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POW doesn’t trust DFG’s “new” Strategic Vision Project

Fish and Game to hold Public Meetings on Strategic Vision Project 


The Department of Fish and Game (DFG) recently released the draft interim framework for the new Strategic Vision Project. Included in the document released to the public is an extensive appendix documenting what members of the working group have perceived to be problems within the department, coupled with possible solutions. This document does not reflect any consensus among the stakeholders, but rather reflects a variety of suggestions put forth by the numerous participants.

Now that this document has been made available to the public on www.vision.ca.gov, DFG has scheduled four public hearings across the state.  The objectives of the public meetings are to brief members of the public on the status of the California Fish and Wildlife Strategic Vision Project (where the process is at and upcoming next steps), briefly outline the contents of the draft interim framework and the common themes, and invite questions and comments on the draft interim strategic vision. The meeting schedule is as follows:

December 5 – Public Meeting (5:30 – 7:30 p.m.)

Port of San Diego

Administration Building, Training Room

3165 Pacific Highway

San Diego, CA   92101

December 6 – Public Meeting (5:30 – 7:30 p.m.)

Ontario Police Department

Community Room

2500 S. Archibald Avenue

Ontario, CA   91761

December 7 – Public Meeting (5:30 – 7:30 p.m.)

CalTrans Manchester Center

Yosemite Room 145

2015 E. Shields Avenue, Suite100

Fresno, CA   93726

December 8 – Public Meeting (5:30 – 7:30 p.m.)

Turtle Bay Museum

840 Sundial Bridge (Auditorium) Drive
Redding , California 96001

In addition to holding public meetings, DFG staff has also scheduled “virtual” office hours in the next few weeks for members of the public to call and ask questions at a scheduled time; webinar access is also provided for any questions about specific materials.  The office hours schedule is as follows:

November 29 – Office Hours (4:30-5:30 p.m.)

Toll-free number: 1-888-567-8166  or  Toll number: 1-517-968-8542

Access code: 742 424 7

Webinar: https://resources.webex.com/resources/j.php?ED=174380232&UID=494086762&RT=MiM0

December 2 – Office Hours (12:00-1:00 p.m.)

Toll-free number: 1-888-567-8166  or  Toll number: 1-517-968-8542

Access code: 742 424 7

Webinar: https://resources.webex.com/resources/j.php?ED=174380242&UID=494086762&RT=MiM0

December 13 – Office Hours (12:00-1:00 p.m.)

Toll-free number: 1-888-567-8166  or  Toll number: 1-517-968-8542

Access code: 742 424 7

Webinar: https://resources.webex.com/resources/j.php?ED=174380282&UID=494086762&RT=MiM0

CCA encourages participation in this public process, as the suggestions that are produced by this group in the final Strategic Vision will be presented to the legislature as a set of recommendations requiring legislative action. Should there be recommendations that CCA staff and members are not comfortable with, or, alternatively, suggestions which are supported by the membership, it will be important to be prepared for them to become bills in the upcoming legislative session. For more information from CCA, contact Margo Parks at (916) 444-0845 or by e-mail at [email protected].


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