Sec of Ag SD Larry Gabriel, posted 1/7/06

Stewards of the Range, Unite to Fight conference in Yreka 2/16-17/2007.

Trollers renew push for federal aid, by Susan Chambers, Coos Bay World, posted January 7, 2007, "Issuing these disaster funds is a top priority for our constituents and is supported by the governors of Washington, Oregon and California, our county boards of supervisors, the Klamath Water Users Association and the California Chamber of Commerce....

Leaf Hillman, Karuk Tribe of California, and the California Department of Fish & Game (DFG) attempt failed to shut down dredge mining while bypassing state law, New 49ers, posted 1/7/07

Wall Street Journal praises PLF's bald eagle lawsuit, posted 1/7/07

Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels posted 1/4/07

Klamath River Water Flows, posted 1/4/07, researched by Lewie Baker.

In 2006, KBC had 243,676 visitors, 758,654 pageviews, and 1,460,051 hits.

Pacific Power raises energy rates in California Mt. Shasta News, posted 1/4/06

State Senator Doug Whitsett Oregon District 28 Newsletter ASSIGNMENTS, "At my request, Senate President Peter Courtney (D) appointed me to the full Ways and Means committee." posted to KBC 1/2/07

An education crisis: too few natural resources scientists, by William Perry Pendley, President and Chief Legal Officer, Mountain States Legal Foundation, 1/1/07

Oregon's minimum wage increased to $7.80 Jan 1, 2007.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Let's strive together to uphold freedom: freedom to worship, grow food, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.


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