life in focus. Menke’s photography
spurred international interest in
Klamath Basin wildlife refuges,
H&N, posted to KBC 5/16/11 Dave Menke helped create our Klamath
Basin Crisis
Photo Gallery,
providing his wildlife photography
and descriptions.
Thank you Dave.
Big Picture Part 3: The Re-Wilding of
by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 5/20/11. "Roadless
areas, Wilderness bills, National Monuments, Wild and
Rivers designations,
“Travel management Plans,” the new Dept. of Interior “Wild Lands” policy and
President Obama’s “Treasured Landscapes” agenda are all efforts to re-wild large
core areas.
The Big Picture part 2, by Siskiyou
County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong, posted
to KBC 5/14/11. Armstrong documents how the
UN and ICNU, with designated roadless areas
and wilderness areas, were formed to shut
down human use of land and resources in the
Klamath River Basin.
Here is the link for Armstrong's research on
Agenda 21 Rewilding or
The Big Picture Part I,
1991 Department of the
Interior Long Range Klamath Plan
Good ideas exist; we just have to
find them, by Dennis Jefcoat,
Chiloquin, OR. 5/31/11. "Why
are we giving away, at public
expense, 90,000 acres of the Mazama
Tree Farm, via the Klamath Basin
Restoration Agreement, when the
county could purchase the land and
manage all aspects of timber and
biomass production for the benefit
of all citizens of Klamath County?"
Bill to preserve Williamson Act
moves forward, Capital Press
Grazing Improvement Act introduced,
posted to KBC 5/31/11
Government Litigation Savings Act,
posted to KBC 5/31/11, sent to
KBC by Louise Gliatto: "The
“Government Savings Litigation Act,”
HR 1996, was introduced late last
week. Mr. Herger is a cosponsor.
Please see the attached background
information on the bill. It makes a
number of changes to the EAJA in
order to raise the bar for legal
recovery for environmental activist
THANK YOU to those who served and
those who serve our country so we
are free! We each must continue to
fight to keep that freedom and to
trust in God. God Bless America!
HERE for our Settler / Homesteader
Bible verses for this week
down Chapter 11 of Hebrews,
sent to KBC News by Frank Tallerico
meeting notice and agenda for 6/7/11
California Farm Bureau Federation
Friday Review of bills and laws
27: Scott Valley POW / Protect Our Water BBQ
Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter,
5/26/11, Estate Taxes
*Federal Circuit Upholds Reclamation
Contract Rights Against Government
Demands To Reallocate Water, Marzulla Law 5/25/11
National Wildlife Refuge System
Understaffed, Poorly Maintained Due
to Unsustainable Backlogs, Continual
Federal Land Acquisition, 5/26/11
Group sues to halt Calif. salmon
fishing season, SF Gate, posted
to KBC 5/26/11
Comment Period Lost River Suckers
and 53 endangered species
including suckers, plants, flowers,
flys, butterflys, moths, birds,
snakes, shrimp, frogs, salamanders
until 7/25/11, FWS
From the archives: looking back to
The Negotiations 2003-2007,
Closed-door meetings where the
Klamath Tribes want 690,000 acres of
the Winema/Fremont National Forest
returned to them again, Klamath
Water Users / KWUA want water
"certainty." Dan Keppen, KWUA
Executive Director at the time,
said, "There
is simply no chance of a "secret
deal" being cut on this matter."
KBC NOTE: The current KWUA board did
not honor that promise to their
constituents. "And
the Tribes have said that a water
settlement is unlikely in the
absence of the land return."
said Bud
Ullman, attorney for the Klamath Tribes. DOI
Bill Bettenberg said, "At the end of the day, we have to have something
where the water users, the Tribes and the broader
community are all on board."
79% of Siskiyou County,
nearly 50%
of Klamath County, and
77% of Tulelake
voters opposed the KBRA
in the November
vote. A secret deal was cut for dam removal
and tribal land-for-water swap included in the KBRA.
Native American Tribes Awarded More
Than $2.03 Million for Conservation
Projects in Three Western States,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service 5/25/11 Klamath Tribe:
($42,383) Determining Causes of Mule
Deer Decline in the Klamath Basin,
Yurok Tribe: California ($200,000)
Assessing Reintroduction Potential
and Planning for Management of
California Condors in the Greater
Yurok Ancestral Region.
Transcript (word for word) from 2004 Klamath Tribe
tour of their proposed land
acquisition discussing decline of
deer: CORRECTION: we mistakenly
misspelled Gerda's name and since
corrected it. Gerda Hyde, rancher, addressing
Klamath Tribal Chairman: "I live
right in the middle of the Forest
Service right now, and every time I
drive home from Klamath, along the
Williamson Road, there are spot
lighters, and the deer in our area
never get a chance to just be left
alone. When I ride out in the
spring, there are gut piles with
fetuses in them. This isn’t right.
If we could stop this type of
hunting, I’m sure the deer herds
would increase...Well what about the
spot lighting of deer? Do you feel that that is the
way you should be hunting, or should you go back to
hunting the way your forefathers did to bring food
on the table. I think high-powered rifles and spot
lights and big trucks all over the place are not
right..." Don Gentry, Klamath Tribe Resource
Specialist, "...We don’t want to
make it illegal for a tribal member
to go out and take a deer unless
there is a biologically sound reason
to prohibit tribal members from spot
In the the 2004 Klamath Tribal tour,
word-for-word transcription from
video, Don Gentry, Barb Hall, Bob
Flowers, and Luther Horsley discuss
termination, Klamath Tribes selling
their land and selling their
subsequent allotments.
Swan Lake hydro project meeting set,
H&N, posted to KBC 5/25/11
Federal Circuit Resurrects Klamath
Water Users’ Takings and Contract
Claims, Marten Law 5/25/11
Judge rejects environmentalist bid
to halt experiment, Capital
Press 5/25/11
- Klamath Water User Association unadvertised 'public' meeting with
Klamath Falls County Commissioners Al Switzer and Cheryl Hukill,
explaining Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement to the Commissioners.
Attending were KWUA board members Steve Kandra, Bob Gasser, executive
director Greg Addington, and president Luther Horsley. Invited also was
Becky Hyde, partner with Klamath Tribes and Sustainable NW, who
formed a new off-Project group. Some of the issues discussed were Long
Lake Storage, Klamath hydro dam removal, water allocations, and
Klamath Basin Alliance.
KBC NOTE: this file takes awhile to download. posted 3/21/09
HERE for KBRA supporters
Steve Kandra /
Becky Hyde PROSPER website.
KBRA Divide
/ (Klamath Basin Restoration
H&N, posted to KBC 5/23/11
Could the wrong opinion on water
cost you your business?
Gasser won’t take sides on the
Klamath Basin Restoration
Restoration agreement is only plan in the works, by Patsy
Gasser, H&N letter to editor,
followed by comments from H&N
website, 5/26/09.
Bob Gasser:
Involved in irrigation politics again,
H&N 3/14/08. "He acknowledges that some Upper Basin irrigators
aren’t happy with the settlement plan, which calls on them
to idle 30,000 acre-feet of water. Gasser says they’ve
made concessions before, taking about
90,000 acres out of production — the Barnes, Wood and
Agency ranches along with other land — and weren’t
rewarded with stable river flows and lake levels. “We sold out our neighbors,” Gasser says. “That
land should still be in production. I understand why the
Upper Basin is upset.”
KBRA Divide:
Relationships strained by position,
H&N, posted to KBC 5/23/11
KBRA Divide;
Advocacy groups on both sides moving
H&N posted to KBC 5/22/11
KBRA Divide:
Supporters work to reduce cost,
H&N 5/23/11. "Seus
said. 'Some of the people that
represent us understand us. My
representative (Rep. Wally Herger, R
Calif.) in particular doesn’t have a
clue. The rest know how (KBRA)
started and how it came to be.'
May 23:
Spotted Owl public comment deadline
21 Tulelake Bird Festival
May 21, 2011 by Frank Tallerico,
Yreka, for KBC.
"This week's lesson continues in
Chapter 11 of Hebrews which is
all about Faith."
Letter to Bryan
McFadin, staff of North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, from Liz
Bowen, President Scott Valley Protect
Our Water.
"...We checked with the Siskiyou County Public Health Dept and in the last 50
years, there has NEVER been a case reported by a doctor of someone getting sick
from swimming in Scott, Shasta or Klamath Rivers....Insinuations are misleading
and false. They also destroy trust...Under the Constitution, government is
established to serve the people NOT destroy their lives and livelihoods. We
stand resolute... We will NOT obtain a Permit to Farm under any kind of name."
Scott Valley Protect Our Water BBQ
Klamath issues:
"Protecting the Federal
Hydropower Investment: A
Stakeholder's Perspective"
Opening Statement by Congressman
Tom McClintock, Chairman,
House Water and Power
Subcommittee. Oversight Hearing
on “Protecting the Federal
Hydropower Investment: A
Stakeholder’s Perspective,”
posted to KBC 5/21/11.
Calif. Farm Bureau Federation
Friday Review 5/20/11. "The California Water Commission reviewed draft
agricultural water measurement regulations this week."
Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter
5/20/11. "We
believe that more than 20,000 private sector family-wage jobs would be created
by the passage of three bills currently stuck in the Senate Environment and
Natural Resources Committee... neither the committee Chair nor the Senate
President has allowed any of these bills even the courtesy of a hearing...Being
allowed to use their fair share of excess River water would spur a renaissance
in Oregon’s economy creating more than 16,500 jobs and adding more than
$750,000,000 per year to our state economy."
Paying in advance for
dam removal, Judy Mackintosh, Siskiyou Daily News 5/20/11
Transcribed Klamath Project Tour hosted by the Bureau of Reclamation for Humboldt State University (HSU),
9/11/03, by KBC.
Oregon's Regulations Oppress Jobs,
2011 Newsletter for Oregon State
Senator Doug Whitsett, District 28,
posted to KBC 5/17/11
Subcommittee to Hold Oversight
Hearing on the Obama
Administration’s Wild Lands Policy,
5/17/11. "In
a move by the Obama Administration
to circumvent Congress’s sole
authority to allocate Wilderness
areas, this order could place a vast
amount of public land off-limits to
energy production, recreational use
and other job-creating activities."
KBRA - No one contacted us,
by James Burney,
Hornbrook, Siskiyou Daily News, May 16,
2011. "Today
property values are falling far below
the state average of 30 percent
(2006-2011) because no one wants
property subject to potential loss of
its’ greatest assets, both aesthetic and
Environmental groups urge Klamath water
quality regulations; Klamath
settlement parties anticipate
legislation this month, Times-Standard, posted to KBC 5/16/11
Congresswoman Candice Miller introduces the
State Wildlife Management Act (H.R. 1819),
posted to KBC 5/14/11. "...As a result of
delays in delisting, states are unable to
manage wolves and their population has
exploded. Unmanaged wolves are decimating
other big game populations such as deer,
sheep, moose, and elk..."
KBC Wolf Page
Ratepayers Will Pay For Removal Of
PacifiCorp's Klamath Basin Dams, OPB,
posted to KBC 5/14/11. "Craig
Tucker: “What we would get if these deals
are seen to their end is the cheapest
possible power rates and an increase in
KBC NOTE: Karuk Tribe spokesman
Tucker was trained by Green Corp as an
environmental activist and organizer,
was former Outreach Director at Friends of
the River
(dam removal organization,) and
founder/board member of Klamath Riverkeeper.
Tucker is at
Basin Restoration Agreement negotiation
table as a "stakeholder" for the Karuk
George Soros funds Earthjustice
which litigates for Klamath Riverkeeper, Friends of the
River, Waterkeeper Alliance,
PCFFA, and other environmental
groups at the KBRA negotiation table. Regarding Tucker's
claim of "cheapest possible power rates,"
will destroying clean hydropower dams
serving 70,000 households provide cheap
rates? Before the Klamath Project was built,
River often went dry in the fall. Will
that, with tons of sediment, produce "increase in salmon"? Where are the
salmon in this 1900 picture?
CFBF Friday Review 5/13/11
“Keeping the Dream Alive Benefit Dinner &
Auction” July 9, 2011, Tulelake Butte
Valley Fair
weekly water report, H&N 5/12/11
Why Don't We Hear About Soros' Ties to Over
30 Major News Organizations? opinion Fox
News, posted to KBC 5/12/11. "Soros, who
$27 million trying to defeat President Bush
in 2004, has ties to more than 30 mainstream
news outlets – including The New York Times,
Washington Post, the Associated Press, NBC
and ABC." KBC Note:
for Soros funds to organizations in the
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement.
Grader, PCFFA/Pacific Coast Federation of
Fishermen statement to House committees on
Ag and Natural Resources, posted to KBC
5/12/11. KBC NOTE: Page 12, PCFFA writes
joint letter to Council on Environmental
Quality co-signed by other environmental
groups including Earthjustice (George Soros
From Speaker John Boehner’s office:
stands by GOP Medicare overhaul plan Speaker Boehner Files Amicus Brief
Supporting the Unconstitutionality of the
Job-Crushing Health Care Law Democrats Fret Over Boehner’s Call for
Cutting Spending & Preventing Tax Hikes
Some fear that EPA is going too far in
regulating pesticides
PacifiCorp seeks ITPs for Klamath dam
operations, Siskiyou Daily News, posted
to KBC 5/11/11. "
NEPA document for Klamath Dams and
Pacificorp May 2011
scripture sent by Frank Tallerico,
Yreka: 5/15/11 - Continuing in Hebrews,
Chapter 11 deals with faith. It is
fitting that we continue to have faith
in our Lord. Do not give up for by
faith we are saved. Hebrews 11:17-22 NKJ
The Faith of the Patriarchs
17. By faith Abraham, when
he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he
who had received the promises offered up
his only begotten son, 18. of whom it
was said, "In Isaac your seed shall be
called," 19. concluding that God was
able to raise him up even from the dead,
from which he also received him in a
figurative sense. 20. By faith Isaac
blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things
to come. 21. By faith, Jacob when he
wads dying, blessed each of the sons of
Joseph, and worshiped, leaning on the
top of his staff. 22. By faith, Joseph,
when he was dying, made mention of the
departure of the children of Israel, and
gave instructions concerning his bones.
Big Picture Part 3: The Re-Wilding of
by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 5/20/11. "Roadless
areas, Wilderness bills, National Monuments, Wild and
Rivers designations,
“Travel management Plans,” the new Dept. of Interior “Wild Lands” policy and
President Obama’s “Treasured Landscapes” agenda are all efforts to re-wild large
core areas.
The Big Picture part 2, by Siskiyou
County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong, posted
to KBC 5/14/11. Armstrong documents how the
UN and ICNU, with designated roadless areas
and wilderness areas, were formed to shut
down human use of land and resources in the
Klamath River Basin.
Here is the link for Armstrong's research on
Agenda 21 Rewilding or
The Big Picture Part I,
by Marcia
Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor,
posted to KBC 5/11/11. "I
was struck by a sentence in the recent
“chinook expert panel” report commissioned
for the dam removal studies. It said:
“Furthermore, the refuges should be managed
for fish and wildlife versus agriculture if
the basin management objective is
rehabilitation of fish species.” Just when
did the citizens of
County agree to an over-riding regional
“management objective”of fish
rehabilitation? Just who signed the orders
relegating us to serfdom, putting our
private property and livelihoods in the
service of fish production and those who
harvest fish? What happened to our own
economic priorities – to the development of
our local natural resources to create food,
fiber and mineral products for the benefit
of our families, communities and nation."
Verses for the week of May 8th continues with FAITH from
Hebrew 11. "We, as Christians, must put our faith
in Christ in order to deal with what is going on
in the world that we live in. We must have
a personal relationship with the Lord to carry us
through these very difficult times. He is always there
for us, He wants to hear from us, all we have to do is
listen for his small voice. From the KJV Chapter 11:13-16
Heavenly Hope: 13. These all died in
faith, not having received the promises, but
having seen them afar off were assured of
them, embraced them and confessed that they
were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
14. For those who say such things declare
plainly that they seek a homeland.15. And
truly if they had called to mind that
country from which they had come out, they
would have had opportunity to return. 16.
But now they desire a better, that is, a
heavenly country. Therefore, God is not
ashamed to be called their God, for He has
prepared a city for them."

Rupert 1921-2011
Otto Schultz Jr, 1950-2011. In 2001 when
the feds shut off water to 1400 family
farmers, Earl approached me, the current KBC
News manager, and said the irrigators need a
website. Within a week his classmate Ron
DeShon built www.klamathbasincrisis.org Thanks a lot
Earl! This website has earned me many
enemies by exposing the truth and allowing
local and neighboring resource users a
voice, something we did not have before
2001. Happy Trails!
Klamath BUCKET BRIGADE: May 7, 2001
10 years
later 18,000
people, 50 buckets of water, dry irrigation
Herald and News 5/6/11,
followed by statement from Oregon
Congressman Greg Walden
California PUC approves (Klamath) dam removal
surcharge, Siskiyou Daily News 5/6/11. "Thursday’s
decision by the CPUC will solidify the $13.76
million surcharge for California customers, to
be assessed over a nine-year period, resulting
in an estimated $1.61 increase to the average
monthly customer bill."
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review
topics include
Williamson Act,
genetically modified fish, Rural
access to health care,
Funding public safety and rural crime programs,
Drayage truck operators,
Water CFBF Friday Review 4/29/11:
Utility scale solar, Extreme restrictions to the
Department of Pesticide Regulations, Net
metering to any renewable energy resource,
Labeling of genetically modified salmon,
California Healthy Food Financing Initiative,
Water, Delta Stewardship, ground water
Natural Resources Committee to Hold Hearing on
Roadblocks to Solar and Wind Production on
Public Lands 5/6/11
Comments on the California Department of Fish &
Game’s (DFG) Suction Dredge Permitting Program
Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR)
and Proposed Regulations by Claudia Wise
and Joseph Green, retired EPA scientists, 5/3/11
Scale Gold Suction Dredging and the
Power Point Presentation by retired EPA
scientist Joseph Greene, 12/8/07.
same folks targeting Klamath Dams and
other resource users are trying to
eliminate our mining industry.
Greene biography.
Power Point Presentation by Joseph C Greene,
Retired EPA Research Biologist, posted to KBC 6/12/06
This week's Bible verse are from Hebrews
11:8-12, sent by Frank Tallerico, Yreka 5/1/11

< video. Mercy Chefs head south. Gary LeBlanc is taking Mercy 1 kitchen to feed those who faced devastating tornadoes in Georgia and Alabama yesterday. Length: 0:40. See www.mercychefs.com . (KBC NOTE: This group is presently in the south feeding those who lost their homes and loved ones and their entire communities in tornadoes. Mercy Chefs needs your prayers, and funds if you are able. Please share their ministry needs with those who will join us in prayer for the victims and for God’s servants who are feeding them.)
Soros moves to control American food and grain production, Conservative Action Alerts, posted to KBC 5/1/11. "George Soros is formulating a move to control food and grain production by purchasing grain elevators in late March in several parts of the United States through his Soros Management Fund's backed Gavalon Grain." KBC NOTE: Go HERE for Soros control of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement; follow the money.