Archive 117 - February 2012
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House Approves Bipartisan Plan to Protect Jobs, Restore Water Deliveries, Prevent Man-Made Droughts in California, U.S. House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee 2/29/12. "“During 2009 and 2010, the Obama Administration and the Democrat Congress stood by and did nothing while farmers in California’s San Joaquin Valley were deprived of water and were put out of work. Today, House Republicans took real action to correct this situation and end future man-made droughts in California,” said Chairman Hastings. “This bill will ensure farmers have the water supply they need and will protect up to 30,000 jobs. Furthermore, the bill cuts spending by nearly $300 million and expedites incoming revenue to the tune of nearly a quarter of a billion dollars."
Irrigation news not good, H&N 2/29/12.
U.S. plans to kill barred owls to save spotted owl, San Francisco Chronicle 2/29/12. "The government set aside millions of acres of forest to protect the owl, but the bird's population continues to decline - a 40 percent slide in 25 years." According to Siskiyou County Sheriff Lopey at Saturday's sheriff meeting in Yreka, in the early 80's there were over 22 lumber mills, and now only 2 are functional, and 65% of land in the county is public land. Endangered Species Act / ESA mandates locked up the forests to save the spotted owl. It devastated Siskiyou economy, they have one of the highest unemployment rate. KBC NOTE: Sacrificing the forest, wildlife and owls by rampant wildfires, and communities and economies, all by false science, did not save the spotted owls. Judge says Oregon's river temperature standards need more scrutiny, The Oregonian 2/29/12 NOAA issues Klamath dam coho conservation permit; PacifiCorp to pay $510,000 annually for projects, NOAA, posted to KBC 2/29/12
Salazar Praises Work of Klamath
Agreements Parties, (decision on
Klamath dam deal delayed,) DOI, posted to
KBC 2/29/12. "Secretary Salazar. “I
am proud of the work of our team of
experts who have completed more than 50
new studies and reports that are
providing significant new information on
the potential effects of Klamath River
dam removal as part of a transparent,
science-based process.”
Klamath KBRA scientist, Dr. Paul
Houser, whistleblower letter to Siskiyou
County Supervisors, posted to
KBC 2/7/12 * Dr. Paul R. Houser, Ph.D Hydrometeorology Biography In scientist Dr. Houser's whistleblower allegation below of Dept. of Interior falsifying science and other misconduct in the scientific report report by Secretary Salazar on the Klamath, Ms. Kira Finkler, Deputy Commissioner for External and Intergovernmental Affairs, Bureau of Reclamation,, was one of the people who committed misconduct. When Houser exposed the misconduct of those falsifying the science, Finkler fired Houser. It appears that the Deputy Commissioner of the BOR, Kira Finkler, was promoted to her position from TROUT UNLIMITED by the president into the Obama Administration's 2nd top position in DC for the Bureau of Reclamation. What influence has TROUT UNLIMITED had in the science proceedings of dam removal?? On KBC's Whose Who page is one of the many environmental groups signed on the KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration agreement, Trout Unlimited. The article by Tony Thayer explains the ties with global banking, PacifiCorp, Clintons, U.N., Federal Reserve Bank, Trilateral Commission... Coalition of Agriculture and Conservation Groups Call for Passage of Farm Bill this Year Which Serves the West, by Family Farm Alliance director Dan Keppen 2/28/12. KBC NOTE: this is a coalition with Trout Unlimited, The Nature Conservancy, Environmental Defense Fund, and other groups promoting joint "Farm Bill." Tides, partly funded by George Soros, funds TNC and Environmental Defense. FFA has run many articles supporting the KBRA. Keppen, past director of Klamath Water Users, is an engineer and media consultant for the KBRA On Project Plan.
Klamath KBRA scientist, Dr. Paul
Houser, whistleblower letter to Siskiyou
County Supervisors, posted to
KBC 2/7/12 * DOI Secretary Ken Salazar’s decision on the KBRA and Klamath dam destruction delayed by the legal coordination process, 2/27/12, PienPolitics Press Release. "This definitely puts a crack in the armor of the KBRA, Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, which decrees the four well-maintained, functioning hydro-electric dams are destroyed." Shock, disbelief follow arrests: Biology community has trouble digesting embezzlement allegations, The Times-Standard 2/26/12. "The Del Norte District Attorney's Office is alleging that, under the direction of Raymond, Mad River Biologists billed the tribe for almost $900,000 of northern spotted owl surveying work on tribal lands that was never performed. An affidavit in support of a search warrant filed by district attorney investigator A.C. Field indicates there is a long paper trail supporting the allegations, complete with checks from the tribe cashed by McAllister, receipts of large cash withdrawals, transfers to LeValley's personal account and checks sent from LeValley to Raymond."
Co-Chair of MLPA Initiative Science Advisory Team Arrested, by David Gurney Feb 25th, 2012, Indybay. "...Sean McAllister, and former Yurok Tribe forestry director Roland Raymond, conspired to falsify invoices for spotted owl research, and embezzle funds for their personal use....Mr. LeValley was a key figure in the cover-up of a whale-strike incident in October, 2009 involving an MLPA "Initiative" sonar mapping vessel off Fort Bragg, California. The arrest will undoubtedly bring up more questions as to the integrity of the science, financial practices, and public policy procedures of the totally corrupt MLPAI "Initiative" to create so-called "marine protected areas" on the California coast." Climate Change Weekly: Fakegate Illustrates Collapsing Global Warming Alarmism, Heartland, posted to KBC 2/26/12. "People with sound science on their side do not need to forge documents to validate their arguments or make the other side look bad. Also, people who are so desperate as to forge documents in an attempt to frame their rivals are clearly not above forging scientific data, studies, and facts to similarly further their cause..." (KBC NOTE: in the KBRA, water deliveries to irrigators are dependant on outcome of Klamath "climate change" studies.) Genesis 47:13-27, recent Virginia church service, stimulus sermon, sent to KBC from Frank Tallerico 2/26/12
KBRA/Klamath Dam Removal: The science: Scientists say they have no agenda, H&N, posted to KBC 2/24/12. Included by KBC are reports by scientists David Vogel, Dr Ken Rykbost, Dr. John Menke, and also Klamath Water Users Association, exposing the unethical unscientific agenda-driven "scientists"
Below conspiracy and
embezzlement by Spotted Owl "Scientists"
KWAPA / Klamath Water and Power Agency public meeting agenda 3/6/12: new officers, land idling, groundwater monitoring, On Project Plan (part of KBRA), ... We must use coordination powers, Siskiyou Daily News, Letter to the Editor, February 24. 2012 by Brandon Criss, candidate, Siskiyou County Supervisor District 1. "The Tulelake Basin stood up against that blackmail attempt and voted 77 percent against dam removal...The Siskiyou County government has no choice but to fight intelligently and effectively for the Tulelake Basin. We have to do this in order to keep that unity in Siskiyou County." ODEQ to decide about Low Carbon Fuel Standard Mandates for Oregon, Senator Doug Whitsett 2/24/12. "The costs of complying with any LCFS can only result in higher fuel costs for everyone. Compliance with a state or regional LCFS would certainly result in an uncompetitive business environment that would result in out-migration of businesses and jobs. The last thing that Oregon needs is another reason for businesses to leave Oregon or for capital investors to further shun the state."
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, Legislative and Governmental Update 2/24/12: food access, farm sales, vehicle regulations, water, groundwater... As of yesterday, 2/23, Wolf OR 7 was still in East Siskiyou County. HERE for CDFG updates . Mark Baird's response to Regional Water Quality Control Board staff, PienPolitics, posted to KBC 2/23/12 Wolf may return to Oregon, Medford Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 2/23/12 * HERE is our George Soros/KBRA connection page U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Review Oregon Spotted Frog ESA Status, info due 4/20/12, FWS, posted 2/23/12. " Currently, this species is known to inhabit emergent wetland habitats from extreme southwestern British Columbia south through the east side of the Puget/Willamette Valley Trough and the Columbia River Gorge in south-central Washington to the Cascades Range and the Klamath Valley in Oregon" (Siskiyou) County requests approval of coho supplementation program, Siskiyou Daily 2/22/12. *** Proposed Suction Dredge Regulations Revised, Public Comment due 3/5/12
For 2/19/12, sent from Frank Tallerico: Galatians 6:7-9 The Living Bible Siskiyou Water Users Assoc. sends letter to DOI Sec. Ken Salazar, PienPolitics, posted to KBC 2/19/12 Klamath dam removal is against Congressional Laws and the Constitution, letter by Dr. Richard Gierak, PienPolitics, posted to KBC 2/19/12 Dams and a monument: ‘We feel squeezed here’, H&N by Shirley Fisher 2/17/12. "It was a great life in those days and things were busy along the river — there were miners and loggers, everyone seemed to have a job, city folk had summer homes in the area.”..."The Siskiyou Monument proposal, if passed, would set aside more than 500,000 acres of land between the Klamath River and Siskiyou Crest, limiting access"..."Fisher is concerned about the possibility of greater frequency of flooding if the dams come out. With the prospect of dam removal and the proposed 500,000-acre Siskiyou Monument, she wonders what the future holds." Illegal immigrants and timber harvest deal, CFBF Friday Review of bills and laws 2/17/12
Salazar will discuss restoration project (in Medford), Mail Tribune 2/16/12 Economic vitality and stability to Oregon’s rural communities, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 2/17/12 KWAPA meeting 2/15/12 regarding Klamath Project water supply, groundwater and land idling. (Siskiyou) County intends to challenge Klamath dam decision in federal court, Siskiyou Daily News 2/10/12 Rex Cozzalio responds to newest program to impregnate Shasta River with fertilized coho eggs — preposterous, it is, PienPolitics 2/10/12
Oregon Wild sues to
secure Rogue water for coho; group also suing BOR for failing to adopt BO on how
agency will protect wild coho,
Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 2/10/12. Senate Republican job-creating bills that Senate Democrats refused hear, Senator Doug Whitsett 2/10/12 NEDC lawsuit could shut down eleven million acres of Oregon's privately owned forest land, by Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/10/12. "Those privately owned forests create timber product sales of nearly $12 billion and support private sector payrolls in excess of $4 billion...The direct consequence of litigation concerning the allegedly endangered Northern Spotted Owl is a 90 percent reduction in timber harvest from federal lands. That near elimination of federal timber harvest has resulted in virtual cultural genocide for many timber dependent rural communities." Columbia Basin Bulletin 2/10/12. * Groups Petition FDA To Classify Genetically Engineered Salmon As Food Additive For More Rigorous Review (Obama administration 'bailed out' GM salmon firm, Campaigners say $500,000 grant was made to AquaBounty despite evidence that the firm could soon run out of cash, Guardian, UK, posted to KBC 11/14/11.) * 2011 Fall Chinook Redd Survey In Lower Snake, Tributaries Produces Second Highest Count On Record
U.S. Representative Greg Walden's Oregon
Congressional Connection,
1/10/12, Federal Government forest jobs Support Rural America Sheriffs’ Event, hosted by Siskyou Sheriff Jon Lopey 2/25/12, Yreka. Panel of Constitutional Sheriffs will speak, Q & A to follow Comments Due on Klamath Biomass 2/10/12 Draft Policy on Interpretation of the Phrase ``Significant Portion of Its Range'' in the Endangered Species Act's Definitions of ``Endangered Species'' and ``Threatened Species'', Comments Due 3/8/12
Bucket reminds us of remaining work,
H&N letter by Kevin Rafferty 1/7/12
Snowpack is concerning irrigators, H&N 2/7/12 Not enough signatures on Armstrong recall petition, Siskiyou Daily 2/7/12. (HERE for Marcia Armstrong columns) KWAPA public meeting 2/7/12. Includes KBRA amendments, groundwater model, OPP report. Sent by Frank Tallerico for Sunday 2/5/12. New King James, Deuteronomy 8:11 - Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today *** Revised Critical Habitat Proposed for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers,"The proposal includes two critical habitat units totaling 241,438 acres and 274 stream miles in southern Oregon and northern California." Meeting Jan 19. Comments due Feb. 6.Klamath Off Project Water Users Association comments to Secretary Salazar on Klamath Overview Report 020512 2/5/12. "I and many others have responded as required numerous times to the never ending reports and reports on the reports. To date, our extensive, valid pages of concerns have been completely ignored. So my question still remains, “How many times must we respond with our public comments? ... Upper Basin irrigators requested three things: reasonable power rates, assurances that endangered species would not further threaten irrigation water supply, and guaranteed water supply to irrigators not included in the water buyout. It is very obvious that there is no affordable power rate for agriculture, no guarantee of water and absolutely no protection from the ESA or Biological Opinions, in the KHSA and KBRA, Sec 22.5." Dam removal draft ignores public say, H&N letter by Rex Cozzalio, posted to KBC 2/5/12. (Klamath) Bucket a reminder, should stay put, by Chris Moudry, Merrill, posted too KBC 2/5/12. "U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service still maintains excessive lake levels in upper Klamath Lake to protect sucker despite flooding large tracts of farmland on Upper Klamath Lake in the name of remediation. The U.S. Marine Fisheries Service still requires excessive flows of stored water down Klamath River to support salmon. Both unjustly rob Upper Klamath Lake of the stored irrigation water held behind Link River Dam for agricultural lands and the economic stability of Klamath County that the water generates." le Feb. 2 - 5Interior Issues Draft Overview Report on Klamath Dam Removal Studies , Department of Interior 1/24/12. You are allowed until Feb 5th, 12 days to comment on this 312 page document with dozens of attached studies.* Comments to Overview Report on Klamath Dam removal studies from Siskiyou County to Secretary Salazar 1/31/12.* REVIEW DRAFT: Proposed “First Amendment” to the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement 12/22/11* Draft Agenda, Klamath Basin Coordinating Council conference call 2/10/12. "Potential Action by the KBCC to initiate amendments to the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement." Public meetings in Klamath Falls, Yreka and ArcataGovernment Delay, Drought Prompts Renewed Push for Protection of Klamath River Chinook Salmon, Center for Biological Diversity 2/1/12, The Center for Biological Diversity, Oregon Wild, Environmental Protection Information Center and The Larch Company filed the notice of intent. CBD, Oregon Wild, and EPIC are all litigated or in coalition with Earth Justice, which is funded in part by billionaire George Soros. Soros is blamed for the financial collapses of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Russian and the Bank of England. He said he will take down the United States of America next. Soros contributes greatly to Monsanto, who is involved in genetically modified salmon, convenient for when millions of tons of silt are released into Klamath River by dam and hatchery destruction. Andy Kerr is the Larch Company, and involved with dozens of other Soros-sponsored environmental groups including Earthjustice. "A professional conservationist for over three decades, he has been involved in the enactment of over 25 pieces of state and federal legislation, scores of lawsuits, dozens of endangered species listing petitions and countless administrative appeals of Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management timber sales and other decisions."
California Essential Habitat Connectivity Project |
Page Updated: Sunday April 01, 2012 07:59 PM Pacific
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