Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

"Wearing many hats seems quite the norm anymore"
and related article.
Followed by McIntyre's threat to sue KBC.

"Wearing many hats seems quite the norm anymore,"  as submitted on our discussion forum regarding Rich McIntyre, 9/22/03.  (lodge owner, American Land Conservancy Consultant and coordinator, Water Watch Board of Directors Vice President, etc.


Buster Keester--from the discussion forum KBC's confusion regarding the "title" for...Mr. McIntyre
Mon Sep 22 2003 "Mr McIntyre is somewhat understandable; here's a sampling of some descriptions (as presented in each link's article"):
(1) Sports lodge owner working for American Land Conservancy: Lodge Owner/ALC worker
(2) American Land Conservancy Consultant (scroll down a few articles at link to read): ALC Consultant
(3)American Land Conservancy Coordinator: ALC Coordinator
(4)Oregon Trout/Lodge Owner (scroll to nearly end of article to read): Oregon Trout/Lodge Owner
(5)Water Watch Board of Directors (Vice President; scroll to end of article): Water Watch Board of Directors Vice President  "Wearing many hats seems quite the norm anymore...."

KBC adds (6) Upper Klamath Basin Working Group committee member.

Take a look at http://www.waterwatch.org --we are astounded at the untruths.  According to the USFWS, USBOR, and local scientists and refuge managers, agricultural runoff and pesticides have not been responsible for even one wildlife death or illness in the Klamath Basin refuges.. However, when the public believes those lies by a nonprofit such as Waterwatch, then they support paying a conservancy, such as ALC,  to buy out the farmers. The farmers, at the same time, are told by conservancy consultants and Water Watch board members,  that ALC is advocating a storage plan to help farmers get irrigation water. ---the farmers that ALC wants to buy out, and that Waterwatch wants to eliminate........ ???   go figure.......

Sept 18, 2003 article and audio regarding Rich McIntyre and the Barnes Property proposal:
Rich McIntyre, "consultant, not a real estate agent or broker", with American Land Conservancy, speaks about obtaining the Barnes Ranch for 'storage'.   Go HERE for story, and audio of McIntyre's comments regarding how much water, money, and water quality we are dealing with. Included are Klamath County Commissioner Elliott's comments on McIntyre and his proposal, and our  Congressmen's concerns and questions.

Barnes Ranch is a shallow, warm-water lake, requiring diking, and flooding neighboring properties.  With LONG LAKE studies for cold deep water storage in progress, ALC is urgently  pushing for the $9.1 deal in spite of its absurd and questionable assets.

For McIntyre's scathing letter against Klamath Water Users and their director, who are trying to preserve farms, ranches and the Klamath Basin economy, go HERE.

Threat of lawsuit by McIntyre to KBC

KBC regrets and retracts and apologizes for our mistake regarding the Barnes Ranch article (2 articles below this). Mr. McIntyre is not a 'real estate agent or broker', as we mistakenly wrote. He is a "consultant' (the KBC reporter did not know that there was a difference).
The following EMAIL says it's from RICH MCINTYRE

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:29 PM
Subject: KBC website mistake
This is Rich McIntyre.
On the KBC website, you have stated that I am a "real estate broker."  I normally disregard your bizarre, often humorous, and slanted rantings, but not this time. Remove that statement immediately, AND issue a retraction, or the next conversation will be with my attorney. I will presume this will be dealt with within 24 hours, or by 6pm Monday.
By the way, Barnes Ranch is, as you know, and ALC project, and, for the record, I am a consultant, not a real estate agent or broker.
Rich McIntyre
[email protected]
 cc: counsel
       Herald and News

From KBC to our readers: We at KBC do our best to get accurate information to you.  We use audio and direct quotes as much as possible so there will be no mistakes in our reporting.  We get input from Congressional offices, BLM, BOR, OSU, KWUA, Klamath County Commissioners,  colleges,  farmers, scientists, ranchers and fishermen, and make corrections whenever a mistake is brought to our attention.  We are  farmers doing our best to share the truth and the science to the best of our abilities.  We had no previous experience in journalism, webmastering, and real-estate terminology.. Please contact us when you see errors..we will correct them.






Page Updated: Saturday February 25, 2012 05:26 AM  Pacific

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