Archive 141 - February 2014
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California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative and Governmental Update, 2/28/14. "More than 2,000 bills were introduced by the California State Legislature. This week’s Friday Review highlights a majority of the bills that Farm Bureau will be involved with." Some are: vehicle-miles-traveled fee, solar-use easement provisions, Sustainable Farmland Strategies, fire prevention fee clean-up bill, stealing livestock issue, $50,000 for stealing wire, authorizes funds from the Timber Regulation and Forest Restoration Fund, created by AB 1492, to be used to provide grants to remediate former marijuana growing operations, sale of raw milk, pesticide regulations, food labels, State Water Board met with groups like Klamath Riverkeeper on drought conservation/land idling, groundwater measures......
Judge rules against Forest Service travel plan, Capital Press 2/25/14. "A federal judge has ruled that some of the U.S. Forest Service's road closures in an Idaho national forest are in violation of environmental law... roads are considered closed unless the agency classifies them as open, the complaint said." Little decisions add up during county drought, letter to editor by James R. Ottoman, Klamath Falls, H&N 2/25/14. Klamath Basin water outlook, recent rains just a drop in the bucket, H&N, posted to KBC 2/19/14. 2/23/14 1 John 18-20: "We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him. We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ, this is the true God and eternal life." Sent from Frank Tallerico Letter Virginia Topham from Sprague River wrote to Oregon Water Resources Director Phil Ward who will shut off Upper Klamath irrigation wells, February 2014. "Why are we being targeted for destruction? Your own people testified that they have no way to prove that we are interfering with surface water. In the prosecution of the Nazi war criminals at the Nuremberg trials after WWII their only defense was that 'they are just following orders.' " Brandan Topham February Newsletter - OWRD to shut off surface and ground water to Upper Klamath ranches and farms, posted to KBC 2/23/14. "The State recently told us that they are going to shut off all of the surface water above Klamath Lake again this year....(OWRD) has decided that it will also shut off most of the wells above Klamath Lake." Water Interference Bill, legislative update by Oregon Rep Gail Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/21/14. "....Over 130 Klamath Basin farmers and ranchers have been threatened by the OWRD to have their irrigation ground water wells shut down as soon as April 2014. This is in addition to the same ranches having all of their surface water called on, and shut off, by the Klamath Tribes (as the newly adjudicated senior water right holder) and the OWRD in 2013. The adjudication provides absolutely no direct statutory control over ground water, but the OWRD is trying to tie the two water sources (ground and surface) together in an attempt to gain control over all of the ranch and farm lands (through their water) in certain areas of the Basin, without going through the process of defining a “Critical Groundwater Area”. OWRD does not want to go through this process as there really is not a shortage of ground water in this region..."
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review: Legislative and Governmental Update 2/21/14: The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality, and Water Supply Act of 2014 would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $6.825 billion, AB 1905 would allow multiple use registrations for small livestock stockponds, AB 1634 undermines due process protections allowing employers to appeal Cal/OSHA citations...other bills include health insurance, farm labor contractors, complying with immigration law, more... Governor plans $687 million for California drought, Capital Press 2/20/14 Applications due 2/21 to retire 2014 water rights Oregon Rep. Gail Whitsett legislative update 2/17/14: Sage Grouse, meth houses, Barry Point Fire. 2/16/14 - 1 Thess:16-24 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it." sent from Frank Tallerico What do black Christians say about gun control? Short video, CEO Black Chamber of Commerce, posted to KBC 2/16/14 Senator meets with residents to discuss the issues at hand. Merkley talks about drought, security, environmental concerns, H&N 2/16/14. Discusses drought, NSA, BOs, spotted owls, renewable energy subsidies, Klamath task force and KBRA (which destroys hydro dams - renewable power), Drought Declared, Four Oregon counties to receive state relief, H&N 2/14/14. 2/12/14 - California Regional Water Board to demand permits from Tule Lake irrigators: "Agricultural Lands in the Tule Lake Watershed: The Regional Water Board is committed to working with stakeholders to address concerns, identify opportunities, and uphold state policies and requirements. Regional Water Board staff have been working with a Stakeholder Advisory Group made up of representatives of a variety of stakeholder interests. The purpose of the Advisory Group is to provide input to Regional Water Board staff on permit elements and alternatives prior to the formal public review period, which will precede consideration of the permits by the Regional Water Board. A list of current Advisory Group members, Regional Water Board staff contact information, and more detail on the Program are provided on the Agricultural Lands Discharge Program web page:" * Transcribed tour of the Klamath Project Klamath Water Settlement deadline missed, H&N 2/14/14. "If approved by the Klamath Tribal Council and a host of irrigators, the AIP will become one component of the proposed legislation that will cover the upper Basin; the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) including Klamath Reclamation Project irrigators and the Klamath Hydro Settlement Agreement with PacifiCorp, which may involve removing four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River." VIDEO - Kate Marquis, proponent of a county charter with an administrator and placing Klamath County Commissioners on part-time duty, vs Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, supporting keeping full time commissioners. posted 2/14/14. KBC Note: When the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement was formed, all three Klamath Commissioners supported the controversial dam removal agreement. Thereafter Klamath County elected three new commissioners who oppose the "agreement." Many supporting the KBRA are trying to lessen the power of the commissioners by forming a charter with a non-elected official running the county. Water diversion on hold, adjudication order for Fourmile Lake withdrawn for review, H&N 2/11/14. "According to Rancier, the ESA does not have an adjudication priority date, and therefore does not have a water right." KWAPA 2014 WUMP program presented 2/10/14 to around 200 Klamath Project irrigators. The "purposed is to close gap between supply and demand." They are looking for willing sellers of their 2014 water rights. Bid process ends soon. Explains the block of water to divide may be zero. KWAPA Power Point On Project Plan presented at public meetings presented January 2014. An on-Project plan is mandated in the proposed controversial KBRA to allocate water when we are not allowed our full deeded supply. The goal is to balance and manage water within the Klamath Project. Explains that Project will receive block of water to divide. 2/9/14 - Matthew 19:21-24, Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” BOR works with local irrigators; Phillips remains in charge of the local project; interim managers share duties, H&N 2/8/14. "Right now the projections are if the weather (precipitation) doesn’t turn to be above average for the rest of the year, it will likely be the driest year in recorded history...” 2/7/14 - A joint meeting of the Idaho Legislature was held Feb. 3, 2014. The title of the meeting is “Suction Dredge Mining”. The first speaker is Joe Greene, US EPA scientist (Ret); the second speaker is Tom Kitchar, President of Waldo Mining District, SW Oregon; third speaker is Doug Giddings, Sheriff, Idaho County; public testimony taken; and last speaker is Jim Chmelik, Idaho County Commissioner. KBC NOTE: This hour video is well worth your time hearing how government agency/EPA agenda has overruled science, and first hand testimony on EPA tyranny.
< Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett and Rep. Gail Whitsett Science of shutoffs, well water monitoring law aims to clarify ownership, H&N 2/7/14. “We fully support the OWRD authority to regulate wells that are materially interfering with senior water rights. However, we believe the state should be required to prove that the use of irrigation wells is materially and measurably harming a water right holder with a superior priority date,” Gail Whitsett said."
Bull Sale this weekend, & Bull sale brings new genes to Klamath herds, H&N 2/6/14 |
Page Updated: Sunday April 27, 2014 11:13 PM Pacific
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