Time to Take Action

Archive 143 - April 2014
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AUDIO: Must Listen: 5 1/2 minute summary of Upper Basin's Klamath Settlement Agreement; audio by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, Local News with Paul Hanson on KFLS News/Talk Radio 1450, 4/1/13. "The nearly 100-page agreement has seven objectives..."

KBC STATS for April 2014: 18,110 visits, 7191 unique visitors, 51,873 pageviews, 78,591 hits

Trout Unlimited Run by Wall Street Banks & Energy Giants, and Klamath Basin Crisis: Farmers Know Trout Unlimited All Too Well, byToni Thayer April 29, 2014, Watching-the-Watchers.com. "One day you're farming, minding your own business, and life's good. The next day, and for the following nine years, you're fighting thieves who want your property and your livelihood. Using junk science and lots of propaganda, the thieves band together in meetings to hammer out the details of stealing your property and divvying it up amongst themselves. And you, the lawful property owner, are only one against the massive den of thieves."

Key parties offer their opinions on County Home Rule Charter 18-93 to appear on the May 20 ballot, H&N 4/27/14
followed by:
Is an administrator the right choice for Klamath County? Area voters must decide
(KBC Note: go to www.heraldandnews.com to vote on their unofficial poll. All 3 elected Klamath County Commissioners and conservatives who elected them oppose the charter (vote no on poll). The liberals "progressives" vote yes on poll. )

Klamath Falls visit, Walden hears of ‘over-reaching’ government , H&N 4/27/14. "On the topic of the water agreement signed by the Klamath Tribes and the Upper Basin irrigators, Walden said he’ll support the bill in Congress, but “I still have great reservations for removing all four dams (on the Klamath River). “It is good that the Upper Basin folks came together and I supported that. But the issue is that the agreement was reached with parties themselves, but not the public. The public still matters in this debate. The public has not yet supported some element to this plan.” To that end, Walden suggested that a Senate bill may not make it through the House as one single piece of legislation — as has been proposed — but divided into sections that may pass."
KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement
Upper Klamath Webpage

Water Task Force webpage

Psalm 19:13-14  Let them not have dominion over me, Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Sent from Frank Tallerico 4/27/14

Farming tradition ends, Boyd family says goodbye after 74 years, H&N 4/24/14.

Klamath Basin - Lack of bird refuges plan spurs lawsuit, H&N 4/25/14.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review Proposed bills: 4/25/14 Pesticide application regulations, GMO food labeling, budget increases for Fish and Wildlife and Water Resources Board, over $4 million to Department of Education, $19 million plus $2 annually to pay FWS overdue tax bills (FWS has $ to buy private land, then they don't pay their decade-overdue taxes), employees could file lean on their employeer's property if they claim they weren't paid, $8.5 billion for clean water, protect rivers, climate change, Delta Sustainability and water storage, Groundwater management, more.

Siskiyou, Modoc jobless figures worse than state’s. Counties’ unemployment rates improve, but still lag behind California averages, H&N 4/22/14. "...the unemployment rate in Siskiyou County dropped from 15.5 percent in February to 14.9 percent, while the drop in Modoc County was from 13.5 to 12.9 percent. In comparison, the California unemployment rate dropped during the same period from 8.5 to 8.4 percent, while the national average shifted from 7.0 to 6.8 percent."

County taxpayers deserve more input in irrigation agreements, H&N letter by David Hurst, posted to KBC 4/25/14. "The upper Basin ranchers and farmers are not given a lot of choices in any of the agreements. The tribe had to vote on the agreement: Why doesn’t the taxpayer have the same choice?"

Klamath Falls - Oregon Tech's renewable energy by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 4/25/14
National Unemployment Newsletter by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 4/9/14
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries by Senator Doug Whitsett, 3/26/14
Forest Practices Act Newsletter by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 3/20/14
Short Legislative Sessions by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 3/11/14
Support Oregon's Rule of Law by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 2/27/14
HERE for Senator Doug Whitsett webpage

Siskiyou County Supervisor Brandon Criss' Newsletter, posted to KBC 4/22/14. "...a list of the broad sector of support for saving the Klamath River Dams, including county and local governments, non-profits, agricultural organizations, and the nearly 80% vote of the people of Siskiyou County.  It was important to...counter the other side’s false rhetoric that the Klamath Basin supports dam removal."

NASA Expert Warns of Rogue Geoengineers and Chemtrail Consequences; ," dprogram 4/22/14. KBC NOTE: Watch the 12 minute video. Watch the skies. Why would anyone want to modify the weather in Klamath Basin to cause a drought? Look up. The above article was sent to us by a retired EPA scientist.
More info on Geoengineering Watch

A step forward - State and local dignitaries come together Friday at Collier Memorial State Park to sign the much-debated Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement, H&N 4/19/14.  KBC NOTE: This "agreement" is part of the controversial KBRA, which destroys 4 Klamath River hydro dams providing power to 70,000 households, gives $45 million to the Klamath Tribes plus land, permanently downsizes agriculture, controls groundwater, plants endangered species in the Klamath Basin........

Protesters interrupt ceremony, Not all in agreement with new water pact, and Two groups weigh in against accord, H&N 4/19/14. KBC NOTE: Siskiyou County supervisors, home of 3 hydro dams planned for destruction, oppose the KBRA/dam removal agreements, Siskiyou citizens voted against the agreements, and Klamath County voted in 3 county commissioners, the state senator and state representative who all oppose the agreements.

A Tale of the Tortoise and the Sucker - a Water Rights Issue, Farm Wars 4/16/14. "Nevada and the Tortoise, Follow the Money, Oregon and the Sucker"

How George Soros Attacked Cliven Bundy – And Lost, The Ulsterman Report 4/14/14.

Historic pact to be signed Friday, H&N 4/17/14.   

Freedom of speech is key when talking irrigation, by Bruce Topham, Sprague River letter to H&N, posted to KBC 4/15/14. "This is what is currently being demanded of those of us who are ranchers in the north half of Klamath County. A foreign sovereign government (aka the Klamath Tribes) is requiring that for any water settlement to be met for irrigation or drinking water for our livestock we must surrender our right as Americans to express any opinions contrary to those advocated by the Klamath Tribes..."
Upper Klamath Webpage
Water Task Force webpage

Protesting the vote; Klamath Tribal members demand a new vote, H&N, posted to KBC 4/15/14.

Zero acre-feet of water; East Side Klamath Project irrigators to see little or no water; idling funds also are in short supply, H&N 4/15/14. "Moxley said the newly designed pivots can reduce his irrigation water use up to 50 percent. But last week, the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) announced that irrigators, who rely on water supplies from Clear Lake Reservoir, will get zero acre-feet for the 2014 irrigation season." KBC NOTE: When Klamath Reclamation Project was built, Clear Lake was a meadow. Suckers do not live in meadows. To create farmland, water was stored in Clear Lake (meadow) to so it could be used for irrigation if needed. The U.S. government made it into a bird refuge and decided to create habitat for suckers who historically did not live in this meadow, mandating lake levels and denying access in most of that area to the public.

Difficult season ahead, insufficient water for full Project deliveries. No water will be released from Clear Lake Reservoir, H&N, posted to KBC 4/15/14

Klamath Tribes approve water pact, H&N, posted to KBC 4/15/14. "A $40 million economic development package for the Tribes...the Tribes also would receive $1 million a year for five years from DOI to care for tribal transition needs this year."

County administrator will add to bureaucracy by Gus deVries, H&N letter to the editor, posted to KBC 4/15/14. "Klamath County is currently under attack by selfish extremists confiscating irrigation water and decimating the agricultural community and county revenue...."

Young farmer making his mark - Jason Flowers, H&N, posted to KBC 4/15/14.

Matthew 26:26-29 "And as the were eating. Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body.' Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, 'Drink from it all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins, but I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom.' " sent from Frank Tallerico 4/13/14

Press Release: Klamath Project 2014 Operations Plan Released, Bureau of Reclamation  4/8/14
2014 Klamath Project Operations Plan 4/8/14

AUDIO - Dr. Mike Newton and Senator Doug Whitsett, begin minute 30, I-Spy Radio 4/8/14, on Science of Upper Klamath Basin ranchers being denied surface and ground water with no proof of interference to stream water, yet studies support that groundwater use enhances stream flow. What is the government's excuse? KBC NOTE: If the Upper Basin irrigator does not agree with the Kitzhaber Task Force plan, they will be denied surface and groundwater to irrigate.

(Klamath) WATER PACT - Complexity frustrates some Tribe members, vote due by Wednesday, H&N 4/8/14.  "As part of the agreement, the Klamath Tribes will receive a $40 million economic development package, including $1 million a year for five years from the Department of Interior to address tribal transition needs beginning this year. The development package could help the Tribes acquire the 92,000-acre Mazama Forest and fund a timber mill and related industries."

Matthew 25:31-34: "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will gather before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on His left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Sent from Frank Tallerico 4/6/14

Klamath 2014 Emergency-Use Drought Permits Denied, posted to KBC 4/7/14

VIDEO - Fox News reporting Enemies of the State: the Sagebrush Rebellion, Wayne Hage Jr. 4/5/14.
Enemies of the State: The Sagebrush Rebellion, Wayne Hage Jr. part 2, 4/5/14
"I just receive news from the FOX NEWS producer of “Enemies of the State” that a strong response from the public for this story give them a basis to do additional similar stories.  While working on the story we tried to emphasize to him our story was just the tip of the iceberg.  If you don’t mind getting the word out and sending comments to him that would be greatly appreciated.  He can be reached at
[email protected]"
You will find more articles on the Hages on our Grazing Page

Lawmakers push EPA for more time on water rule, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/7/14

AUDIO: Must Listen: 5 1/2 minute summary of Upper Basin's Klamath Settlement Agreement; audio by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, Local News with Paul Hanson on KFLS News/Talk Radio 1450, 4/1/13. "The nearly 100-page agreement has seven objectives..."

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