Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

735 Commercial Street I Suite 4000 I PO Box 1282 I Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601 I 541.850.2503 I 541.883.8893 fax I www.kwua.org



The Board of Directors of the Klamath Water and Power Agency (“KWAPA”) will hold a public meeting at the KWAPA office, 735 Commercial Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Tuesday, June 1st commencing at 12:30 p.m.

The agenda includes the following:

1)      Call to Order

2)      Approve agenda

3)      Approve minutes of previous meetings

4)      Financial Statement

5)      Outstanding invoices

6)      Project East Side program

a)      Horsefly ID plan

b)      Langell Valley ID plan

7)      WUMP

a)       Review summary of ground water program

b)       Review summary of land idling program

c)       If additional funds are secured, how shall they be applied?

d)       Shall KWAPA contract with Mid Basin to provide management of ground water contracts?

e)       Shall KWAPA contract with Lower Basin to provide management of California ground water contracts?

8)      KWUA has secured some funds to be used for domestic well interference mitigation.  Shall KWAPA administer this program?

9)      WUMP budget 2011, special instructions?

10)   KWAPA fiscal year change to be the same as federal fiscal year?

11)   Executive Director employment performance review and employment contract

12)   Other items and comments from audience

13)   Adjourn


TaraJane Campbell

Administrative Assistant

Klamath Water Users Association

Klamath Water and Power Agency

Klamath Falls, OR

Office (541) 883-6100

Fax (541)883-8893

[email protected]


Home Contact


              Page Updated: Saturday May 29, 2010 02:09 AM  Pacific

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