Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.


To whom this may concern,

I came across your website while looking for a good wolf picture to sketch on the internet. I read through the page on wolves and other predators and I couldn't help but wonder why is there such a push to kill the wolves or drive them out. I am by no means a professional i am a 18 year old art student who loves the out doors and wildlife but also comes from a texas farm background. i feel that people fail to see that the wolf is an important part of the ecosystem, for example here in CT we have a great deer problem and have to kill a certain amount each year becuase their natural perdator the wolf was driven out way back. Yes i do also understan we are not a rancher state but i also read about a new solution a man is testing where a wolf pack's howls are recorded then played back for a while on the ranch property so far he has had great sucess in keeping wolf packs at bay. my only question is why do we have to drive them out or kill them why cant rancher and wildlife protecters work together to fid a good solution?

thank you for your time



 Hi Jenn,

In CT, you said you are killing deer because there is an abundance.

In Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho there is an abundance of wolves which have become so abundant and hungry they are killing cows and calves, horses, deer and elk, dogs and cats, sheep, attacking people, and killed a young man in Canada. CT is killing innocent deer that have not killed livestock and people. Deer are an important part of the ecosystem too, yet you seem to understand that they need to be thinned out.

Perhaps if you were a rancher and saw your livestock and horses massacred by packs of wolves, your puppies killed in front of your children, or your son mutilated and killed like Mr Carnegie, you would understand that some animals and people need to be protected and the wolves thinned out.

If it were your son? Your puppy? Your horse?

If you come up with a solution, please contact [email protected]  as they would be happy to hear your advice. You might want to join the blog: http://www.wolfcrossing.org/blog ; they are looking for constructive solutions.


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