Blue-green algae concerns on water board agenda
By Jamie Gentner, July 18, 2007 Siskiyou Daily News
Public meeting in Yreka next week
YREKA – The North Coast Regional Water Quality Control
Board, which monitors California’s water, will come to
Yreka on Wednesday, July 25, to hold a public workshop
and discuss issues pertaining to Siskiyou County
According to their Web site, the mission of the Water
Board is to “preserve, enhance and restore the quality
of California water resources, and ensure their proper
allocation and efficient use for the benefit of the
present and future generations.”
The July 25 agenda includes action on a petition
concerning waste discharge requirements for the Montague
Water Conservation District, among others.
The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Yreka
Community Center in main room at 810 N. Oregon St.
A bus tour will follow on Thursday, July 26. The tour
will begin at the Tree House Motor Inn in Mount Shasta.
The tour will visit sites in Lake Shastina, Scott
Valley, Don Meamber Ranch and more.
Several local residents are encouraging fellow
Siskiyou County residents to attend the meeting to
discuss one proposed resolution in particular, authored
by Klamath River Basin resident Felice Pace.
Pace is requesting the Water Board to order the Montague
Irrigation District, operator of Dwinnell Reservoir, “to
submit a report of waste discharge and/or to issue waste
discharge requirements.”
He asserts in the resolution that the problems of the
BGA and pH levels are not addressed in the Shasta River
TMDL plan currently in place.
TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Load) are a planning and
management tool established to identify, quantify and
control the sources of pollution within a body of water
so the quality objectives are met and the beneficial
uses are protected.
“It is up to us to get bodies in the meeting and butts
on the bus to show that we don’t want this resolution
forced on us,” said Brian Favero.
Favero stands in opposition to Pace’s resolution.
In February 2005, the Environmental Protection Agency
listed blue-green algae as a microbial contaminant
candidate on the second Contaminant Candidate List (CCL),
but Favero said that no other state currently lists it
on the TMDL.
“I don’t see any reason to believe the Board should act
on the resolution to include the pH factor and
blue-green algae in the TMDL for Shasta River,” he said.
“There’s no reason for Siskiyou County to be the guinea
pig, list it on some nebulous water code and have it
placed on the recovery program.”
The petition asserts that the Montague Irrigation
District is releasing the blue-green algae anabaena,
which produces hepatoxins that are capable of having
detrimental affects, into the Shasta and Klamath rivers.
“Both the Regional Board and the State Board have an
obligation to protect and control water quality now and
begin to address the obvious, serious Shasta and Klamath
River pollution problems,” Pace wrote in the resolution.
An Executive Officer’s Summary Report posted on the
Water Board’s Web site suggests that the Board may move
to decline Pace’s request to require Montague to submit
a report of water discharge and instead take the
following actions:
• Work with Montague and other responsible parties in
the Shasta TMDL implementation that will result in
compliance with water quality standards, including pH
and toxicity associated with BGA;
• Work with Montague to include BGS and pH studies
and plans submitted under the Shasta TMDL Implementation
• Work with Montague, Siskiyou County Health Department
and other interested parties to ensure all efforts are
made to effectively inform the public of health concerns
as they emerge, including posting; and
• Request responsible parties for the J.H. Baxter
Superfund site to collect fish tissue samples from Lake
Shastina for analysis of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
and dibenzofurans.
According to the California Department of Health
Services, blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria,
are photosynthetic microscopic bacteria that occur
naturally in surface waters.
When certain species of the algae are broken open, the
blooms release toxins that can pose risks to humans,
pets, livestock and wildlife.
Exposure to these toxins can cause rashes, skin
irritation, allergic reactions, gastrointestinal upset
and other effects, according to the state agency. At
high levels, more adverse health effects such as liver
toxicity, tumor growth, serious illness and death can
A Siskiyou County Public Health press release in
August 2006 acknowledged the presence of blue-green
algae blooms in Siskiyou County waterways, but stated
that “the presence of blue-green algae in a water body
does not necessarily mean toxins are always present.”
The TMDLs currently exceeded in the Klamath River are
temperature, nutrients and dissolved oxygen. Shasta
River TMDL concerns are temperature and dissolved
The status of the implementation of Scott and Shasta
TMDLs will be discussed at the meeting.
“I went to the April 26 meeting in Santa Rosa, and
the people there from Siskiyou County made a big dent in
the understanding of this issue for this area,” Favero
said. “If we had that big of an impact there, there’s no
telling how we can affect the issue with conscientious
and integral people at this meeting.”
Residents are encouraged to attend the meeting to give
input on the situation and to see what final decision is
For more information about the Water Board or to
download an agenda and copies of resolutions, visit the
Water Board’s site at
To reserve a spot for the bus tour, e-mail Jean Lockett
[email protected] or call 707-576-2307 no
later than today.