Archive 240 - June - July 2022
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FOLLOWED BY KRRC Commentary in the Herald and
News touting fire protection after dam removal.
"...The only deep water lakes on the Klamath,
by sheer fire barrier size and volume, have
irrefutably protected and very likely saved
regional Copco, Iron Gate, and
‘monument’ residents 4 times in the past 5 years alone.
KRRC ignores..."
Klamath Irrigation District July 22, 2022 UPDATE:
irrationally withholds from Klamath Irrigators 3-Feet of
their stored water
Rogue Wolf Pack kills more cattle near Fort Klamath, H&N 7/19/22. For more on Klamath Basin wolves killing livestock: Letter from FERC to US Congressmen Bentz and LaMalfa regarding Klamath hydroelectric dam destruction, FOLLOWED BY: letter from Congressmen Bentz and LaMalfa to FERC 7/14/22. "...I take very seriously our obligation to ensure that any action the Commission takes is in the public interest..." Ag stakeholders reject White House draft reports on (Columbia/Snake) dam breaching, Capital Press 7/13/22. "...Only Congress has the authority to order the dams to be removed," said Sean Ellis, a spokesman for the Idaho Farm Bureau. "The president can have his own opinion on the matter, but Congress will be the one deciding..." KBC NOTE: In the case of Klamath River hydroelectric dams, Congress did not support dam destruction because the Klamath and Siskiyou counties overwhelmingly rejected the idea, so the states of California and Oregon bypassed our Congressional representatives and promised taxpayer money to support dam destruction, defying the will of the constituents. Their goal is hoped-for benefits to salmon and environment despite the economic and environmental devastation caused by 20 million cubic yards of sediment behind the dams decimating any fish or habitat.
Klamath Drainage District Press Release:
Reclamation files surprise complaint against KDD,
District disappointed in government's conduct July 11.
2022. "Scott White, General Manager for the district
notes that this is not a contract issue at all and
points to the district’s existing water rights of
record. 'The Bureau has literally acknowledged and
affirmed KDD’s water rights in the past and encouraged
us to exercise them when there is no Project Supply
available,' said White. 'It’s incredible that they claim
we are in breach of contract for doing the very thing
they asked of us for years.' '...The district is also
bound by contract to deliver water to water users
outside of the district, but the complaint makes no
mention of the district currently facilitating the
conveyance of water to the refuge under state law. 'The
Bureau is out of its lane in picking and choosing which
law to recognize,' states Bill Walker, President of the
district. 'The Bureau supports state law when it means
getting water to their land but does not when it means
getting water to family farmers and ranchers...'" OSU, Yurok Tribe partner to study Klamath River after dam removal, Capital Press 7/9/2022. "the project was recently awarded $870,000 from Oregon Sea Grant to conduct the research, including outreach among five key stakeholder groups — tribes, irrigators, commercial fishing, recreation and conservation organizations." Managing Water, Reclamation Commissioner Camille Touton visits Klamath Basin, Capital Press 7/5/22. "...Asked whether she sees the Klamath Project as sustainable with its current model and scale, Touton said, “I don’t want to speculate on that...”
Farm groups troubled by court's bumblebee ruling (bumble bee is a fish), CFBF Ag Alert 6/10/22. "The move triggered full protection for the bumblebees under state law, which prohibits actions that would kill, or "take," candidate species without a permit or other authorization." Dams are critical for reliable energy grid in Pacific Northwest, Capital Press commentary 6/9/22.
Page Updated: Saturday February 11, 2023 12:47 AM Pacific
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