Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Thank you for the coverage from the cross hairs of the western water debate.
(Climate Change Adds Twist to Debate Over Dams)
Letter to NY Times by William Kennedy, Klamath Falls Farmer 4/27/07

The article misses two important points.
Please recognize that Klamath River hydroelectric infrastructure needs to be modernized. A settlement package can enhance renewable hydropower production that is free of greenhouse gases and will include other renewable power production.

The article also fails to explain the selective stance anti-farming, environmental groups take when it comes to these matters.  Where were they when family ranchers opposed a polluting, gas-fired generator proposed for Bonanza, Oregon? They were also silent when our local agricultural water association pushed to remove Chiloquin Dam, which blocks over 90% of the historical spawning habitat for endangered fish.

The re-licensing process is not about eliminating hydropower. It provides an ideal opportunity to modernize aging structures, provide wildlife habitat and promote a mix of many power options with irrigated agriculture.
William Kennedy
Lost River Ranch
Klamath Falls, OR
[email protected]
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