Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Updated KBRA /
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Page Emergency water delivery aims to help birds, fish at Tule Lake, H&N 8/13/21. "...Ducks Unlimited announced that, along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Tulelake Irrigation District and local farmers, they had secured 10,000 acre-feet of water to deliver to the sump...The water will be “borrowed” from PacifiCorp’s hydroelectric reservoirs on the Klamath River...By lowering the reservoirs by 10,000 acre-feet and adjusting flows upstream, the action isn’t expected to majorly affect flows out of Iron Gate Dam or the elevation of Upper Klamath Lake... the PacifiCorp reservoirs will have to be refilled later in the year, ideally following a precipitation event in the fall or early winter..."
PacifiCorp lends more water to Reclamation, H&N 5/22/18. " '...the question for the Bureau is how much of that 9,500 acre feet will actually be able to go to the Project and how much of it is to just keep required Upper Klamath Lake levels,' Gravely said."
Pacific Power article lacks objective balance by Ed Silling, Klamath Falls, followed by Pacific Power states case for lawsuit against city, posted to KBC 1/30/15 Pacific Power sues (Klamath Falls) city. Eminent domain, public utility district at heart of lawsuit, H&N 1/17/15. BOR, PacifiCorp reach agreement on reservoir releases H&N, posted to KBC 8/16/14. "According to KWAPA Executive Director Hollie Cannon, the combination of consecutive drought years and new rules in place to protect endangered fish in the Klamath watershed means irrigators are given less surface water, forcing them to turn to groundwater..." Utility’s retort to city power, Pacific Power looks to protect market in Klamath, H&N posted to KBC 5/15/13 PacifiCorp (Klamath Dam removal) surcharge increase approved, The Daily Independent, posted to KBC 11/2/12. "In a non-binding 2010 local ballot measure, 79 percent of Siskiyou County voters opposed the removal of the dams." Dueling briefs in PUC process, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 8/6/12.
Senator Doug LaMalfa,
Calif. 4th District, and Assemblyman Jim Nielsen, 2nd District, letter to Calif.
PUC objecting to power surcharge to destroy Klamath River hydropower dams
even when Klamath Agreement does not have public or congressional support,
posted to KBC 7/24/12.
PacifiCorp seeks ITPs for Klamath dam
operations, Siskiyou Daily News, posted
to KBC 5/11/11. " PacifiCorp continues with dam removal preparations, Capital Press 3/4/11 California judge approves Klamath dam removal surcharge, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 2/25/11. "The ruling, issued by Judge Karen V. Clopton, approves PacifiCorp’s request to add a $13.76 million surcharge for its approximately 45,000 California customers to cover its obligation for dam removal costs under the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement." PacifiCorp, counties reach dam deal, H&N, posted to KBC 11/14/10. "Opponents of the dam removal had argued for years that local residents had been excluded from negotiations." Appeals court upholds Klamath power rate hike, Capital Press 10/5/10 KLAMATH OFF-PROJECT WATER USERS, INC. v. PACIFICORP, Sept. 29, 2010
RE: Requests for Rate
Increases Pacific Power, letter to Calif. PUC by
Marcia Armstrong,
Siskiyou County Supervisor District 5 9/3/10. " Pacific Power rate increase public comment PacifiCorp to raise rates, Capital Press, posted to KBC 1/29/10 PacifiCorp to resubmit water quality application, Mt Shasta News, Frank Galusha 8/14/08. "the Warren Buffett-owned subsidiary that operates several hydropower-producing dams on the Klamath intends to resubmit its request for certification, according Art Sasse, a PacifiCorp spokesperson." Klamath Dam transfer considered, PacifiCorp talking with government officials, H&N posted 6/11/08 PRESS RELEASE: PacifiCorp disputes California Energy Commission’s Klamath model and report, 3/12/07. "CA Energy Consulting’s evaluation found that the CEC’s model is riddled with errors in the inputs, methodology and key assumptions, and that these errors inappropriately bias the results of the model toward decommissioning." PacifiCorp PRESS RELEASE: PacifiCorp continues with Klamath licensing process, settlement discussions, posted to KBC 2/14/07, "PacifiCorp does not own enough generating capacity to supply its customers’ energy requirements. For this reason, the company highly values its dependable hydro resources. The Klamath Hydroelectric Project is the company’s third largest hydro project, and on average can supply the needs of 70,000 homes each year."