Archive 179 - April 2017
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The Klamath Project’s 2017 Operations Plan is available at If you encounter problems accessing the document, call 916-978-5100 (TTY 800-877-8339) or email [email protected] | |
5:7 - "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain
mercy." Tribal chairman defends water call, H&N 4/30/17. "Ranchers in the upper basin have criticized the call, claiming they will have a short window to irrigate and water their cattle this spring, and they have no water available the rest of the summer. Some believe this call could put them out of business....“We're just asking for justice,” Gentry said. “We're just trying to hang onto what has been reserved by treaty despite what has happened to us..." KBC NOTE: The Klamath Tribal members voted to terminate their tribe. $220,647,000 was paid to the Klamath Tribes. Regarding their votes, "There were return receipts signed by each and every member of the Klamath tribe(Unconquered, Uncontrolled, by Carrol Howe). "One Klamath Indian, Edison Chiloquin...refused to accept the payment and demanded land instead..."
Naked and Poor, Oregon Spending Problem April 2017 Newsletter by Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum - District 28. "Our real problem is that government growth has outpaced revenue growth by the $1.8B shortfall." EPA Disregard for "WOTUS" Prior Converted Cropland Exclusion Kills Ag Jobs and Contributes to National Security Risk, Canada Free Press by Laurence Kogan, 4/29/17 Regulation headed for Wood River, H&N 4/28/17. “Everybody above the Lower Williamson system, all the way up to Sprague and Sycan and on up into the Williamson itself are effectively regulated..." "snowpack ...ranges anywhere from 130 to 146 percent (in some areas) of average for the water year..." OWRD responds to Tribes' call on (Klamath) water, H&N, 4/28/17. "I’m very disappointed that this call has been initiated by the Klamath Tribes and validated by the Oregon Water Resources Department at a time when our rivers are literally running over their banks,” (State Rep. E. Werner) Reschke said in a statement. “This decision negatively impacts farmers and ranchers up and down the basin and defies conventional logic. Oregonians lose when we allow one group to exercise exorbitant control over the rights of others..."
Upper Klamath irrigators response to Klamath Tribes
Negative Notice sent to DOI to end UKBCA
4/28/17. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 4/28/17. WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA! "...would create individual facility GHG emissions caps and empower the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to establish “no-trade zones” and facility declining caps; forbids an employer from granting federal immigration enforcement authorities access to their place of business without a search warrant or providing employee-related records to federal immigration enforcement authorities without a subpoena. It requires an employer to provide notice to employees of known future enforcement action by a federal immigration agency; would create a state-operated single-payer universal health insurance program intended to provide health care to all California residents. SB 562 includes no mechanism to pay for this program. SB 562 passed the Senate Health Committee on a 5-2 vote; would have imposed a state inheritance tax if the federal inheritance tax law is repealed; would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies that were in place on January 1, 2016 or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent; new mandates on agricultural water suppliers, costing districts hundreds of millions of dollars
EXECUTIVE ORDER Tribes Issue Water Claim, Ranchers Fear the Worst, H&N 4/23/17. "In April 2014, ranchers and the Tribes signed the Upper Basin Comprehensive Agreement. The ranchers agreed to retire 18,000 acres of land or 30,000 acre feet of water and do riparian repair work on the rivers in exchange for an allotment of water each year…At the end of February, the Tribes indicated to the ranchers they wanted to terminate the agreement..." Water call should send message Basin needs a real answer, Area needs congressional help for a long-term plan, H&N View, 4/23/17. "...The local community should accept the fact that an overall settlement isn’t going to happen without a land settlement with the Tribes. Yes, land for water. Accept it and move on..." KBC ANALYSIS: H&N got it's not about fish, it's "land for water". Tribes sold reservation. Tribes will call on irrigation water (like happening in this flood year) until they can get their land given back to them again, and the Klamath hydroelectric dams destroyed. Some call it 'blackmail.' Wolf foes, friends have their say, Citizens speak out about wolf management at ODFW hearing, H&N 4/23/17. SEND COMMENTS Matthew 4:6, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." (Klamath) Tribal water call: 'Devastating.' Ranchers in the upper basin react to water call, H&N, 4/19/17. Oregon wolf management plan, Finding balance with a new apex predator, H&N 4/20/17. "...The state documented 64 wolves at the end of 2013, and a minimum of 112 by the end of 2016, including 11 packs and eight breeding pairs..." "The draft plan requires three confirmed depredations or one confirmed and four “probable” attacks within a 12 month period. The previous standard was two confirmed depredations or one confirmed and three attempted attacks, with no time period set...The groups also believe ODFW should continue collaring wolves, and should set a population cap for wolves in Oregon. Without a benchmark, we will not be able to tell when wolves have reached their natural carrying capacity' in the state, the Farm Bureau said... ranchers’ views aren’t reflected in the draft plan...' " US Food Security and Farmers’ Livelihoods at Stake in “Waters of the US” Rule Rewrite, WLF by Lawrence A. Kogan, 4/20/17. Lava Beds deserves to be a national park, H&N, 4/16/17. "...The National Park Service is also adding another historical aspect to the local area with development of the Tule Lake Unit of the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument, which is being administered by personnel at the Lava Beds. It will include remnants of the Tule Lake Segregation Center and Camp Tulelake, in which Japanese Americans were forcibly interned after World War II began...." !! Lava Beds tour May 10, 2 pm regarding National Monument designation change
Signs of change: Congressional aides visit Lava Beds, H&N, 4/13/17: "...ongoing efforts to rally Congressional support for having Lava Beds redesignated as a national park...a second meeting is planned for 2 p.m., May 10, again beginning at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds office in Tulelake, with a longer tour of Lava Beds, possibly including a cave visit..." Irrigators file lawsuit over Klamath refuge restrictions, H&N from Capital Press 4/13/17. "The Tulelake Irrigation District, Klamath Water Users Association, Tulelake Growers Association and three private farms have now filed a complaint against the agency, arguing that plans for the Tule Lake and Lower Klamath refuges violate federal laws." Tule Lake Committee re-files airport fencing lawsuit, H&N 4/13/17. KBC brief overview: Indians dwelled in this region, including where our Tulelake Airport is, for hundreds or more years. It was farmed since the turn of the century. For four years, after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were relocated to Newell, within the Tulelake Basin. Later those who refused to pledge their allegiance to the USA were confined here with their families until the end of WWII, while our local veterans were either fighting in the foreign war or in Japanese POW camps. As with other relocation camps, after the war the camp was removed. In the 1950's the Tulelake Airport was built to service 200x200 / 40,000 square miles of agriculture, along with emergency airlifts, Forest Service wildfire airplane refueling, emergency landings, and to be a regular airport for our basin. In the past several years, the Japanese have acquired over 1400 acres of land to tell their story. They feel over 6000 acres, wherever they walked, is their sacred land. The Japanese Americans and their partners CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations, are encouraging the lawsuit against our county, city and family-run airport, so they can acquire our airport to add to their monument. Our local National Park Service is encouraging their getting onto the airport. The Indians and local communities support our airport and oppose the Japanese expansion of more land. The NPS General Management plan option C, many millions of dollars, was opposed by our communities after the NPS encouraged the Japanese to get onto the airport. Opposition was from the City of Tulelake, Modoc County, Siskiyou County, Tulelake Irrigation District, Tulelake Growers Association, Congressman LaMalfa, and KBC News constituents. The Tule Lake Committee website blasts our White veterans who homesteaded here and us "white supremacist", . Our community initially looked forward to working together and telling our whole community's history; their lawsuits don't appear to make good neighbors. Japanese vs Tulelake Controversy page *Wolf report review slated for ODFW meeting April 21, followed by: Wolf numbers continue to rise in Klamath County, PUBLIC COMMENT SOUGHT ABOUT MANAGEMENT PLANH&N, 4/12/17. "Information about the meeting agenda, wolf survey results and the revised draft wolf management plan are available at" List of 15 regulations to be repealed; 11 alone will save $10 billion, Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader, 4/10/17. Siskiyou County Supervisors meeting agenda for April 11 , Yreka 3:15. Discussion will continue regarding proposed Siskiyou County Counsel Brad Sullivan. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 4/7/17. " $52 billion in additional fuel and vehicles taxes, the state’s largest fuel tax in history..." $.20/gallon diesel tax, .12/gal. gas, additional diesel taxes, minimum salary increase, parental leave requirement, ESA changes, expands wild and scenic protections to 1/4 mile on each side of river, streambed and drinking water issues, ...... Tomorrow, April 4th, is vote on proposed Siskiyou County Counsel Brad Sullivan, member of Sierra Nevada Alliance, 4/3/17. Call your Siskiyou County Supervisor, or, attend meeting. Sierra Nevada Alliance is anti-dams, anti-mining. Top 10 Stupidest New Laws in California for 2017, by Former California State Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, reposted to KBC 4/3/17. Backpacks for cow farts, felons voting, early release for rape and sex trafficking of minors, legalize child prostitution, ... |
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