the C.O.B. June 11, 2003
We must work together to stop the siting of the
C.O.B. Energy Facility near Bonanza, Oregon!
Please write or e-mail with your concerns.
Tell them ...
The energy facility would take too much land out of
agricultural use ... they should not
be allowed to do this especially where it is an
agricultural area, not an industrial area,
and not near to an industrial area.
The aquifer from which Babson well is
getting its water IS BELIEVED TO BE
CONNECTED to the shallower aquifer from which our
farm wells (and probably
many domestic wells) get water so company should
not be granted permit for the well.
We don't want the noise and air
pollution in Langell Valley.
Write to:
We need your support. Please!
Energy Facility Siting Council
Save Our Rural Oregon is an
c/o Cathy Van Horn
Oregon Nonprofit
Oregon Office of Energy
Mutual Benefit Corporation.
625 Marion St. NE, Suite 1
Salem, OR 97301-3742
Please mail your check to:
(503) 378-4041 or 1-800-221-8035
Save Our Rural Oregon
Fax: (503) 373-7806
P O Box 436
e-mail address:
[email protected]
Bonanza, Oregon 97623
News Flash !!!!!!!
We are making a difference !!!!!!!!!!!!
Peoples Energy of Chicago is proposing that
they amend their application and
build their facility as an air cooled plant which
will use 300 gallons of water per minute
instead of 7588 gallons of water per minute.
We would like to propose that
move their location to an industrial site closer to
Klamath Falls. Farm land is for
growing crops and raising livestock to feed America
.. to keep our food supply
healthy and sufficient, to keep our country strong
and independent! We do not
want land that is exclusive farm use to be rezoned
for an industrial site.
Move the C.O.B.
For information call:
Bill or Lyn
Brock (541) 545-1205
Mario or Diana Giordano (541)
545-6206 Carl or Susie
Gibson (541) 545-6227