"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." – Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890–1969), U.S. general and president. Inaugural address, Washington, D.C..
Archive 102 - November 2010
also see
archive page
November 2010 emails between KBRA facilitator Ed
Sheets and KBC editor, regarding
October Klamath KBRA meeting, upcoming December
15 meeting, KBRA Drought Plan, public comments
and transcripts. At the Oct 17 KBRA Coordinating
Council public meeting, approximately 30 people
from the public attended, most all opposed the
KBRA in public comments. We are informed by
Sheets he did not and will not record the public
comments. Where did the new-concept of
"transparency" and "public process" go? Did you
really believe, after years of closed door
meetings and resistance to a public vote, that
they would ever include your input? And did you
realize your 'leaders' voted on the KBRA and
there still is no Drought Plan?
CDFG Suction Dredge Mining 5 Meetings, Feb 3 Yreka. HERE for Miner Page
Releases Final Appraisal and Optimization Study
for the Long Lake Valley Off-Stream Storage
posted to KBC 11/30/10. (KBC NOTE: Keep in mind,
the authors of the KBRA, environmental NGOs,
gov't agencies, tribes and farm leaders, wrote
in the KBRA that IF offstream storage is
developed, any stored water must flow to the
ocean, not to agriculture.) We have buried our dead once already, Shasta Tribal leader Gary Lake, Siskiyou Daily News 11/30/10. "NOWHERE in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) are the Shasta People recognized. The Klamath Hydro Settlement Agreement (KHSA) exposes the Shasta People's burial grounds, Spiritual sites, ceremonial grounds and villages which are currently protected by reservoirs behind the dams that are to be taken out."
Oregon State Economic Status, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, Klamath Falls, District 28, posted to KBC 11/30/10 NEVER…a true wolf account from Sunday November 28, 2010, sent by Jim Beers 11/30/10. Beers is a retired US Fish & Wildlife Service Wildlife Biologist, Special Agent, Refuge Manager, Wetlands Biologist, and Congressional Fellow. HERE for Wolf Page Forest Service posts job opening for KBRA, KHSA coordinator, Siskiyou Daily News 11/30/10 Comments on Lava Beds Nat. Monument $10 million plan due Nov 30--HERE for plan and comment form Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Meetings set for December 9 in Siskiyou County, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 11/29/10 Klamath Watershed Partnership minutes of October 2010 posted 11/29/10: "OWEB is trying to figure out a way to leverage the funding from the NFWF money and that is the kind of money they are discussing...OWEB is looking at pairing their $500,000 with the NFWF $500,000 and making it $1 million total..Mark Buettner asked if the State is considering this their contribution to the KBRA. Karl said he talked to the Governor and he said that is part of it.. This proposal talks about $250 million worth of projects how will that be identified. Nathan said that comes from a spreadsheet that was prepared by Matt Barry, FWS and Larry Dunsmoor, The Tribes, for the KBRA that said here is a list of everything that we want to do in the Basin."
are the by-precinct votes on Measure G - the dam
initiative in Siskiyou County,
which read: “Should the Klamath River Dams
(Iron Gate, Copco 1, and Copco 2) and associated
hydroelectric facilities be removed?"
Western water
rights come under new attack, H&N
guest commentary by Pacific Legal Foundation,
posted to KBC 11/29/10. "Siskiyou
County rancher Tom Menne predicts that the
public trust crusade could “devastate” his
ranch’s profitability, throwing its 25 employees
out of work. Oregon’s Integrated Water Resources Strategy Issue Papers, open to public review and comment deadline is March 1, 2011, on IWRS website: http://www1.wrd.state.or.us/pdfs/November_18_2010_Issue_Papers_v2.pdf Environmental Quality Commission to Consider Adoption of 401 Water Quality Certification Rules, posted to KBC 11/29/10 California Department of Fish and Game, the Art of the “Take,” by Mark Baird, Vice President Scott Valley Protect Our Water and Siskiyou County Water Users Association, posted to KBC 11/29/10. "Additional items discussed, included, site visits by armed teams of game wardens to coerce Water Right Owners into signing the contract..." "Manji went on to say, “Its the fourth quarter and we are at the goal line and the time for negotiation is past.”'We have a plan, right or wrong' "."Are the citizens of Siskiyou County expected to look the other way while the CDFG burns the Constitution, ignores the law, and terrorizes our families?" We are beginning a series on where the funds are coming from to support the KBRA, present lawsuit against Klamath Farmers, water quality mandates, Klamath Dam destruction, mining and timber harvest destruction. Today's info: What partners funded the Klamath Ag Political Action Committee, Steve Kandra's and Jim Carlton's group, to support the KBRA? Perhaps The Nature Conservancy, Sustainable NW, Prosper (Kandra), Sustainable NW, Herald and News, and KFLS are your neighbors?... Follow link for contributors and pricetag. USDA awards Yurok Tribe funding to close electricity gaps in Klamath, Times Standard 11/27/10. "...award of $750,000 to the tribe Tuesday, along with millions of other dollars being spent to stabilize and reduce energy costs for residents..." (KBC NOTE: Yurok Tribe supports destroying the Klamath Hydropower dams serving 70,000 households annually.)
Disputed Territory;
Federal employees and the Yurok Tribe extend the
age-old battle over American terra firma,
North Coast Journal, posted to KBC 11/26/10.
tribe is quietly working on a bill that would
give them ownership of thousands of acres of
public land, including parts of Redwood National
Park and Six Rivers National Forest, plus marine
sanctuary waters surrounding Reading Rock, a sea
stack five miles offshore that’s currently under
the auspices of the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management..." Planetary Changes since 1970, followed by Let’s look at Global Warming by Dr. Richard Gierak, 11/26/10
Columbia Basin Bulletin, including: Salmon facing new threat, "the number of salmon in the North Pacific having doubled in the past 50 years, scientists are increasingly concerned there may not be enough food to support them, and changing ocean conditions could make it even worse," H&N, 11/26/10 Timeline for KBRA relies on receiving funding, H&N, posted to KBC 11/26/10 "A Day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer," by the President of the United States, for November 26 (1789) (Klamath) Organic foods donated, Medford Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 11/23/10 New leader at the (Klamath) BOR — again; Jason Phillips agency’s fourth new manager in eight years, H&N 11/23/10 First Circuit Holds That Plaintiffs Must Demonstrate Irreparable Harm for Injunctive Relief in Endangered Species Act Cases, AND Proposition 26 May Imperil Implementation of California’s Landmark Greenhouse Gas Reduction Law, Somach, Simmons and Dunn Law Firm 11/23/10 Proposed marine reserve sites now posted online, ODFW, posted to KBC 11/23/10 Appeals Court Rejects Lethal Removal Of Salmon-Eating Sea Lions; Remands Issue Back To NMFS, Columbia Basin Bulletin 11/23/10 Prayer page from Frank Tallerico for Thanksgiving week, 11/21/10
Decision on 2001 (Klamath) water lawsuit
could take 6 months,
U.S. Court of Appeals heard case Thursday,
H&N, posted to KBC 11/21/10.
petitioned against irrigators getting a
continued affordable power rate, are still
suing against them getting compensation for
the government taking their deeded farm
water in 2001, support studying removal of
Keno dam which provides
irrigation water in the Klamath Basin, yet they
claim to be our 'friend' at the KBRA/Klamath Basin
Restoration Agreement negotiations, promising money
for power, plenty of irrigation water and less litigation....???????)
Siskiyou Daily News is going pro-environmental,
by Dr Richard Gierak 11/21/10. "...Art
Sasse of Pacific Corps believes that the
(Klamath) dams were not constructed for flood
control...The following article was published prior
to the construction of Iron Gate and it is clear
there were four primary reasons for building Iron
Gate Dam: What will come next in the fight over dams? H&N letter by James Finses, Copco Lake 11/20/10 Fish over farmlands? It shouldn’t happen, H&N by Kevin Fure, posted to KBC 11/21/10 An eye on Farming; Dan Crawford’s photography led to the launch of the agricultural magazine Spudman, H&N, posted to KBC 11/18/10
Ahh, yes: biomass will solve all our problems,
H&N by Fred Charles, Klamath Falls, letter
to editor. Siskiyou’s vote against Klamath dam removal resounding, H&N letter to editor by Louise Gliotto, Yreka 11/17/10
TMDL's public comment period coming soon.
This Notice is being sent by the California Water
Boards on behalf of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, 11/17/10. "On November 12,
2010, U.S.EPA approved California’s 2008-2010
Section 303(d) list of impaired waters requiring
TMDLs, and disapproved the omission of several water
bodies and associated pollutants that meet federal
listing requirements. U.S.EPA identified additional
water bodies and pollutants for inclusion on the
State’s 303(d) list. U.S.EPA is providing the public
an opportunity to review its decisions to add waters
and pollutants to California’s 2008-2010 Section
303(d) List. U.S.EPA will consider public comments
received..." Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels, posted 11/17/10. Senators who voted for Big Government today to KBC from Craig Chenowith, Yreka 11/17/10. "..today’s vote to end the “hold” on senate bill 510 Senators took a step toward increasing the size and cost of government at the expense of Americas farmers-big and small. The so called food safety bill empowers food and drug administration to regulate every part of every farming operation in the nation. The cost of compliance and record keeping to farmers cannot even be estimated. Even the farm wife who sells jam, preserves and apple butter at a Christmas bizarre will have to be permitted by the Food and Drug Administration..." Cancel my three subscriptions, Sunset Magazine, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 11/17/10. "The quote that “very little acres are private land” is true, and we, the people who live on these acres, are not hurting the land. We have lived here 150 years, farmed, logged, grazed cattle, cut wood to warm our homes, raised our families – and surprise! The land is still here and as pristine as our forefathers left it. This is not wild land, nor is it being harmed by we who live here..." Challenging an unwarranted “wetlands” designation in Idaho, Pacific Legal Foundation 11/17/10 Oregon U.S. Congressman Greg Walden Newsletter 11/17/10 (note on spotted owl listing) Wyden says he'll oppose any secret monument plan, Mercury News, posted to KBC 11/17/10 How might the Klamath agreements affect the local economy? Siskiyou Daily News 11/15/10 California - Court Backs Illegal Immigrants, NY Times 11/15/10 GOP's transition leader says common sense 'an endangered species' in D.C., The Hill, posted to KBC 11/15/10. "Too often, accountability counts for nothing, and transparency for even less, and common sense -- well, it’s an endangered species." Cancel my three subscriptions, Sunset, by Shirley Fisher, Siskiyou Daily News 11/15/10. "You have now decided to go into politics with your support of the environmentalist movements trying to create the Siskiyou Crest Monument..." Rep. McClintock's remarks on H.Res. 1254, 3:43-minute video. (KBC Summary: President Obama wants to put 3 million acres of Modoc and Lassen counties into Modoc Plateau National Monument. In May 2010 Modoc County unemployment was 18.2%, 60% of the land is controlled by the government. The designation would end use of natural resources: grazing, timber and minerals, further devastating the counties. Interior is withholding 2016 pages of documents to Congress, with contributions by several gov't agencies.) Walden working to achieve GOP goals, H&N, posted to KBC 11/14/10. PacifiCorp, counties reach dam deal, H&N, posted to KBC 11/14/10. "Opponents of the dam removal had argued for years that local residents had been excluded from negotiations." Water Right Fees, Proposition 26, and the Delta . . ., Somach, Simmons and Dunn November 12, 2010: Supreme Court to Hear Water Right Fees Case in December U.S. Fish and Wildlife welcomes new Yreka field office supervisor, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 11/14/10 VETERANS DAY: Bless you veterans! We're doing our best to protect what's left of the freedoms you fought to secure. Thank you!
HERE > (Homesteaders / settlers
of some Klamath Basin Settlers,
Vote against (Klamath) dam removal stunning, Siskiyou Daily News by Siskiyou County Water Users Association writer, 11/10/10. “The successful vote against dam removal is HUGE! Seventy-nine percent of Siskiyou County is against dam removal. Washington, D.C. won’t be able to ignore the voice of Siskiyou County people." ‘... I think they wronged us ...’ DONNIE BOYD, owner, Floyd A. Boyd Co., Merrill, H&N posted to KBC 11/10/10 See Siskiyou County Water Users Association's new website (still some construction happening). "SCWUA is a grass-roots group that has Native Americans, scientists, doctors, professional engineers, ranchers, biologists, educators, attorneys, professional land surveyors, foresters, Grange Masters, and several other people that are at ground zero if the dams are removed." CALIFORNIA - Sacramento Bee article this Nov 10: "...Legislative Analyst's Office projects that (California's) looming deficit is $25.4 billion..." KBC NOTE: The KBRA promises further downsize agriculture, Cal Fish and Game, along with environmental groups and the Karuk Leadership have managed to ban gold mining, ripping out 4 hydro dams on the Klamath River will destroy Siskiyou County economy, 3 of Obama's proposed new National Monuments will shut down millions of acres of land to resource use, Schwarzenegger signed away millions of acres in Calif to wilderness. Sept. 2010 unemployment rate for California 12.4% The season: ‘It was a catastrophe that turned into a disaster’, H&N: T.J. Woodley, district manager of the Klamath Soil and Water Conservation District. posted to KBC 11/10/10 Experiences from 2001 drought and good potato markets help Wong make goals, H&N: Dan Chin H&N, posted to KBC 11/10/10 Dam removal, tree farm biggest part of dispute, H&N by Jerry Pappe, posted to KBC 11/10/10
NRCS_Calif Conservation Programs Deadline 11/12/10 Worded right, results on 18-80 would change, by Howard Paine for H&N 11/9/10. "Proponents argue dam removal will allow salmon to migrate to Upper Klamath Lake. It’s doubtful they were ever there. If they were, why did the Klamath Tribes eat suckers?" Klamath Falls - Reclamation office gets new manager, H&N 11/9/10 Irrigators still split on KBRA, H&N 11/07/10 Sunday verse, "As always, I like to find verses that deal with what is happening to our people today. That's why I will continue to be in Psalm 119:17-24" (Klamath) County officials want answers to proposed TMDL, H&N 10/7/10. Meeting tomorrow, Monday Nov 8. Scroll down to Nov. 4 post on TMDL's. More on Water Quality page.
Oregon and California Wildlife
Refuges: appropriation for ag or
fish and wildlife early 1900's.
Page 1, &
Page 2
Majority of Siskiyou voters are opposed to dam removal, (and other Siskiyou election results) H&N 11/5/10. Columbia Basin Bulletin 11/5/10, articles on salmon BiOps, steelhead, sea lion report, red trout survey, wild coho, ....
Posted 11/4/10 - California State Water Resources
Control Board demands impossible TMDL's/water
quality demands of the Klamath Basin considering
that the source of the water is naturally high in
Klamath Water Users Association/KWUA wrote the board
July 2009 explaining the "unachievable load
allocations" demanded by the water board.
< KBC photo:
Linthicum Nov 2 watching the polls at his victory
Klamath Co. voters split on dam removal, KDRV,
posted to KBC 11/4/10.
18-80, an advisory vote on whether Klamath County
discontinue its participation in the KBRA, was a
near split, with 48 percent voting 'yes' on
discontinuing participation, and 51 percent voting
'no', as of Wednesday night. However, some say there
was voter confusion over the phrasing of the
measure. Opponents of the KBRA allege there was much
more opposition than was reflected in the nearly
50-50 split at the ballot box." RERUN:
“Steamroller KBRA”
Supervisors to send resolution opposing Klamath study, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 11/4/10 County proposes to head up groundwater monitoring program, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 11/4/10
(D)John Kitzhaber won governorship of Oregon 48.9%,
(R)Chis Dudley 48.2%
November 2:
the public wanted the measure to read, do you
support or oppose the KBRA and dam removal. The
commissioners worded the measure, should Klamath
County leave the KBRA negotiation table. It was
worded where yes meant no, and no meant yes.
Nov. 2 - Klamath Falls: Chamber members ask for vote (on KBRA); Some disagree with board’s stance on Measure 18-80, H&N. KBC NOTE: Frank Goodson, and many people in Klamath Chamber of Commerce, object to the executive board's vote supporting the KBRA without polling their membership. As with the years of secret meetings creating the KBRA with no public allowed, Steve Kandra (on the KBRA negotiation table) said, "They’re not yielding to what I’ll call the ideology of Frank,” he said, referring to Goodson."
perhaps hundreds, of Klamath Basin citizens have
written letters concerning the Klamath Basin
Restoration Agreement, the KBRA, which was
written by leaders behind closed doors and to this
day, the PEOPLE have had no vote. Zero transparency.
The "leaders" boycotted their
public input meeting that 300 attended. Many
groups are denied a seat at the table. In fact the
KBRA "drought plan" will not be public until after
this Nov 2 election. |
Page Updated: Monday February 07, 2011 03:20 AM Pacific
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