Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Agenda July 9, 2013 @ 12:30 PM, KWAPA Office 1. Call to Order Announcement: Welcome to KWAPA’s regularly scheduled Board of Director meeting this July 9, 2013. The audience has the right to observe and listen to the proceedings. Members of the public are advised to withhold from making comments until the public comment period, unless specifically called upon by the Chairman. Thank you for respecting the time of the Board and audience so that the business of KWAPA can be conducted in a timely manner. 2. Approve agenda 3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings 4. Financial Statement 5. Outstanding Invoices 6. WUMP a) Reclamation Procedures Review of WUMP b) Water Supply Outlook c) Program Operation i) Adjudication report ii) Groundwater Pumping report iii) Demand Management report iv) Evaluate impact on refuges 7. OPP 8. Next meeting date 9. Report from Greg Addington on June 20 D.C. discussion
Other items and Comments from Audience: 11. Adjourn
Also, KWAPA Board of Directors will meet jointly with the Klamath Water Users Association Board of Directors immediately following the conclusion of the above agenda. The agenda of topics to be discussed in this meeting is as follows:
Joint Meeting with Klamath Water and Power Agency Tuesday, July 9, 2013 KWUA Office 12:30 p.m.
2. Review and Approve Agenda
3. Announcements/Guest Reports 4. Previous Meeting Minutes a. Review and approve June Regular meeting minutes (Derry & Unruh must sign)***
5. Financials a. Treasurer Report b. Financials – Review & Receive monthly financial statements ***
6. Old Business: a. Operations Report i. Conditions, demand*** ii. Adjudication issues i. Motion for stay b. Klamath Water Hearing – Washington D.C., June c. Power i. Joint Power Committee meeting ii. Federal Power iii. Need for Consultant d. KWUA/KWAPA goals
7. New Business: a. BOR meeting with David Murillo b. Public Relations Committee
8. General Reading information a. Copy of revised KWUA scheduled meetings for July/August
Thank you.
Jennifer Watt Administrative Assistant Klamath Water & Power Agency 735 Commercial St., Ste 4000/ PO Box 1282 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Ph#: 541-850-2503 x1000 , Fax# 541-883-8893
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Page Updated: Wednesday July 03, 2013 04:03 AM Pacific
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