Archive 118 - March 2012
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Dam Removal Would Be Catastrophic, interview of scientist Stephen Koshy, DRA, posted to KBC 3/31/12 Columbia Basin Bulletin 3/30/12 Link to a great website: My Outdoor Buddy * California Oregon Bi-State Alliance brings Klamath dam Whistleblower Scientific Integrity expert Dr. Paul Houser to Klamath Falls and Yreka May 6th and 7th. See Dr. Houser Page. Water requested for refuges, 26 groups sign letter to Secretary Salazar to bring more water to wildlife refuges, Siskiyou Daily 3/30/12. “USFWS does not pay to pump the water through the mountain. Tulelake irrigators pay the entire cost, hundreds of thousands of dollars in power bills... if farms receive water, the (Tule Lake) refuge receives water...Buying-out water rights will dewater fields. Dewatering fields means that neighboring fields must use more water to irrigate. As we learned from the water shutoff in 2001, when fields and ditches go dry, our aquifer’s water level drops significantly...(KWUA director) Addington, whose group supports the Klamath settlement agreements that are part of the proposal to remove four dams on the river, said if those agreements were implemented their provisions would alleviate this problem." KBC editor: If the KBRA were in effect, according to KWAPA/Klamath Water and Power Agency director Holly Cannon, "What you're giving up is water to get affordable power...20-25%." When ask what the power rate will be, or if it will be lower than tariff rate, Cannon said, "We can't guarantee it." So Addington is partly correct because the KBRA does buy out water rights and downsize agriculture. However, when ag water is put into wetlands, it evaporates twice the water as used by intermittent sprinkling of crops, so it will not produce more water. Since tribes and environmental groups sued to multiply our power rate over 2000% and won, farmers are no longer able to afford power to pump water out of our closed basin as often into LK, water that historically never left the Tulelake basin. The blackmail of the KBRA was, if farm leaders sign onto the dam removal deal, those tribes and environmental groups (voting KBRA members) would agree to allow farmers an affordable power rate, and the feds would pay some of the costs to pump the water out of the closed basin into Lower Klamath refuge and Klamath River.
Leave it alone, H&N
letter by Henry Christiansen, past Tulelake refuge manager 9/8/04,
regarding Rep Earl Blumenauer's persistence in trying to eliminate
refuge farming, "
would take 162,800 acre-feet more water to flood the farm area than it
takes to farm it. At present, that amount of water isn't available and
there isn't anything indicating it will ever be available."
Klamath River expected to exceed flood stage, Times-Standard, posted to KBC 3/30/12.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 3/30/12. Labor laws, rural fire fee/tax, traps... Jerry Brown changes high-speed rail plan, lowers cost by $30 billion, Sac Bee 3/30/12
Liz Bowen Writes Life (Klamath Lake) Water Report, H&N 3/29/12. "Snowpack in the Klamath Basin Wednesday was 92 percent of historical average for that date." ESA and CWA need changes, H&N letter by Gail Whitsett 3/29/12. Ron Cole, Klamath Basin Refuge Manager, alerts Audubon groups that there is not enough water on refuges because farmers can't afford the power bills to pump it into the refuges and river on Feb. 10, posted 3/29/12 "To make matters worse, these commercially leased agricultural fields regularly receive water even in years when the refuge’s wetlands are, in stark contrast, left totally dry." KBC EDITOR: Check out these KBC photos below from fall 2010. Photo to left is dry dead fields. Center photo is farm leaseland on left and Tule Lake wildlife refuge on right. Photo on right is full Tule Lake.
KWUA newsletter regarding Buying out Irrigators 5/11/04 by director Dan Keppen, when environmental groups and USFWS promoted it before. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Please support those who support you:
A full lake is good for fish and farmers; Coordination by federal agencies helps to keep water level up, H&N 3/29/12. "Reclamation officials worked with PacifiCorp, which operates Link River Dam, and the Marine Fisheries Service almost daily to ensure no more water than necessary was sent downstream, Phillips said. Due to reduced outflows, Upper Klamath Lake has about 170,000 acre feet of water more than at the same time in 2010, he said." KBC editor: KBRA signatories Klamath Water Users Association, PacifiCorp, and federal agencies claim they needed the billion dollar KBRA to make friends so they would not dump too much water down the Klamath River (which devastated many irrigators in 2010).
Energy site work could
begin later this year, Geothermal facility on refuge
considered, H&N, posted to KBC 3/1/12. "Depending on volumes produced by
the geothermal wells, Cole said the refuge complex could meet
all or part of those power needs and provide water to parched
wetlands." Geothermal energy plant planned for Klamath wildlife refuge, SBO, posted to KBC 3/29/12. "Take, for example, the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge. The complex has been perpetually short on water in recent years and a jump in power costs in 2004 has made pumping water to replenish wetlands prohibitively expensive....(Manager Ron Cole) estimates that in 2001 it cost 33 cents to pump an acre-foot of water onto the refuge. The cost to do the same to day is $9.20. 10,000 dead birds at refuges (from cholera), H&N, posted to KBC 3/29/12 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife service) 'Wish list' for suckers nails farms, H&N, "Reconverting 41,000 acres of prime farmland in the Klamath Basin to marshes and wetlands is high on a list of priorities in a proposed $50 million government plan (USFWS) to protest two endangered species of sucker fish. The plan was outlined in a congressional budget proposal drafted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Sacramento field office." Another Dwinell lawsuit, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 3/29/12. KBC EDITOR: Board members of Klamath Riverkeeper, a dam removal advocacy group, are also voting members of the KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Go to Craig Tucker Page for more information on the ringleader. KBRA website acts like it represents all of us — It doesn’t!!!, posted on Pie N Politics 3/29/12 Farmers use thousands of gallons of fuel annually. What do representatives including Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, media, and our President say about the doubled cost of gas? 4:20..VIDEO KWAPA public meeting 3/26/12 The Full Armor of God, Ephesans 6: 13-18, sent from Susan Marshall for 3/25/12
Klamath Water Users Association Annual
Report, posted to KBC 3/14/12. KBC
Editor - a few things to note regarding
the KWUA report: the KBRA process was
NOT transparent. Only selected groups,
mostly environmental groups and
government agencies, were allowed in the
closed-door meetings. There is no
guarantee of "affordable power
rates." There is no guarantee of
enough water to irrigate. According to
MBK engineer at a KWAPA meeting, "water
certainty" means, IF the KBRA is funded,
in the spring you will be told how much
water the KBRA team (which you are not
part of) will allow you to have. It is
important to remember that the
environmental groups who sued to shut
down Klamath River mining, that shut
down logging, are suing to enforce water
quality mandates to insist water leaving
farms is cleaner than it historically
was at it's source, and suing to list
more endangered species and create more
habitat for the 10's of thousands of
"endangered" suckers, are voting members
on the KBRA or are in coalitions with
the environmental groups that are voting
members with KWUA on the KBRA
"stakeholders" team. When KWUA says that
groups will not work with them on the KBRA, groups they refer to were
not, and are not, allowed at the KBRA
table. No group was allowed at the table
without agreeing to Interior's
pre-destined agenda of destroying the
Klamath hydro dams, giving land to the
Klamath Tribes that they previously
sold, planting endangered fish species
in the Klamath Basin, controlling all
groundwater use, downsizing agriculture,
and giving away water rights such as to
US Fish and Wildlife. For more
information, see the
KBRA Page.
READ the KBRA. Read the letters and
documents. Take no one's word for what
the KBRA says. Below is the audio and some quotes from the Tulelake meeting: Obama's National Ocean's Policy: Unilateral Action by the Obama Administration; Imposes Ocean/Coastal Zoning; Creates federally-dominated Regional Planning Bodies with no representation from the people being regulated.) Sent by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong.
Chairmen Question Obama Admin. on Mailing Out $$$$$$$; $2 bills randomly sent in envelopes as incentive to complete (Klamath dam) surveys, Natural Resources Committee 3/22/12. "...the Bureau of Reclamation was unable to provide an accounting of how much had been spent on this survey." "The Obama Administration literally mailed cash to random citizens across the country to find out their feelings on tearing down four dams that they’ve likely never heard of." "Using taxpayer dollars on a slanted survey and the muzzling and eventual firing of its own scientist who disagreed with the Interior Department proves what many have been saying: dam removal is a pre-determined conclusion from this Administration." KWAPA public meeting 3/22/12
* KBRA agenda part of the new world order, H&N letter by Bob King, Klamath Falls farmer, posted to KBC 3/21/12 House Natural Resources Committee Sub-committee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands United States House of Representatives, comments for recent oversight field hearing on "Explosion of Federal Regulations Threatening Jobs and Economic Survival in the West" held in Elko, NV, by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 3/20/12. KBC EDITOR: Armstrong's letter details effects on Siskiyou County from Northwest Forest Plan, environmental and land management regulations, international, federal, and environmental group agendas, how international agendas have been implemented in Siskiyou County, and timber chart of decline. Letter details endangered species, federal takeover of land, excellent data. Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment, fertilizer and food production across America, Natural News 3/20/12.
AUDIO: Dr. Paul Houser, whistleblower on Klamath dam destruction agenda by Secretary of the Interior. Houser was Bureau of Reclamation's top scientist ands Scientific Integrity Officer. However the Bureau FIRED Houser when he exposed "intentional falsification," "bias,", "(Interior's) predetermined intention (to destroy Klamath dams,)" KCNR/We the People Radio, posted to KBC 3/18/12. "I don't see that scientific justification (to take out Klamath Dams)." "In this case the science is not as supportive of dam removal as aggressively as The Department wants it to, so they have spun it...:" Here for Dr. Paul Houser page. Peer Review report on draft Klamath Dam Removal Overview Report for the Secretary of the Interior March 2012 Executive Order -- Establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities, President Obama, posted to KBC 2/18/12. (Klamath) Coho recovery plan is no good, by Dr. Richard Gierak, Yreka, letter to the editor of Herald and News 2/18/12. County needs to come together, Modoc’s financial issues similar to other counties; work must be done, Geri Byrne, Modoc County supervisor H&N 3/18/12. Panel: Dam report is reliable, H&N, posted to KBC 3/18/12 3/18/12 - sent from Frank Tallerico: Galatians 6:6-9. 6. Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. 7. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he shall reap. 8. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of Spirit reap everlasting life. 9. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Giant Land Acquisition Trust Fund /
LWCF/ Land and Water Conservation
Fund, posted to KBC 3/17/12. "It
gives billions of dollars to the Federal
land agencies without having to go
through the appropriations process. That
means there is no oversight. No
accountability. It gives the Park
Service, Forest Service, Fish and
Wildlife Service and BLM and blank check
to take private land. There is no way
these agencies should have a blank check
to convert private land into Federal
government ownership with the deficit at
current levels. The Senate
Transportation Bill is an all out attack
on Rural America." Agenda 21 book for children, from Debbie Bacigalupi 3/17/12 Snowpack helped by storms, but not enough, H&N 3/17/12. President Obama Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness 3/16/12 Oregonians For Food and Shelter legislative update 3/16/12: Natural resource budgets take hit, pesticides, fertilizers... California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of Bills and Laws 03/16/12: Calif. Coastal Commission wants to eliminate local coastal plan and CCC would assume authority for all land use decisions in the coastal zone. New legislative effort to repeal illegal California fire tax, Senator Ted Gaines 3/15/12. "Many rural property owners already pay local fire agencies for protection so it is clearly double-taxation and it is being dumped on the backs of rural Californians when the state has 11-percent unemployment and families are struggling just to make ends meet."
Cannery on Yurok Reservation Planned:
Funding Campaign, Indybay, posted to
KBC 3/15/12
Dam removal on hold, supporters believe
setback is minor, Mt. Shasta Herald,
posted 3/15/12. ("Yurok
Tribe director Troy Fletcher) believes
taking out the dams is imperative to
improve the health of the river and the
fishery,...") Bill introduced to ensure fisheries get more funds, FIS 3/15/12. "US Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) this week joined Senators John Kerry (D-MA), Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) in introducing the Fisheries Investment and Regulatory Relief Act (FIRRA). ...A companion bill is expected in the House by Representatives Barney Frank (D-MA) and Frank Guinta (R-NH)..." Zeke Grader, executive director of Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. "This bill finally provides a dedicated funding source...." KBC NOTE: Zeke Grader was instrumental in shutting down water to farms in Central California to thousands of farmers in the guise of saving a little fish. PCFFA in Klamath Basin is a voting member on the KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement to destroy the Klamath hydroelectric dams, petitioned against Klamath farmers getting an affordable power rate, sued to have water quality mandates imposed on Klamath irrigators, and are presently suing Klamath irrigators alleging the farmers have no property right to their water, even though that right is specified on their property deed. SEE PCFFA Page
KWAPA / Klamath Water and Power Agency special public meeting 3/15/12. Biologist embezzlement case may go federal, Times-Standard 3/14/12. (KBC NOTE: these scientists were involved in spotted owl research). Biologists for hire sell opinions, Times-Standard 3/14/12. "...arrest of Mad River biologists Ronald LeValley and Sean McAllister on charges of using phony spotted owl surveys to embezzle funds from the Yurok Tribe should lead to an in-depth discussion of the long-standing method of obtaining a scientific consultation for any resource project." Bureau: Only some irrigators get water, Just one-third of (Klamath) Project likely to have water this year, H&N 3/14/12 Group threatens suit over Siskiyou County dam, Capital Press 3/13/12 followed by related article. KBC NOTE: Dwinnel Dam creates Lake Shastina. Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribe spokesman, and KBRA "Stakeholder" Craig Tucker, formerly Friends of the River spokesman, was trained by Green Corp, and is currently on Riverkeeper board of directors, and was on the steering committee of Klamath Riverkeeper before it spun off from umbrella group Klamath Forest Alliance. Tucker and Petey Brucker, both KBRA voting members, are both with KFA and Riverkeeper boards. KBRA advocates claim it would end lawsuits, however the same people, on a different board, sued to shut down Klamath River mining, and now are suing to destroy another dam. George Soros funds Earthjustice which litigates for Klamath Riverkeeper, Friends of the River, Waterkeeper Alliance, and other environmental groups at the KBRA negotiation table. KWAPA / Klamath Water and Power Agency, Agenda, posted 3/12/12. Owl plan could fall to local agencies, Proposal calls for shooting barred owls, H&N, posted to KBC 3/12/12 Renewable energy, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posed to KBC 3/12/12 Plenty of Chinook and Coho This Year, KBND, posted to KBC 3/11/12. "Fishery managers project 1.6 million adult Chinook in the Klamath River this fall, four times more than last year and 15 times than in 2006." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update, posted to KBC 3/11/12: pests, natural resources, timber, water, labor, crime, animals, nutrition, marketing Candidates agree the KBRA is too divisive, Jobs, the economy also at the forefront in candidate debate, H&N 3/11/12. Sent from Frank Tallerico: Bible verse for the coming week are from Isaiah. 40:28-31, "28. Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. 29. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. 30. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. 31. But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."
Supervisors to Gov. Jerry Brown: Withdraw from KBRA, KHSA, Siskiyou Daily 3/8/12. "the board issued a press release demanding that California Gov. Jerry Brown officially withdraw from the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) and the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA)...'In a time of over 18 percent unemployment and plunging real estate markets, the focus needs to be on helping the people of Siskiyou County.' ” Plentiful Salmon Drive Pacific Fishery Management Council Options for 2012 Season, Pacific Fishery Management Council 3/8/12. "In the Klamath River, biologists are forecasting four times more salmon than last year and an astounding 15 times more than in 2006. The ocean salmon population is estimated to be 1.6 million adult Klamath River fall Chinook, compared to last year's forecast of 371,100. This estimate is based largely on the 85,840 two-year-old salmon (jacks) that returned to the Klamath in 2011. This is the highest number of jacks to return since at least 1978, when record keeping began." Northern Rockies wolf population rose in 2011, Capital Press 3/8/12. "The animal's numbers rose by more than 7 percent to 1,774 wolves, as state officials look for more ways to reduce the population...Montana had aimed to cut its wolf population by 25 percent in 2011, but the numbers actually rose 15 percent to at least 653 animals...That increase has prompted grumbling by county officials who say state Fish, Wildlife and Parks regulators aren't doing enough to take on the predator problem." Water outlook is a mixed bag, Good news: lake level is higher; bad news: inflows are down, H&N 3/8/12 Comments Due 3/8/12 on ESA language (Siskiyou) Supervisors in the capitol by John Bowman, Siskiyou Daily News 3/7/12 Local watermaster up and running, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 3/7/12. Interior to signal preference on Klamath dams, Capital Press 3/7/12 Coho concerns, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 3/7/12 Regarding the NOAA Coho Recovery Plan, by Dr. Richard Gierak 3/6/12. "Should the (Klamath) dam be breached the Yellow Perch will decimate any and all salmon eggs and fingerlings to feed their ravenous appetites." Oregon's budget, and last minute "emergency bills," Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter, posted to KBC 3/6/12. Maryland handgun provision unconstitutional, federal judge rules, Slate, posted to KBC 3/6/12 Gun owners garner big win at Colorado Supreme Court, Mountain States Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 3/6/12 Senator: KBRA a hard sell; Sen. Ron Wyden talks to town hall audience, H&N 3/6/12. “They’re Picking Us Off, One-By-One!” One Bay Area…California’s adoption of UN Agenda 21 regionalism and the attempts to neutralize County Sheriff’s, PPJ Gazette 3/6/12. Oregon Dept of Agriculture Water Quality Program FAQ, posted to KBC 3/6/12 * Proposed Suction Dredge Regulations Revised, Public Comment due 3/5/12 NOAA seeks coho comments (Thursday in Yreka), 2/29/12. Coho recovery draft plan comments due March 5 3/4/12 sent from Frank Tallerico: Hebrews 4:12-13 New King James "12. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account."
Humboldt, Hoopa ask for more (Trinity)
water to avoid possible fish kill,
The Times Standard 3/4/12.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills 3/2/12. "...nearly 1100 new bills were "put across the desk" in the last two days prior to the February 24th bill introduction deadline... bringing the total number of Assembly Bills to 2661 and 1573 in the Senate for the whole session.
Daniel Seale Crawford, 1923-2012 Wildlife Conservation Board Funds Environmental Improvement and Acquisition Projects, DFG, posted to KBC 3/1/12. "Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) approved $17.9 million in grants funding to help restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat..." Pit River, Watsonville, Willow Creek, Stanislaus County. Proposed amendments would close county streams to suction dredging, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 3/1/12. "Mike Adams – a Lost Dutchman’s Mining Association (LDMA) member and Siskiyou County resident who says he has made most of his living from mining – alleges the new regulations are an unconstitutional take of previously granted rights. He also feels there is no strong evidence that suction dredging is detrimental to fish." KBC NOTE: Karuk Tribal spokesman Tucker, who is quoted in article, sued against mining that stirs up the river, however he advocates in the KBRA destroying 4 hydrodams which will release 20 MILLION cubic yards of sediment on top of the Klamath fish and habitat, bringing millions of $ to the tribes.
Marta’s House works to stop domestic violence, Herald and News letter to the editor by Gail Whitsett, Bonanza. "Klamath County has one of the highest occurrences of violent domestic and child abuse in the state of Oregon, and Oregon is ranked in the top tier of the other 49 states for violence against women and children." KBC NOTE: Oregon is also one of the top rates of unemployment in the country, contributing greatly to domestic violence. Shutting down most of our resource use by ecoterrorist groups has caused great harm to our communities--mining, logging, forcing farmland out of production, limiting grazing... Dam removal could hurt resort expansion plans, H&N, posted to KBC 3/1/12. "But if four dams on the Klamath River are removed — one of them is Copco 2 — his property will be in a flood zone. And there won’t be a nearby lake. Economically, (dam removal) will kill this project,” Burney said. “We’ve already been hammered awful hard (by the recession). This will just kill us.” House Passes Nunes Water Bill, Families Protecting the Valley 3/1/12. "When farmers agreed to the river restoration in 2009, it was because they were promised they would get the river water back when it got to the Delta. But, the NRDC, a party to the agreement, reneged on the deal and sued to shut off the pumps because of the Delta Smelt. Instead of getting the water back, farm water flowed to the sea. Was that a water grab? Yes. Farmers are just trying to grab their water back." Lawmakers reveal timber proposal, Plan would provide alternative to expiring federal timber payments, H&N, posted to KBC 3/1/12. "includes nearly 90,000 acres of new wilderness, 150 miles of new Wild and Scenic river..." Followed by: Aid for timber counties. Panel OKs timber bill; Bill is unlikely to have enough support in Senate: "A mandate leading to increased logging, grazing and other activities is unlikely to go far in the Senate." Lone wolf's arrival leads to protection petition, SF Chronicle, posted to KBC 3/1/12. "The petition was filed by the Center for Biological Diversity, Big Wildlife, the Environmental Protection Information Center and the Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center amid intensive statewide interest in the first wolf to enter California in almost 90 years... OR7's former pack mates have killed 21 cows and calves over the past two years. .." followed by: Protection for OR-7 sought after Idaho wolf is poached, California listing would create need for recovery plan, H&N 2/28/12, ""It cited a 2001 study that ...the northeast corner of California could support as many as 470 wolves." HERE for KBC wolf page. Energy site work could begin later this year, Geothermal facility on refuge considered, H&N, posted to KBC 3/1/12. Upcoming election most important yet, H&N letter by Tom Mallams, posted to KBC 3/1/12. |
Page Updated: Sunday June 24, 2012 01:16 AM Pacific
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