Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Tomorrow night on
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Defend Rural America
will continue to expose and analyze the threats that face Rural America

Starting at 6:00P PST
Sheriff Gil Gilbertson
and Sheriff Glenn Palmer
will discuss jurisdiction of public lands

Some 65% or more of the Western states are considered to be public lands. Increasingly, the federal government and the Executive branch's agents act as if they full and sole authority over how these lands and their resources are to be managed; follow land management policies that are radically different than the past and usually detrimental to local economies; and do this irrespective of the views of the people and communities that actually live and work there. Given these facts, and the fact the Constitution grants the federal government control only over a 10 square mile area known as the District of Columbia, it becomes fundamental to understand who actually has jurisdiction of such a huge and critical part of our nation's lands and resources. This is a topic Sheriff Gil Gilbertson of Josephine County, Oregon has studied and written about, and with which Sheriff Glenn Palmer deals with on a daily basis.

Starting at 7:00-7:15P PST
Ron Arteno
of the Central Valley Tea Party, Auberry Chapter
will discuss the critical benefits of hydroelectric dams

Using a variety of rationalizations, government plans to destroy a significant number of hydroelectric dams across our nation, including four dams on the Klamath River. We have taken dams and hydropower for granted for so long, we need a reminder of just how valuable these resources are. As a hydrologist that has worked on hydropower for 33 years, Ron Arteno is well qualified to educate us on this topic.

Please join Dr. Kate, Red Beckman, and guest-host Kirk MacKenzie for another chapter in this critical story.
Forward this announcement to anyone you believe may have an interest.

Regards, Kirk MacKenzie
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